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Profundas y emotivas entrevistas personales por Rita Guibert a Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges, Miguel Angel Asturias, Octavio Paz, Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez y Guillermo Cabrera Infante. El premio Nobel de literatura fue otorgado a Pablo Neruda en 1971, Miguel Angel Asturias en 1967, Octavio Paz en 1990 y a Gabriel García Márquez en 1982.
Relato satírico de una velada íntima de una pareja matrimonial seguida de un encuentro social, todo ambientado en la ciudad de Concepción, Chile, durante un sábado lluvioso del invierno de 1972, poco antes del golpe militar del 73.
In this book, the Mexican magazine Plural (1971-1976) provides a privileged vantage point from which to assess the developments that transformed Mexican and Latin American literary and political culture in the 1970s.
In recent decades, Mexico has been one of the most dangerous democracies for journalists. Their coverage of the war on drugs, abuses of power, and human rights violations has led to harassment, threats, and violence by powerful cartels and corrupt officials. This book provides a ground-level view of how Mexican journalists have navigated this perilous environment, offering insight into how they protect themselves while reporting on the most critical and sensitive subjects. Based on in-depth interviews with reporters, editors, activists, and officials, Mexico’s Resilient Journalists examines the strategies that media workers have employed in pursuit of both personal safety and the public interest. Julieta Brambila argues that Mexican journalists have developed innovative forms of resilience, highlighting their power and agency amid violence, censorship, and intimidation. She considers how journalists have banded together to develop coping mechanisms, protect each other, and raise public awareness. These resilient newsmakers have adapted to adversity by redefining their professional values and practices, rethinking their surroundings, and reassessing their role. Brambila also evaluates how various media organizations have learned from incidents of violence and changed their policies to better protect their reporters. Shedding new light on defense of the freedom of the press in Mexico, this book offers crucial lessons for other countries seeing a rise in threats to independent journalism.
Caminos 3 offers students complete preparation for GCSE/Standard Grade through full coverage of all five Areas of Experience, Grades A*-G. Mixed abilities are catered for in one carefully structured Student's Book by the use of symbols to indicate differentiated activities. Student motivation is encouraged through the use of material appropriate for the 14-16 year age group in both content and style. Full support for the teacher is provided through detailed notes, National Curriculum cross referencing, tapescripts and answers as well as general teaching advice. Student's Book and worksheet activities are supported by 7 cassettes of audio material.
The entire book of Daniel demonstrates the battle between good and evil from the days of Daniel to the very end of the ages when sin is completely destroyed. It reveals the ongoing battle where the sacred verses the secular and the holy verses the unholy. The author’s goal is to produce an easy to read book explaining the intent of each chapter in the book of Daniel, leading the reader to get a clearer understanding of Bible prophecy. The objective is to help people realize an interpretation of the book of Daniel, for our day, for this generation, is indispensable. There is a soon coming time of trouble and a time of tribulation we should know about, understand, and prepare for. Daniel Bible questions to ponder: How many years were Daniel’s people to be in Babylon? And why? How long is the “seven times” in which King Nebuchadnezzar was punished? How long is “time, times, and half a time”? When do the 70 weeks, 1260, 1290, 1335, and 2300 days begin? What is the Holy Covenant? What is the “continual” of Daniel 12:11? What is the “abomination of desolation”? Can a seven year tribulation period be substantiated in the Bible? What does “the appointed time of the end” timeline look like as designed by the Bible? Todo el libro de Daniel demuestra la batalla entre el bien y el mal desde los días de Daniel hasta el final de los tiempos cuando el pecado es completamente destruido. Revela la batalla en curso donde los versos sagrados lo secular y los versos santos lo profano. El objetivo del autor es producir un libro fácil de leer que explique la intención de cada capítulo del libro de Daniel, lo que lleva al lector a obtener una comprensión más clara de la profecía bíblica. El objetivo es ayudar a la gente a darse cuenta de que una interpretación del libro de Daniel, para nuestros días, para esta generación, es indispensable. Pronto vendrá un tiempo de angustia y un tiempo de tribulación que debemos conocer, comprender y para el que debemos prepararnos. Preguntas de la Biblia de Daniel para reflexionar: ¿Cuántos años estuvo el pueblo de Daniel en Babilonia? ¿Y por qué? ¿Cuánto duran las “siete veces” en las que se castigó al rey Nabucodonosor? ¿Cuánto tiempo es "tiempo, tiempos y medio tiempo"? ¿Cuándo comienzan las 70 semanas, 1260, 1290, 1335 y 2300 días? ¿Qué es el santo pacto? ¿Qué es lo “continuo” de Daniel 12:11? ¿Qué es la “abominación desoladora”? ¿Puede fundamentarse en la Biblia un período de tribulación de siete años? ¿Cómo se ve la línea de tiempo del “tiempo señalado del fin” según lo diseñado por la Biblia? Earl B. Schrock
Este libro fue escrito con la pluma del conocido Pastor; Gustavo Pacheco Sr. demostrando asi su interes por las verdades de las Sagradas Escrituras, y tambien para denunciar las mentiras que se han infiltrado en nuestro pueblo Cristiano que debia mejor de ser llamado Messianico. Este es un libro que te va a impactar. Bendiciones Atte. Gustavo Pacheco Sr.