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How the Body Hijacks the Mind "This book, like everything Jacquelyn Sheppard sets her mind to accomplish, is a work of wisdom." Penelope Edwards-Conrad, M.D., Integrative Neurologist Do you feel like depression, anxiety, or addiction have hijacked your life? Mental and emotional disorders impact every part of societyand disrupt life for even the most spiritually devout, intelligent and respected people. Unfortunately, many who suffer from these devastating disorders seek healing through costly, and sometimes harmful, counseling and medicationsmeasures which may bring temporary relief but do not fully correct the underlying problem. Jacquelyn Sheppard exposes the vital connection between your body, mind, and spiritand gives you practical tools to: understand the connection between your mind and body and discover root causes for such illnesses as depression, addiction, bipolar disorder, OCD, and others. identify the life cycles of each disorder prenatal, childhood, adolescence and adulthood so you can overcome each cycle using the right tools. gain practical know-how to effectively combat these disorders through life-giving steps of health transformation. Silent Takeover delivers ancient wisdom, accessible science, simple nutrition, and life experience while providing a clear blueprint to help you pioneer a new life.
Named one of the best books of the year by The Sunday Times of London, and already a bestseller in England, Noreena Hertz's The Silent Takeover explains how corporations in the age of globalization are changing our lives, our society, and our future -- and are threatening the very basis of our democracy. Of the world's 100 largest economies, fifty-one are now corporations, only forty-nine are nation-states. The sales of General Motors and Ford are greater than the GDP (gross domestic product) of the whole of sub-Saharan Africa, and Wal-Mart now has a turnover higher than the revenues of most of the states of Eastern Europe. Yet few of us are fully aware of the growing dominance of big business: newspapers continue to place news of the actions of governments on the front page, with business news relegated to the inside pages. But do governments really have more influence over our lives than businesses? Do the parties for which we vote have any real freedom of choice in their actions? Already sparking intense debate in England and on the Continent, The Silent Takeover provides a new and startling take on the way we live now and who really governs us. The widely acclaimed young socio-economist Noreena Hertz brilliantly and passionately reveals how corporations across the world manipulate and pressure governments by means both legal and illegal; how protest, be it in the form of the protesters of Seattle and Genoa or the boycotting of genetically altered foods, is often becoming a more effective political weapon than the ballot-box; and how corporations in many parts of the world are taking over from the state responsibility for everything from providing technology for schools to healthcare for the community. While the activities of business, frequently under pressure from the media and the consuming public, can range from the beneficial to the pernicious, neither public protest nor corporate power is in any way democratic. What is the fate of democracy in the world of the silent takeover? The Silent Takeover asks us to recognize the growing contradictions of a world divided between haves and have-nots, of gated communities next to ghettos, of extreme poverty and unbelievable riches. In the face of these unacceptable extremes, Noreena Hertz outlines a new agenda to revitalize politics and renew democracy.
Ever since the Apostle John coined the Antichrist title 2,000 years ago, it has been misidentified more often than not. This plays right into Satan's hand of disinformation and deception. Find out exactly who the Antichrist is, how the Devil has used this principle subject to persecute God's people, mislead mankind, and attempt to set up a clandestine New World Order to compete with Jesus upon his return. The battle of evil and good is well underway now and will culminate in the War of Armageddon. Everyone must choose which side they are on. Knowing his techniques, specific individuals he is using, and how his secret organizations operate is critical, so that true Christians don't get fooled into being "marked" for destruction.
Selling Spirituality shows how spirituality today functions as a powerful commodity in the global marketplace, promising to soothe away the ills of modern life whilst functioning as a silent form of economic, cultural and political restraint.
Although Article 23(5) of EU Regulation 1/2003 provides that competition law fines ‘shall not be of a criminal law nature’, this has not prevented certain criminal law principles from finding their way into European Union (EU) competition law procedures. Even more significantly, the deterrent effect of competition law fines has led courts in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (UK), as well as the European Court of Human Rights, to conclude that competition law proceedings can lead to a criminal charge. This book offers the first book-length study of whether courts do indeed apply criminal law principles in competition law proceedings and, if so, how these principles are adapted to the needs and characteristics of competition law. Focusing on competition law developments (both legislative and judicial) over a period of twenty years in three jurisdictions – the Netherlands, the UK and the EU – the author compares how each of the following (criminal law) principles has emerged and been interpreted in each jurisdiction’s proceedings: freedom from self-incrimination; non bis in idem; burden and standard of proof; legality and legal certainty; and proportionality of sanctions. The author offers proposals involving both legislative and judicial actions, with examples of judges invoking criminal law principles to develop an appropriate level of safeguards in competition law proceedings. The book shows that criminal law can provide a rich source of inspiration for the judiciary on the appropriate level of legal safeguards in competition law proceedings. As such, it provides an important source of information and guidance for lawyers and judges dealing with competition law matters. "The work is well argued and well researched. Indeed, it is almost encyclopaedic in its use and citation of case law and secondary material....This book provides a valuable resource for anyone (whether as advocate, investigator, adjudicator or academic researcher) who wishes to understand how these criminal law principles are used in, and to protect those subject to, administrative law-based competition investigations.” Bruce Wardhaugh (Lecturer at the University of Manchester) Common Market Law Review, 2021, vol 58, issue 1, page 236
On his 50th birthday, arrogant playboy superstar Raaj Kumar gets into a verbal scuffle with the media gathered outside his house who question his inability to maintain romantic relationships. He decides to take a sabbatical and disappears off the grid to Chikkamagaluru. Suhaasini, an intern at the tabloid Muthodlur Blitz is assigned a difficult task - to track down Raaj and get an exclusive interview. Her research into Raaj's life uncovers a strange pattern; ill-fate follows every official ex-girlfriend of Raaj - each one either becomes mentally unstable or dies under mysterious circumstances. Determined to solve this mystery, Suhaasini vows to unravel this sinister web, unearthing dark secrets and evil schemes along the way. As she gets closer to the truth, the death of key players and an attack to silence her only drives Suhaasini to keep on digging. Will she succeed? Will the culprit be brought to justice? And what will be the cost of her persistence to expose the truth?
More and more people around the world are protesting to defend their rights, resist injustice or oppose undemocratic rule. In this book, April Carter debates the nature and meaning of such protest and discusses the relationship between direct action and people's claims for greater democratic control, not only against repressive regimes but also in liberal parliamentary states. The book begins by looking at non-violent direct action in historical context, tracing its evolution from the end of the Second World War to the present day. It examines the association between direct action and the social movements of recent decades and charts its role in the new global movement against neo-liberal economic policies. The second part of the book relates direct action to political theory to ascertain how it fits with theories of liberal, republican and deliberative democracy. It goes on to consider socialist and cosmopolitan approaches to democracy and popular resistance and concludes by looking at the implications of protest politics for current democratic thinking and contemporary world events. This book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of international politics and political theory.
The Author examines the current state of the Canadian Forces, after what he describes as four decades of malignant neglect, and concludes that it is not capable of executing the roles and tasks assigned under the government's policy as outlined in the Defence White Paper 1994. Furthermore, he examines the Canadian foreign policy, from which defence policy is derived, and concludes that it does not address the current and future threats to Canada and Canadians. The threats to Canada today and in the future are explored in detail and the means to counter them are examined. The author also explores the relationship the Canadian military has to the UN, NATO, and our closest ally the US. He finds that all of them need serious revision. However, to do so a complete and detailed analysis of our foreign policy is necessary in the new world of disorder following the tragic events of 9/11. Internal and external threats are revealed and discussed as well as how to deter them. Coleman explains why the current series of town hall meetings across the country is wholly inadequate and calls for a major foreign policy review. This is necessary in order to respond correctly and adequately to the US request for participation in the Missle Defense System. Also, in his view, our traditional interface with the UN, and NATO, particularly where peacekeeping is involved needs revision. He calls for necessary changes in the Department of National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ) structure and the military organization across the country. He explains why NDHQ needs to be disintergrated and replaced with a dual reporting system to the minister. Further, he presents rational arguments for the "real" unification of the three military forces into a "marine" like structure in order to respond appropriately and adequately to international terrorism and international violence that is on the rise. He goes further and outlines a new organizational structure that reduces overhead, executives, commands, and management levels in order to truly make the military and headquarters more efficient, effective, and economical. He is clear that only by taking these measures will we regain the respect of our allies and our enemies as well as increase our influence in the international forums where it has been slowly eroding. The transfer of search and rescue and VIP operations to private industry will free up military billets for military functions and generate jobs and profits for private industry in these roles. These tasks, in his view, are essentially non-military tasks. Military search and rescue and VIP flights can be handled by the Marines. Also, he believes that peacekeeping should be transferred to DFAIT where the responsibility lies with more emphasis on early intervention so that technical experts, humanitarian efforts, medical assistance, law, order, and justice can be maintained rather than re-constructed after civil war or worse has destroyed the infrastructure and institutions. Peacemaking, however, should remain the responsibility of DND where the new structure, the new equipment, and the new training will improve our current delinquent approach to the problem. The Reserve will be tasked with the role of the defence of Canada which will give it purpose, finances, training, equipment, and a structure to effect it which currently does not exist. Coleman makes a compelling case for the review of foreign defence policy and the restructuring of the Canadian military. He exposes the problems and proposes solutions. He takes no prisoners! In his review it becomes clear that Canada and Canadians no longer "stand on guard".
The world is a mess. It’s constantly at war, things cost too much, and the average person struggles to survive against powers they can barely see, let alone control. It appears so at odds with common sense, in fact, that it begs a fundamental question: Who runs the world? This book looks at the conspiracies in everyday life, both hidden and not-so-hidden. It examines actual people, businesses, social networks, corporate alliances, and the dark forces of conspiracy and secret history that hold them together. The conclusions reached may shock and scandalize some people—especially those who fervently believe in democracy—but will fascinate everyone.
The author explores the phenomenon of 'bimorality', whereby we live our lives by two contrasting sets of principles, one set by traditional modernity, the other by the modern emphasis on entrepreneurial self-interest. This book sets business within the context of this moral culture.