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Accompanying an exhibition of English silver in the Moscow Kremlin Museums, where sixteenth- and seventeenth-century silver is housed. The silver items - a large water pot with snake-shaped flagon shaped like a leopard, and more - exemplify the developing ties between England and Russia.
Russia and the Dutch Republic, 1566–1725: A Forgotten Friendship outlines how the Netherlands had an outsized impact on the early development of Russia into a Great Power in the course of the seventeenth century. Although this influence is usually associated with Peter the Great’s reign, the author argues that much of it predates Peter’s accession to the tsarist throne. Kees Boterbloem explores the origins and development of the narrow ties the United Provinces (Dutch Republic) and the Russian Empire maintained in the early modern age, weighing their political, military, economic, and cultural significance for world history.
In 1552, Muscovite Russia conquered the city of Kazan on the Volga River. It was the first Orthodox Christian victory against Islam since the fall of Constantinople, a turning point that, over the next four years, would complete Moscow’s control over the river. This conquest provided a direct trade route with the Middle East and would transform Muscovy into a global power. As Matthew Romaniello shows, however, learning to manage the conquered lands and peoples would take decades. Russia did not succeed in empire-building because of its strength, leadership, or even the weakness of its neighbors, Romaniello contends; it succeeded by managing its failures. Faced with the difficulty of assimilating culturally and religiously alien peoples across thousands of miles, the Russian state was forced to compromise in ways that, for a time, permitted local elites of diverse backgrounds to share in governance and to preserve a measure of autonomy. Conscious manipulation of political and religious language proved more vital than sheer military might. For early modern Russia, empire was still elusive—an aspiration to political, economic, and military control challenged by continuing resistance, mismanagement, and tenuous influence over vast expanses of territory.
On the basis of newly-discovered Russian and British archival sources, Prof. Kaplan makes important scholarly contributions to 18th-cent. economic history. He demonstrates that there was not only a symbiotic economic relationship between Russia and Great Britain, but also that Russia contributed greatly to Britain's industrial revolution and its imperial strategic military and political power during the second half of the 18th cent. Kaplan is the first to estimate the real balance of payments between the two countries. Kaplan's meticulous analysis of Anglo-Russian commercial treaties as well as Russian tariffs, which were intended to undermine them, reveals policies that both countries undertook to advance their respective maritime and mercantile power. Charts and tables.
In English Trade and Adventure to Russia in the Early Modern Era, Maria Salomon Arel revisits Anglo-Russian trade in first half of the seventeenth century. Drawing on largely neglected Russian and English sources, she reconstructs the history of the Muscovy Company in a period of expanding opportunities for foreigners in Russia and of tightening links between regional markets across the globe. In her strongly revisionist telling, the Company successfully rebuilt in the aftermath of the devastating Time of Troubles, securing its uniquely privileged position in the Russian market at the hands of a newly installed tsar and Romanov dynasty keen to revive the country’s decimated economy through the stimulus of foreign trade. Meanwhile, on the London end of a trade clearly deemed relevant to commercial and shipping interests increasingly dependent on Russian naval stores and invested in the Russian re-export trades to and from the Mediterranean and Asia, the Company restructured its organization and finances with crucial royal support in furtherance of the ‘public good’ and early Stuart dynastic honor. As Arel documents, by the 1630s-40s, English trade to Russia was flourishing, as seen in the growing number of Muscovy Company men active all along the Moscow-Archangel route, their substantial commercial infrastructure, extensive supply networks among a broad swath of Russian merchants and traders, and prominent role in the exploitation of monopoly trades established to fill the tsar’s coffers with specie. The picture drawn by Arel overturns a traditional narrative on the Russia trade that has relegated the English to the shadows, demonstrating the tenacity and continued development of their enterprise at the intersection of English commercial expansion, Russian economic growth, and advancing globalization processes. Taking the narrative even further, the book opens up new perspectives and research directions by pointing to an incipient link between the Russian and transatlantic markets, while shifting the lens on the Anglo-Dutch relationship in the Russia trade away from the time-worn dichotomy of cutthroat competition to a more nuanced understanding of mutual cooperation and business association between merchants on the ground, even in the face of commercial and territorial competition between nations.
Der Sammelband mit 30 Beitragen zur Fruhen Neuzeit der ostslavischen Geschichte bundelt internationale Forschungsergebnisse, die - zum Teil unter Einbeziehung neuer Archivquellen - zeigen, dass die wichtigsten Phanomene der Moderne alle ihre Wurzeln in den hier behandelten Jahrhunderten haben. Dabei finden verfassungspolitische Themen ebenso ihre Berucksichtigung wie konfessionelle, ideengeschichtliche, wirtschaftliche, bildungs- oder aussenpolitische Fragen. Neue kulturgeschichtliche Ansatze finden ihren Niederschlag zum einen in geschlechterspezifischen Beitragen, zum anderen in Aufsatzen zur Erinnerungskultur (z.B. die national-ukrainische Geschichte des 17. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel der Publizistik Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts). Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Auseinandersetzung mit dem fachlichen Vermachtnis des im Jahre 2000 verstorbenen Professor Hans-Joachim Torkes.
This work is the first comprehensive assessment of Russia's foreign trade flows and economic growth in the seventeenth century. By demonstrating the growing openness of the economy, it reveals a key element in Russia's rise to great power status.
William A. Pettigrew and David Veevers put forward a new interpretation of the role Europe’s overseas corporations played in early modern global history, recasting them from vehicles of national expansion to significant forces of global integration. Across the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Pacific, corporations provided a truly global framework for facilitating the circulation, movement and exchange between and amongst European and non-European communities, bringing them directly into dialogue often for the first time. Usually understood as imperial or colonial commercial enterprises, The Corporation as a Protagonist in Global History reveals the unique global sociology of overseas corporations to provide a new global history in which non-Europeans emerged as key stakeholders in European overseas enterprises in the early modern world. Contributors include: Michael D. Bennett, Aske Laursen Brock, Liam D. Haydon, Lisa Hellman, Leonard Hodges, Emily Mann, Simon Mills, Chris Nierstrasz, Edgar Pereira, Edmond Smith, Haig Smith, and Anna Winterbottom.
This study commences with a simple question: how did Russia matter to England in the age of William Shakespeare? In order to answer the question, the author studies stories of Lapland survival, diplomatic envoys, merchant transactions, and plays for the public theaters of London. At the heart of every chapter, Shakespeare and his contemporaries are seen questioning the status of writing in English, what it can and cannot accomplish under the influence of humanism, capitalism, and early modern science. The phrase 'Writing Russia' stands for the way these English writers attempted to advance themselves by conjuring up versions of Russian life. Each man wrote out of a joint-stock arrangement, and each man's relative success and failure tells us much about the way Russia mattered to England.