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When reinforced concrete structure is subjected to earthquake loads, cracks will inevitably appear. A bond-slip occurs where cracks have developed. The influence of the bond-slip is not negligible on the lateral behavior of structures. Researchers have studied the bond-slip for the past four decades. Most studies investigated a relationship of the bond stress-slip experimentally and developed empirical equations. Among them, the equation developed by Ciampi (1981) has been widely used in design practice. Some earlier studies investigated each failure mode (Debonding or splitting failure) analytically without considering size effects. Other researchers studied the size effects on the bond-slip through experiments only. Design codes (ACI building codes and AASHTO bridge specifications) consider the size effects on the bond-slip by increasing the development length as the size of rebars increases. In this study, the size effects on the bond-slip are explored by analytical model developed herein, which is called SHC (Stacked Hollow Cone) model, in conjunction with CVBCM (Complex Variable Boundary Collocation Method). The governing failure mode and the maximum force with corresponding bond-slip at failure state can be predicted under various geometric conditions by this model. This analytical model provides a better understanding of the size effects on complicated bond-slip problems and predictions of the lateral behavior of a column become more accurate when the bond-slip is considered.
This book comprehensively covers corrosion and corrosion protection in China in the areas including infrastructure, transportation, energy, water environment, as well as manufacturing and public utilities. Furthermore, it presents a major consulting project of Chinese Academy of Engineering, which was the largest corrosion investigation project in Chinese history, including the corresponding methods, processes and corrosion protection strategies, and provides valuable information for numerous industries. Sharing essential insights into corrosion prediction and decision-making, this book will help to decrease costs and extend the service life of equipment and facilities; accordingly, it will benefit scientists and engineers working on corrosion research and protection, as well as economists and government employees.
An important new state-of-the-art report prepared by RILEM Technical Committee 108 ICC. It has been written by a team of leading international experts from the UK, USA, Canada, Israel, Germany, Denmark, South Africa, Italy and France. Research studies over recent years in the field of cement science have focused on the behaviour of the interfaces between the components of cement-based materials. The techniques used in other areas of materials science are being applied to the complex materials found in cements and concretes, and this book provides a significant survey of the present state of the art.
In December 1996, the then CEB established a Task Group with the main objective to elaborate design guidelines for the use of FRP reinforcement in accordance with the design format of the CEB-FIP Model Code and Eurocode2. With the merger of CEB and FIP into fib in 1998, this Task Group became fib TG 9.3 FRP Reinforcement for concrete structures in Commission 9 Reinforcing and Prestressing Materials and Systems. The Task Group consists of about 60 members, representing most European universities, research institutes and industrial companies working in the field of advanced composite reinforcement for concrete structures, as well as corresponding members from Canada, Japan and USA. Meetings are held twice a year and on the research level its work is supported by the EU TMR (European Union Training and Mobility of Researchers) Network "ConFibreCrete”. The work of fib TG 9.3 is performed by five working parties (WP): Material Testing and Characterization (MT&C) Reinforced Concrete (RC) Prestressed Concrete (PC) Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) Marketing and Applications (M&A) This technical report constitutes the work conducted as of to date by the EBR party. This bulletin gives detailed design guidelines on the use of FRP EBR, the practical execution and the quality control, based on the current expertise and state-of-the-art knowledge of the task group members. It is regarded as a progress report since it is not the aim of this report to cover all aspects of RC strengthening with composites. Instead, it focuses on those aspects that form the majority of the design problems. several of the topics presented are subject of ongoing research and development, and the details of some modelling approaches may be subject to future revisions. as knowledge in this field is advancing rapidly, the work of the EBR WP will continue. Inspite of this limit in scope, considerable effort has been made to present a bulletin that is today’s state-of-art in the area of strengthening of concrete structures by means of externally bonded FRP reinforcement.
The theory of reinforced concrete is based on stress transfer between steel and concrete. In order for the steel to develop its full yield force in tension, there should be some bond between that steel and the surrounding concrete. With the deformed bars, used in reinforced concrete construction since many decades, the problem of bond was the topic for many research programs dedicated for the investigation of the factors influencing that bond, Some of these factors are : bar size, cover thickness, spacing between embedded bars, and deformation properties of the bar itself. The objective of our research work was to investigate the effect of rib geometry or rib deformation properties on the bond-slip characteristics of deformed reinforcing bars. For that purpose, plain round Grade 60 bars 20.6 mm (0.811 in.) in diameter were machined to simulate #6 bars. Fifty six of these test bars were tested in eccentric pullout tests. The specimen was a concrete block with a 10-in. length and a 12in.xl2in. cross section. The bar was embedded along the 10-in. length and was loaded in tension until failure of the specimen in a V-notch splitting mode, where the test was halted. Such a short embedment length (10 in.^ for the test bar was chosen in order to avoid yielding of the bar and to minimize the difference in tensile stresses between the loaded-end and the free-end of the bar. The load and the free-end slip of the bar was monitored during the test. Seven series of pullout specimens were prepared and tested, and replicates were included to check the reliability of the test setup and the obtained results. In series ONE and FOUR, the main variable was the rib face angle where five rib face angles were investigated, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 degrees. The concrete compressive strength in series ONE was 3000 psi while in series SIX, it was 6000 psi. The main variable in series TWO and FIVE was the rib spacing. Five values of rib spacings were investigated, 0.3 in. (0.37 db), 0.35 in. (0.43 dO, 0.4 in. (0.49 db), 0.45 in. (0.55 db), and 0.5 in. (0.62 db). The rib height was investigated in series THREE and SIX with two different concrete compressive strengths, 3000 and 6000 psi respectively. Four values of rib heights were investigated; 0.04 in. (0.05 db), 0.06 in. (0.074 db), 0.08 in. (0.1 db), and 0.1 in. (0.124 db). Based on the test results of the first six series, the values for the variables in the seventh series were decided upon. In this last series, the rib spacing was kept constant and equal to 0.4 in. (0.49 db), and four combinations of rib face angles and rib heights were tested. The first two combinations had a rib face of 45 degrees and two different rib heights, 0.06 in. (0.074 db) and 0.08 in. (0.1 db), while the other two had a rib face angle 60 degrees with two different rib heights, 0.06 in. (0.074db) and 0.08 in. (0.1 db).
The objectives of this investigation were to study the strength and behavior of slowly (statically) loaded reinforced concrete slab-column connections and to determine the effect of rapid (dynamic) loading on the strength and behavior by comparison with the static test results. Nineteen full-scale models of a connection and adjoining slab area, consisting of a simply supported slab 84 or 94 inches square and 6-1/2 inches thick loaded concentrically on a 10- or 20-inch-square stub column at the center of the slab, were tested. The main variables were the amounts of reinforcement in the slab (p = 0.75 and 1.50 percent), the column size, and the loading speed. Eight specimens were loaded to failure statically, two were subjected to a very rapidly applied load of short duration, and nine were loaded to failure by a rapidly applied load with a rise time chosen to represent the conditions in a blast-loaded structure. The static test results are compared with 12 shear strength prediction methods. Differences between the mechanism of shear failure in slabs and beams are examined. (Author).
Despite the on-going intensity of research in the field of protective structural design, one topic that has been largely ignored in the literature is the effect of high strain rates on the bond between reinforcing steel and the surrounding concrete. Therefore, a comprehensive research program was undertaken to establish the effect of high strain rates on reinforced concrete bond. The experimental research consisted of the construction and testing of fourteen flexural beam-end bond specimens and twenty-five lap-spliced reinforced concrete beams. The physical and material properties of the specimens were selected based on a range of design parameters known to significantly influence bond strength. In order to establish a baseline for comparison, approximately half of the total number of specimens were subjected to static testing, while the remainder were subjected to dynamic loading generated using a shock tube. The strain rates generated using the shock tube were consistent with those obtained for mid- and far-field explosive detonation. Results of the beam-end and lap splice beam tests showed that the flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete was significantly stronger and stiffer when subjected to dynamic loading. Furthermore, the high strain rate bond strength was always greater than the corresponding low strain rate values, yielding an average dynamic increase factor (DIF) applied to ultimate bond strength of 1.28. Analysis of the low and high strain rate test results led to the development of empirical expressions describing the observed strain rate sensitivity of reinforced concrete bond for spliced and developed bars with and without transverse reinforcement. The predictive accuracy of the proposed DIF expressions was assessed against the experimental results and data from the literature. It was found that the dynamic bond strength of reinforced concrete can be predicted with reasonably good accuracy and that the proposed DIF expressions can be used for analysis and design of protective structures. An analytical method was also developed to predict the flexural load-deformation behaviour of reinforced concrete members containing tension lap splices. The analysis incorporated the effect of reinforcement slip through the use of pseudo-material stress-strain relationships, in addition to giving consideration to the effect of high strain rates on bond-slip characteristics and on the material properties of concrete and steel. A comparison of the analytical predictions with experimental data demonstrated that the proposed analysis technique can reasonably predict the flexural response of beams with tension lap splices. The results also demonstrated that the model is equally applicable for use at low- and high-strain rates, such as those generated during blast and impact.