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The Lomé Peace Accord, signed in 1999, presented significant implications, challenges, and possibilities for post-conflict Sierra Leone, but the literature on post-conflict Sierra Leone only scantily addresses these issues. This project seeks to address the void in the literature on post-Lomé Sierra Leone.
The Lomé Peace Accord, signed in 1999, presented significant implications, challenges, and possibilities for post-conflict Sierra Leone, but the literature on post-conflict Sierra Leone only scantily addresses these issues. This project seeks to address the void in the literature on post-Lomé Sierra Leone.
Local and Global Dynamics of Peacebuilding examines the complex contributing factors which led to war and state collapse in Sierra Leone, and the international peacebuilding and statebuilding operations which followed the cessation of the violence. This book presents nuanced and contextually specific knowledge of Sierra Leone’s political and war histories, and the outcomes of the implementation of programmes of post-conflict reforms. It embodies an analysis of the complex challenges involved in aligning international norms and values to local expectations and local priorities, and examines the role of local and global actors and structures in attempts to build a strong state and lasting peace. Using a theoretical framework informed by ‘liberal peace’ philosophy, as well as detailed and nuanced empirical evidence from the field, the book constructs a critical analysis of the contemporary global paradigm for building longer-term peace in war-torn, fractured and fragile societies. This book will be of much interest to students of peacebuilding, war and conflict studies, development studies, African politics, and IR/security studies.
The small, underdeveloped countries of Africa, seem to harbour all the flammable elements necessary to ignite civil wars and revolutions. Since 1991, the small West African country of Sierra Leone has been besieged by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), a guerrilla group-cum-political party, that implored a radical-populist political agenda. The cause of this conflict was the growth of systemic government corruption in the decades following the 1961 independence, which ultimately led to a severe deterioration of the state governing capacity. The contention over the control of the country's vast mineral wealth, which includes diamonds, as well as foreign interference -- notably from the Liberian government, with which the RUF reportedly traded diamonds for arms -- further fuelled the struggle. The 1999 Lomé Peace Accord brought about an end to the conflict. RUF leadership changes and a cease-fire agreement in 2000 followed by conflict resolution meetings between government, RUF and UN officials also contributed to a more peaceful situation in Sierra Leone. This book explores the struggle facing the people of Sierra Leone in adopting to these new changes as well as the UN's sponsored disarmament efforts and electoral support for the new government. The hand that the United States has had in delivering humanitarian assistance to this country will be examined as well as the efforts made to try those guilty of crimes against humanity.
This book contains ten chapters and constitutes an attempt to discuss some of the key areas of governance in the country. This text posits three main arguments: First, that promoting democratic good governance in Sierra Leone is an imperative that should be embarked upon (by any government) if it is to ensure socioeconomic and political development on the one hand and peace and security on the other. Second, that the process of promoting democratic good governance will not be an easy task, and this is why any government should strive to be vigilant and extricate the country from dependence; the fact remains that a successful good governance environment in Sierra Leone will depend on economic development. Third, that governance should be not only enhanced through ensuring adequate capacity but also constantly monitored, and it should be a permanent phenomenon. The need to strengthen links between and among the government, civil society, and the private sector cannot be overemphasized; this is necessary to ensure the dynamism that should characterize a good governance environment. This environment should include a new Sierra Leonean psyche: that of the interests of the state first, anchored in attitudinal and behavioral change. In this book, the author also attempts to determine how far Sierra Leone has gone in its practice of democratic good governance and the challenges it is facing in trying to do so. He also makes recommendations on how these challenges could be surmounted.
Explores how the first treaty-based UN international tribunal's judges innovatively applied the law to perpetrators of international crimes in one of the worst conflicts in recent history.
John Hirsch traces Sierra Leone's downward spiral in this book, drawing on his first-hand experience as US amabassador in Freetown in 1995-1998. Hirsch analyzes the historical, social and economic contexts of the ongoing struggle, as well as the impacts of regional and international powers.