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Six Million Crucifixions traces the history of antisemitism in Christianity, the role of the Christian churches during the Holocaust, and a legal analysis of what a potential indictment against the Church and clergy who may have been guilty of crimes before and during WWII might have looked like in the post-war years.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Judas was characterised in film as the epitome of evil: the villainous Jew. Film-makers cast Judas in this way because this was the Judas that audiences had come to recognize and even expect. But in the following three decades, film-makers - as a result of critical biblical study - were more circumspect about accepting the alleged historicity of the Gospel accounts. Carol A. Hebron examines the figure of Judas across film history to show how the portrayal becomes more nuanced and more significant, even to the point where Judas becomes the protagonist with a role in the film equal in importance to that of Jesus'. Hebron examines how, in these films, we begin to see a rehabilitation of the Judas character and a restoration of Judaism. Hebron reveals two distinct theologies: 'rejection' and 'acceptance'. The Nazi Holocaust and the exposure of the horrors of genocide at the end of World War II influenced how Judaism, Jews, and Judas, were to be portrayed in film. Rehabilitating the Judas character and the Jews was necessary, and film was deemed an appropriate medium in which to begin that process.
In 1583 in Vienna, a 16-year-old girl suffered stomach cramps. A team of Jesuits exorcized her for eight weeks. The priests announced that they had expelled 12,652 demons from her, demons that her grandmother had kept as flies in glass jars. The grandmother was tortured into confessing that she was a witch who had engaged in sex with Satan. She was then burned at the stake. This was one of perhaps one million such executions during three centuries of witch-hunts. In 1989 in Moradabad, India, a pig caused hundreds of people to kill one another when the animal walked through a Muslim holy ground. Muslims, who think pigs are an embodiment of Satan, accused Hindus of driving the pig into the sacred spot. Members of both faiths went on a rampage, stabbing and clubbing. The pig riot spread to a dozen cities and left two hundred dead. A squad of armed Islamic zealots raided a Christian church at Behawalpur, Pakistan, on October 28, 2001, killing the minister, fourteen worshipers, and the church's police guard. It is said that there is never enough religion in the world to make people love one another--just enough to make them hate one another. Incendiary blends of fundamentalist religion, politics, nationalism, and ethnic zealotry engender countless examples of atrocity in the name of faith and orthodoxy. If anything, religious persecution is more savage now than everbefore in the history of mankind. HOLY HORRORS chronicles the grim spectrum of religious persecution from ancient times to the present. Fully illustrated with drawings, woodcuts, and photographs, the book recounts such historic religious persecution as the Crusades, the Islamic jihads, the Catholic wars against heretics, the Inquisition, witch-hunts, and the Reformation. It also chronicles modern-day atrocities, including the Holocaust, the seemingly insoluble Catholic-Protestant schism in Northern Ireland, religious tribalism in in Lebanon, and the barbaric cruelty of the theocracy in Iran.
The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world. Alexander Solzhenitsyn In this penetrating and provocative work, Jonas E. Alexis challenges common assumptions about the relationship between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism and provides compelling evidence from history and theology that demonstrates the extent to which modern Judaism has been defined by the Pharisaic and Rabbinic schools of thought. As Alexis meticulously documents, there has been a constant struggle between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism since the time of Christ, a struggle that will define the destiny of the West. Islam, according to Christianity, is a historically and theologically false religion, since it denies both Jesus's deity and His work of salvation at the Cross. But Rabbinic Judaism, Alexis argues, is equally false and in many respects more dangerous to Christianity and the West than Islam, since at its root Rabbinic Judaism wages war against the Logos, the system of order in the world embodied by Christ. In this painstakingly scholarly yet readable work, Alexis maintains that Rabbinic Judaism, defined by the Pharisaic teachings (now codified in the Talmud) that Jesus sought to correct, is a categorical and metaphysical rejection of Christianity, a rejection that has had and will continue to have severe implications for Western culture, intellectual history, and theological exegesis.
Child and Cross from the beginning puts children in the center, listening to how they perceive the man on the cross. Three initial chapters trace the life of this Jesus bar Abbas according to highly respected sources, in a very human, down-to-earth way from mother's womb to rebels' cross. How the picture of the rabbi's deadly torture became the obsessive icon of the West and in an "automatic and preconscious" way (Melvin Lerner) continues working as the learning tool for Jew-hate is explained thanks to the sensitivity of psychologists like Søren Kierkegaard, Jean Piaget and Helena Antipoff, exposed in 73 pictures. The return of Passion details in Christian views of Jews, the reenactment of those scaring details in thousand years of "just punishment", racism as product of inquisition, the still solid cross taboo in Germany, the complex of cross and Zionism and the kafkaesque cross judgement of the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg are examined while the human obsession with sacrifice itself gets analyzed in "The Lamb on Cross" whose pegged legs shaped western use of animals more than this Nazarene who in his last action fought precisely animal sacrifice. The final exam "Why Johanna fed him vanilla cake and other child's play questions" intends to sensitize the reader once again concerning the child & cross issue, well in accordance with the Galilean who "called a child and set him in their midst ..." Thus Child and Cross is mainly a) an exemplary study about the power of visual images and for respecting children's empathic ways of viewing this world; b) a consistent, comprising and explaining analysis of anti-Judaism by taking serious those human beings that academic research of "anti-Semitism" deems too small and childish to deal with; c) a contribution to Christian-Muslim-Jewish dialogue by detailed elaboration of not only the Christian symbol's role in the anti-Judaism that led to Zionism and thus to Gaza, but also of the connecting potential of this man from Galilee whom Matthew (27:16-17 in original Greek wording) calls Jesus bar Abbas; and d) a human rehabilitation of this Bar Abbas ("Son of Father") and his relatives, especially his brother Judas.
Stephen M. Miller’s journalistic approach to Bible knowledge is fascinating—and has sold over two million copies of his books! Now Miller has set his sights on crucifixion, gathering firsthand testimony from ancient witnesses to discover, What does it really mean that Jesus was executed on a Roman cross? You’ll examine the historical context for your faith as seen through first-century eyes—and draw closer to Jesus in gratefulness, godly sorrow, and awe.
A person can be brought into bondage in two different ways: by force or by his own will. Force is a crude way of bringing a person into submission, but using the persons own free will can be done sophistically and covertly. Under the banner of democracy and freedom, America has been under the bondage of what E. Michael Jones has aptly called sexual liberation and political control for over fifty years. In the first two volumes of the trilogy, Alexis explored these ideological themes. In this last volume, he expands on some of those pernicious ideas, emphasizing how Zionism, for over sixty years, has shaken the moral, philosophical, and intellectual foundation of much of Western culture. The Iraq War alone will cost America at least six trillion dollars, and as if to prove that America is still in bondage, the oppressors continue to use sophisticated means to seduce Americans so that perpetual wars will never cease to exist in the Middle East and in much of the world. This book will seek to address these and related issues and, in the process, tell us something about the fundamental nature of reality and how to approach this cosmic conflict, which has dominated the West for over a thousand years.
Revised, B&W version of the previous full colour book. A Dialogue of Suffering Between the Crucifixion and the Holocaust is a curriculum designed to be used for personal use or small study groups. This book also contains many pictures of the Fountain of Tears. Not meant to be an intellectual exercise, this study tool delves deeper in the connection and similarities that exist between the Crucifixion and the Holocaust. The material is based on the 'The Fountain of Tears', a sculptured dialogue of suffering between the Crucifixion and the Holocaust. Don't expect to find clear-cut answers, but allow God the Father to share His tears one layer at a time, in the questions.
New York Times Bestseller: A “deeply researched” exposé of the money and the clerics-turned-financiers at the heart of the Vatican (Chicago Tribune). From a master chronicler of legal and financial misconduct, a magnificent investigation nine years in the making, God’s Bankers traces the political intrigue of the Catholic Church in “a meticulous work that cracks wide open the Vatican’s legendary, enabling secrecy” (Kirkus Reviews). Decidedly not about faith, belief in God, or religious doctrine, this book is about the church’s accumulation of wealth and its byzantine financial entanglements across the world. Telling the story through two hundred years of prelates, bishops, cardinals, and the popes who oversee it all, Gerald Posner uncovers an eyebrow-raising account of money and power in one of the world’s most influential organizations. God’s Bankers is a revelatory and astounding saga marked by poisoned business titans, murdered prosecutors, and mysterious deaths written off as suicides; a carnival of characters from popes and cardinals to financiers and mobsters to kings and prime ministers; and a set of moral and political circumstances that not only clarify the church’s aims and ambitions, but reflect the larger tensions of more recent history. Posner also assesses Pope Francis’s potential to overcome the resistance to change in the Vatican’s Machiavellian inner court and rein in the excesses of its seemingly uncontrollable financial quagmire. “As exciting as a mystery thriller” (Providence Journal), this book reveals with extraordinary precision how the Vatican has evolved from a foundation of faith to a corporation of extreme wealth and power. “Reads like a sprawling novel, full of complex characters and surprising twists. . . . Readers interested in issues involving religion and international finance will find Posner’s work a compelling read.” —Library Journal “An extraordinarily intricate tale of intrigue, corruption and organized criminality. . . . Posner’s gifts as a reporter and storyteller are most vividly displayed in a series of lurid chapters on the American archbishop Paul Marcinkus, the arch-Machiavellian who ran the Vatican Bank from 1971-1989.” —The New York Times Book Review
The book analyses the current problems in South Africa. Many people are seeing that unemployment and the plight of the masses will reach the point of no return. The gradual decline of the economy is due to various factors, but is exacerbated by corruption and lack of responsibility and accountability. South Africa has reached a 50 year low in productivity, due to affirmative action, BEE and the perception of "life owes me". The current "war" between management and labour (for higher wages) will continue. The threat of retrenchments will become a reality. All the gold mines will follow. The falling gold price predicts this. All of this, leads to only one thing, our mutual enemy, unemployment.