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“Single Payer Won’t Save Us” looks at all the evidence about single payer healthcare systems including those here in the U.S. as well as in other countries. Single payer, universal health care, government healthcare, and the “public option” are all the same: the government is in charge of, in control of, and is responsible for your health care. Objective analysis leads to the conclusion that single payer will not work for Americans.
New York Times bestseller Business Book of the Year--Association of Business Journalists From the New York Times bestselling author comes an eye-opening, urgent look at America's broken health care system--and the people who are saving it--now with a new Afterword by the author. "A must-read for every American." --Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief, FORBES One in five Americans now has medical debt in collections and rising health care costs today threaten every small business in America. Dr. Makary, one of the nation's leading health care experts, travels across America and details why health care has become a bubble. Drawing from on-the-ground stories, his research, and his own experience, The Price We Pay paints a vivid picture of the business of medicine and its elusive money games in need of a serious shake-up. Dr. Makary shows how so much of health care spending goes to things that have nothing to do with health and what you can do about it. Dr. Makary challenges the medical establishment to remember medicine's noble heritage of caring for people when they are vulnerable. The Price We Pay offers a road map for everyday Americans and business leaders to get a better deal on their health care, and profiles the disruptors who are innovating medical care. The movement to restore medicine to its mission, Makary argues, is alive and well--a mission that can rebuild the public trust and save our country from the crushing cost of health care.
The entire eBook series, “Restoring Care to American Healthcare,” has led up to this one book: “The Cure for U.S. Healthcare–StatesCare and the Texas Model.” It starts with the root cause of why healthcare is failing and logically says: if federal control is the problem, the obvious and effective solution is to remove federal control. That approach is called StatesCare, where the healthcare system or structure in a state or group of states is decided by them, not Washington. After explaining how and why StatesCare will work, the book gives an example of what one state–Texas–might do with its freedom from federal control, a market-based system. The book emphasizes that other states might choose a different model, such as a single payer in California. State residents should be free to decide their own destiny rather than having Washington decide for them.
Fixing our critically ill healthcare system starts with the root cause: cancer in the federal bureaucracy. The cure for that cancer is called StatesCare. The states know best how to provide health care for their people. The states should decide how to provide that care. Any “solution” from Washington is one size that most definitely does not fit all. California wants single payer. Texas wants market-based healthcare. Why should the federal government tell them, No Can Do? The answer is StatesCare, where states decide healthcare for themselves, and We the People are in charge. A model of market-based healthcare system is described that the Lone Star State (and others) might favor. Neither Washington nor third-party insurance is in charge, as the patient decides both spending and medical care. The Lone Star market-based system, called TexasCares, offers both affordable and readily accessible health care. States might choose a different approach. StatesCare lets them decide what they want, not what Washington mandates for them.
Our Allies Have Become Our Enemies: You Need This Book to Protect Yourself … From Healthcare! The system that is supposed to nurture, protect and restore you is actually a leach, not a life-saver. Your trusted ally is in fact your fierce enemy. How did this happen? What must you do to protect yourself and your loved ones? In Our Allies Have Become Our Enemies, you will see how healthcare people and organizations originally created to serve you have turned into piranhas. • The system feeds off of you. • Your doctors has no time for you, by law! • The sicker you are, the more money hospitals and Big Pharma get. • Insurance makes profit by denying, delaying or deferring needed care. • And Washington, well, wait till you feel the bite of its BARRC! In Our Allies Have Become Our Enemies, you see how all this happened and what you must do in your own defense. The first step is the hardest: Trust no one, not even me. Depend only on yourself. Demand evidence from anyone who claims to act in your best interest—doctor, politician or advocate. The only person you should trust is…You. Our Allies Have Become Our Enemies is where you start your journey of truth to get the health care, two words—the service, you and your family need.
"The painful truth is here! “Washington’s BARRC Is Its Bite” proves that so-called public servants in D.C. are indeed serving us: we are their dinner and dessert! Politicians create BARRC—bureaucracy, administration, rules, regulations, and compliance—and their BARRC consumes the resources that people desperately need. Washington says: We are simply doing what must be done in your best interests. “Washington’s BARRC Is Its Bite” describes how previous government solutions to U.S. healthcare problems have made our system sicker not better; how “free” BARRC is incredibly expensive (a bill that we all must pay); and how BARRC in healthcare hurts the very people it claims to protect. “Washington’s BARRC Is Its Bite” concludes on a positive note. It proves that better and cheaper are possible in healthcare—simply cut the BARRC."
This is Book 3 in the series called "Restoring Care to American Healthcare." It exposes the true reason why our healthcare system keeps getting worse.
Long thought of as an idealistic but unrealistic proposition promoted by far-left activists, single-payer health care has become a major discussion point across the political landscape. Bernie Sanders made it a central focus of his insurgent 2016 run for the Democratic presidential nomination against Hillary Clinton. House Democrats' messaging on health care in the 2018 midterm elections, and the burgeoning campaign for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, have elevated single-payer even further, bringing the issue to the center of American politics. Surprisingly, however, few books have examined the impact of a single-payer health care system in depth--and most of those that have done so come from a leftist perspective supporting this dramatic change. This vacuum in the current literature cries out for a work making the case against single payer--one which educates the American people about the damaging effects of this proposed health care takeover. Written for a broad audience ranging from interested citizens to leaders in the conservative movement, The Case Against Single Payer will explain the harmful implications of giving the federal government unfettered control of the health care system.
A government takeover of the US health care system has never looked more plausible. Support for the idea is at an all-time high. Two-thirds of Democratic voters favor “single-payer” health care; even one in four Republicans is on board. In this Broadside, Sally C. Pipes makes the case against single-payer by offering evidence of its devastating effects on patients in Canada, the United Kingdom, and even the United States. Long wait times, substandard care, lack of access to innovative treatments, huge public outlays, and spiraling costs are endemic to single-payer. Those are hardly outcomes we should consider foisting upon the American health care system.