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This volume is a revised translation of the complete text of Book Six about Diogenes of Sinope and the Cynics, taken from The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers written around AD 230 by the Graeco-Roman author Diogenes Laertius. The Life of Diogenes is accompanied by a detailed outline of Cynic philosophy, explaining Cynic doctrine and its significance for today's audience. Alongside the Life of Diogenes are accounts of other Cynics, including Antisthenes, Crates and Hipparchia. The works of the early Cynics have all been lost, and this text by Diogenes Laertius thankfully preserves an important range of quotations and references. Despite the Cynic's extreme stance, this idealistic philosophy still has a valid part to play in the face of the increasing materialism of our modern society, challenging us to re-evaluate our priorities. The nineteenth-century translation of C. D. Yonge has been substantially revised, and is supported by a new Introduction, Glossary of Names, Notes and Index.
Les premières fouilles archéologiques furent entreprises à Sinope entre 1951 et 1953. Des travaux ponctuels ont ensuite été menés, mais ce n'est qu'au début des années 90 que Sinope a connu un regain d'intérêt et que l'activité archéologique s'est développée à l'échelle internationale, avec tout d'abord les fouilles des ateliers amphoriques, puis divers programmes terrestres et sous-marins. Les Actes du Symposium international rassemblent les résultats de ces travaux, ainsi que les recherches consacrées à l'histoire de cette ville, depuis sa fondation jusqu'à la période seldjoukide, à ses productions artisanales, à son commerce et à ses relations avec le reste de la mer Noire.
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The tales of Diogenes, the Great Cynic Philosopher have delighted and enlightened all who have been fortunate enough to read of his deeds. Diogenes originated the then revolutionary concept of cosmopolitanism, insulted and won the admiration of Alexander the Great, and almost single handedly defined the Cynic Philosophy which eventually developed into the Stoic School. In his own life he journeyed from freeing his personal slave, to living in a clay barrel on the street, to being captured by pirates and becoming a slave himself. Considered the only true sage by the Stoics, none of Diogenes' many writings have survived, but details of his life and his teachings come in the form of anecdotes attributed to him in a number of scattered classical sources. This book is a complete collection of those early writings which thankfully have survived from antiquity to bring us these legends. The stories of Diogenes are surprising and funny, and at a deeper level they offer profound lessons through his piercing use of metaphor and symbolism. The instructions of Diogenes are just as relevant and sharp today as in his own time. True Power Books aims to provide a curated collection of history's most important writings in regards to the love of knowledge and personal growth presented clearly and without editorial additions, in the form of beautiful books worthy of display. To see the full collection, Amazon search: truepowerbooks
The life and teachings of Diogenes of Sinope, the Greek philosopher who gave rise to classical Cynicism, deserve careful consideration because of their relevance to contemporary ethical issues. The task of reconstructing the philosopher's life, however, is exceedingly difficult, because in his case, more than in those of other ancient philosophers, we must deal not only with the scarcity of reliable sources and testimonies, but also with the mountains of anecdotal and fictional accounts that are responsible for the creation of a veritable literary legend around the Cynic who once lived in a tub. This comprehensive study reconstructs his biography on the basis of classical and Arabic sources, identifies the main ideas and principles of his philosophy, and shows the application of his philosophical message for our contemporary world. It also includes an extensively annotated translation of Diogenes Laertius' Life of Diogenes of Sinope, which is our principal source of information about the philosopher.