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From the introduction: "This handbook provides the tactics, techniques, and procedures that may be applied by small unit leaders engaged in counterinsurgency. It is principally focused at the company and below. It describes the nature of insurgency and counterinsurgency, common insurgent approaches, preparation for counterinsurgency, mobilizing the populace, information and intelligence operations, and operations in a counterinsurgency environment. The handbook is not prescriptive but meant to inform. The specific aspects of each conflict combined with small unit leader judgment and initiative will drive how to apply the ideas within the handbook." Chapter 1: Overview; Chapter 2: Common Insurgent Approaches; Chapter 3: Preparation for Counterinsurgency; Chapter 4: Mobilizing the Populace; Chapter 5: Information and Intelligence Operations; Chapter 6: Operations in a COIN Environment; Annex A: Patrol Search; Annex B: Basic Observation Skills; Annex C: The Twenty-Eight Articles - Fundamentals of Company-level Counterinsurgency; Annex D: Improvised Explosive Devices. Originally published in 2006. 136 pages. ill.
this is the full color edition.Marine Corps Operating Concepts for a Changing Security Environment describes Marine Corps forces that will be organized, based, trained and equipped for forward presence, security cooperation, counterterrorism, crisis response, forcible entry, prolonged operations and counterinsurgency. The Tentative Manual for Countering Irregular Threats: an Updated Approach to Counterinsurgency Operations, and Countering Irregular Threat-A Comprehensive Approach, elaborate on counterinsurgency operations at higher echelons of command. However, counterinsurgency is warfare characterized by small unit action. This handbook provides a guide for the small unit leader.Purpose: This handbook provides the tactics, techniques, and procedures that may be applied by small unit leaders engaged in counterinsurgency. It is principally focused at the company and below. It describes the nature of insurgency and counterinsurgency, common insurgent approaches, preparation for counterinsurgency, mobilizing the populace, information and intelligence operations, and operations in a counterinsurgency environment. The handbook is not prescriptive but meant to inform. The specific aspects of each conflict combined with small unit leader judgment and initiative will drive how to apply the ideas within the handbook. Understanding Insurgency: Insurgencies date to the earliest forms of government and will continue to exist as long as the governed harbor grievances against authority that they believe cannot be resolved by peaceful means. What is an insurgency? The Department of Defense (DOD) defines insurgency as "an organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through use of subversion and armed conflict." Simply put, an insurgency is a struggle between a non-ruling group and their ruling authority. Insurgents use political resources, to include the increased use of the media and international opinion, as well as violence to destroy the political legitimacy of the ruling authority and build their own political legitimacy and power.1 Examples of this type of warfare range from the American Revolution to the present situation in Iraq. The conflict itself can range from acts of terrorism to the more conventional use of the media to sway public opinion. Whatever form the insurgency takes, it serves an ideology or political goal. What are the root causes of an insurgency? For an insurgency to flourish, a majority of the population must either support or remain indifferent to insurgent ideals and practices. There must be a powerful reason that drives a portion of the populace to armed opposition against the existing government. Grievances may have a number of causes, such the lack of economic opportunity, restrictions on basic liberties, government corruption, ethnic or religious tensions, or the presence of an occupying force. It is through this line of thought or ideal that insurgents attempt to mobilize the population. Understanding Counterinsurgency: What is counterinsurgency?-DOD defines counterinsurgency as "those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and civic actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency. Also called "COIN." The United States uses a wide breadth of national capabilities to defeat insurgencies through a variety of means. The Department of State (DOS), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) use country teams to generate strategic objectives and assist the host nation government. The military may support those efforts by employing conventional forces, in combination with Special Operations Forces (SOF), in a variety of activities aimed at enhancing security and/or alleviating causes of unrest.
From the introduction: "This handbook provides the tactics, techniques, and procedures that may be applied by small unit leaders engaged in counterinsurgency. It is principally focused at the company and below. It describes the nature of insurgency and counterinsurgency, common insurgent approaches, preparation for counterinsurgency, mobilizing the populace, information and intelligence operations, and operations in a counterinsurgency environment. The handbook is not prescriptive but meant to inform. The specific aspects of each conflict combined with small unit leader judgment and initiative will drive how to apply the ideas within the handbook". Chapter 1: Overview; Chapter 2: Common Insurgent Approaches; Chapter 3: Preparation for Counterinsurgency; Chapter 4: Mobilizing the Populace; Chapter 5: Information and Intelligence Operations; Chapter 6: Operations in a COIN Environment; Annex A: Patrol Search; Annex B: Basic Observation Skills; Annex C: The Twenty-Eight Articles - Fundamentals of Company-level Counterinsurgency; Annex D: Improvised Explosive Devices. Originally published in 2006. 136 pages. ill.
For the past decade, the U.S. Marine Corps and its sister services have been engaged in what has been termed "hybrid warfare," which ranges from active combat to civilian support. Hybrid warfare typically occurs in environments where all modes of war are employed, such as conventional weapons, irregular tactics, terrorism, disruptive technologies, and criminality to destabilize an existing order. In August 2010, the National Research Council established the Committee on Improving the Decision Making Abilities of Small Unit Leaders to produce Improving the Decision Making Abilities of Small Unit Leaders. This report examines the operational environment, existing abilities, and gap to include data, technology, skill sets, training, and measures of effectiveness for small unit leaders in conducting enhanced company operations (ECOs) in hybrid engagement, complex environments. Improving the Decision Making Abilities of Small Unit Leaders also determines how to understand the decision making calculus and indicators of adversaries. Improving the Decision Making Abilities of Small Unit Leaders recommends operational and technical approaches for improving the decision making abilities of small unit leaders, including any acquisition and experimentation efforts that can be undertaken by the Marine Corps and/or by other stakeholders aimed specifically at improving the decision making of small unit leaders. This report recommends ways to ease the burden on small unit leaders and to better prepare the small unit leader for success. Improving the Decision Making Abilities of Small Unit Leaders also indentifies a responsible organization to ensure that training and education programs are properly developed, staffed, operated, evaluated, and expanded.
This field manual establishes doctrine for military operations in a counterinsurgency (COIN) environment. It is based on lessons learned from previous counterinsurgencies and contemporary operations. It is also based on existing interim doctrine and doctrine recently developed. Counterinsurgency operations generally have been neglected in broader American military doctrine and national security policies since the end of the Vietnam War over 40 years ago. This manual is designed to reverse that trend. It is also designed to merge traditional approaches to COIN with the realities of a new international arena shaped by technological advances, globalization, and the spread of extremist ideologies--some of them claiming the authority of a religious faith. This is a comprehensive manual that details every aspect of a successful COIN operation from intelligence to leadership to diplomacy. It also includes several useful appendices that provide important supplementary material.
This guide is a compilation of decades of Special Forces knowledge and experience from the two Special Forces authors. Perfect size handbook for the cargo pocket to help small unit leaders properly plan operations in limited time and under stress. This guide will be timeless with the troops who understand having a pocket size planning guide.