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This book results from various lectures given in recent years. Early drafts were used for several single semester courses on singular perturbation meth ods given at Rensselaer, and a more complete version was used for a one year course at the Technische Universitat Wien. Some portions have been used for short lecture series at Universidad Central de Venezuela, West Vir ginia University, the University of Southern California, the University of California at Davis, East China Normal University, the University of Texas at Arlington, Universita di Padova, and the University of New Hampshire, among other places. As a result, I've obtained lots of valuable feedback from students and listeners, for which I am grateful. This writing continues a pattern. Earlier lectures at Bell Laboratories, at the University of Edin burgh and New York University, and at the Australian National University led to my earlier works (1968, 1974, and 1978). All seem to have been useful for the study of singular perturbations, and I hope the same will be true of this monograph. I've personally learned much from reading and analyzing the works of others, so I would especially encourage readers to treat this book as an introduction to a diverse and exciting literature. The topic coverage selected is personal and reflects my current opin ions. An attempt has been made to encourage a consistent method of ap proaching problems, largely through correcting outer limits in regions of rapid change. Formal proofs of correctness are not emphasized.
Contains well-chosen examples and exercises A student-friendly introduction that follows a workbook type approach
This book is a revised and updated version, including a substantial portion of new material, of our text Perturbation Methods in Applied Mathematics (Springer Verlag, 1981). We present the material at a level that assumes some familiarity with the basics of ordinary and partial differential equations. Some of the more advanced ideas are reviewed as needed; therefore this book can serve as a text in either an advanced undergraduate course or a graduate-level course on the subject. Perturbation methods, first used by astronomers to predict the effects of small disturbances on the nominal motions of celestial bodies, have now become widely used analytical tools in virtually all branches of science. A problem lends itself to perturbation analysis if it is "close" to a simpler problem that can be solved exactly. Typically, this closeness is measured by the occurrence of a small dimensionless parameter, E, in the governing system (consisting of differential equations and boundary conditions) so that for E = 0 the resulting system is exactly solvable. The main mathematical tool used is asymptotic expansion with respect to a suitable asymptotic sequence of functions of E. In a regular perturbation problem, a straightforward procedure leads to a system of differential equations and boundary conditions for each term in the asymptotic expansion. This system can be solved recursively, and the accuracy of the result improves as E gets smaller, for all values of the independent variables throughout the domain of interest. We discuss regular perturbation problems in the first chapter.
This is the first book published in English devoted solely to the boundary function method, which is one of the asymptotic methods. This method provides an effective and simple way to obtain asymptotic approximations for the solutions of certain ordinary and partial differential equations containing small parameters in front of the highest derivatives. These equations, called singularly perturbed equations, are often used in modeling. In addition to numerous examples, the book includes discussions on singularly perturbed problems from chemical kinetics and heat conduction, semiconductor device modeling, and mathematical biology. The book also contains a variety of original ideas and explicit calculations previously available only in journal literature, as well as many concrete applied problems illustrating the boundary function method algorithms. Quite general asymptotic results described in the book are rigorous in the sense that, along with the asymptotic algorithms, in most cases the theorems on estimation of the remainder terms are presented. A survey of results of Russian mathematicians on the subject is provided; many of these results are not well known in the West. Based on the Russian edition of the textbook by Vasil'eva and Butuzov, this American edition, prepared by Kalachev, differs in many aspects. The text of the book has been revised substantially, some new material has been added to every chapter, and more examples, exercises, and new references on asymptotic methods and their applications have been included.
This new edition incorporates new developments in numerical methods for singularly perturbed differential equations, focusing on linear convection-diffusion equations and on nonlinear flow problems that appear in computational fluid dynamics.
Perturbation methods are widely used in the study of physically significant differential equations, which arise in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Engineering.; Background material is provided in each chapter along with illustrative examples, problems, and solutions.; A comprehensive bibliography and index complete the work.; Covers an important field of solutions for engineering and the physical sciences.; To allow an interdisciplinary readership, the book focuses almost exclusively on the procedures and the underlying ideas and soft pedal the proofs; Dr. Bhimsen K. Shivamoggi has authored seven successful books for various publishers like John Wiley & Sons and Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The subject of this textbook is the mathematical theory of singular perturbations, which despite its respectable history is still in a state of vigorous development. Singular perturbations of cumulative and of boundary layer type are presented. Attention has been given to composite expansions of solutions of initial and boundary value problems for ordinary and partial differential equations, linear as well as quasilinear; also turning points are discussed. The main emphasis lies on several methods of approximation for solutions of singularly perturbed differential equations and on the mathematical justification of these methods. The latter implies a priori estimates of solutions of differential equations; this involves the application of Gronwall's lemma, maximum principles, energy integrals, fixed point theorems and Gåding's theorem for general elliptic equations. These features make the book of value to mathematicians and researchers in the engineering sciences, interested in the mathematical justification of formal approximations of solutions of practical perturbation problems. The text is selfcontained and each chapter is concluded with some exercises.
The analysis of singular perturbed differential equations began early in this century, when approximate solutions were constructed from asymptotic ex pansions. (Preliminary attempts appear in the nineteenth century [vD94].) This technique has flourished since the mid-1960s. Its principal ideas and methods are described in several textbooks. Nevertheless, asymptotic ex pansions may be impossible to construct or may fail to simplify the given problem; then numerical approximations are often the only option. The systematic study of numerical methods for singular perturbation problems started somewhat later - in the 1970s. While the research frontier has been steadily pushed back, the exposition of new developments in the analysis of numerical methods has been neglected. Perhaps the only example of a textbook that concentrates on this analysis is [DMS80], which collects various results for ordinary differential equations, but many methods and techniques that are relevant today (especially for partial differential equa tions) were developed after 1980.Thus contemporary researchers must comb the literature to acquaint themselves with earlier work. Our purposes in writing this introductory book are twofold. First, we aim to present a structured account of recent ideas in the numerical analysis of singularly perturbed differential equations. Second, this important area has many open problems and we hope that our book will stimulate further investigations.Our choice of topics is inevitably personal and reflects our own main interests.
This introductory graduate text is based on a graduate course the author has taught repeatedly over the last ten years to students in applied mathematics, engineering sciences, and physics. Each chapter begins with an introductory development involving ordinary differential equations, and goes on to cover such traditional topics as boundary layers and multiple scales. However, it also contains material arising from current research interest, including homogenisation, slender body theory, symbolic computing, and discrete equations. Many of the excellent exercises are derived from problems of up-to-date research and are drawn from a wide range of application areas.
The importance of mathematics in the study of problems arising from the real world, and the increasing success with which it has been used to model situations ranging from the purely deterministic to the stochastic, is well established. The purpose of the set of volumes to which the present one belongs is to make available authoritative, up to date, and self-contained accounts of some of the most important and useful of these analytical approaches and techniques. Each volume provides a detailed introduction to a specific subject area of current importance that is summarized below, and then goes beyond this by reviewing recent contributions, and so serving as a valuable reference source. The progress in applicable mathematics has been brought about by the extension and development of many important analytical approaches and techniques, in areas both old and new, frequently aided by the use of computers without which the solution of realistic problems would otherwise have been impossible.