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Observations of TeV gamma rays enable investigation of extreme, high-energy astrophysical environments. Of the identied TeV sources within the Galaxy, the largest number are pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe), formed by the shocked wind of relativistic leptons emitted by a pulsar and conned by the surrounding medium, with broadband emission arising from synchrotron and inverse Compton mechanisms. PWNe exhibit a wide range of morphologies as a result of a complex evolution, depending on the properties of the parent pulsar and conning medium. This work describes the discovery of gamma-ray emission from the PWN within the supernova remnant (SNR) CTA 1 by the VERITAS telescope array. By imaging the Cherenkov light from gamma-ray induced atmospheric showers, VERITAS revealed an extended TeV nebula surrounding the pulsar PSR J0007+7303. Comparison of the observed properties with known PWN, along with a one-zone model, suggests a recent interaction with the SNR reverse shock and allows for an estimate of the average nebular magnetic eld strength. No signicant energy-dependent morphology is seen. A multi-zone, cylindrically symmetric model is created to investigate tailed-out PWN morphology, accounting for multiple mechanisms for particle transport and cooling. The model is applied to the CTA 1 data, with a limited search of the parameter space performed to t the observed spectrum and extent. Possible improvements to the model performance are discussed.
Abstract: The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) [gamma]-ray observatory detects cosmic- and [gamma]-rays in the TeV energy range. HAWC was recently upgraded with a sparse detector array (the outrigger array), which increases the instrumented area by a factor of 4-5 and will improve the sensitivity at energies greater than 10 TeV. This thesis consists of a number of contributions towards the improvement of the performance of HAWC at the highest energies and the study of a prominent high energy source, 2HWC J2019+367. To decide on components of the outrigger array, simulation input is provided. A new Monte Carlo template-based reconstruction method for air shower arrays is developed. It reconstructs the core location and energy of [gamma]-ray showers. The goodness of fit of the method is utilised to separate the cosmic- and [gamma]-ray showers. This method significantly improves the HAWC shower reconstruction and combines the reconstruction of HAWC and the outrigger array. In-depth spectral and morphological studies of 2HWC J2019+367 are performed. 2HWC J2019+367 shows a hint of energy-dependent morphology. A new HAWC source is discovered in the vicinity associated with VER J2016+371. The preferred direction of the X-ray and TeV emission indicates their association, and their combined spectral modelling show that 2HWC J2019+367 is likely to be the TeV pulsar wind nebula of PSR J2021+3651.