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Satirical book highlighting the humorous and common situations people who are ill may find themselves in.
"One afternoon without warning a terrible illness strikes Jessica Shephard, a 25-year-old who normally sails through life on a sea of laughter"--Cover
Stella Gunn is the lead singer and lead guitarist of the Blue Moon Gypsies and Stella used to be Mace’s girl. But Kai “Mace” Mason ended things and the loss of him rocked her world. One night, Stella gets a call, late (again), from one of the members of her crazy band. She has to go play clean up (again), runs into Mace (and a shed load of police) and ends up getting shot. Mace finds he doesn’t like it much that his ex-girlfriend got shot right in front of him, but it’s worse. A very bad man has thrown down the gauntlet and all the Rock Chicks are in the firing line. Stella doesn’t want Mace to be the one to keep her alive, but she has no choice. Mainly because Mace isn’t giving her one.
Jack Freestone's first novella, a satirical but humorous piece, based upon his experiences as a defence lawyer in New Zealand.
Patsy was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer February 25th, 2013. She was 34 years old, a happy, healthy mother of 3 with no symptoms or family medical history of colorectal cancer. Her next 3 years would be filled with chemo, surgeries, CT/PET scans and disappointments as treatment failed to clear the cancer. But they were also filled with happiness, faith, love, laughter, advocacy and dancing. We put her writings together in order that others can benefit from her amazing spirit and so we can share her with the world. This is the book she always wanted to write.
In the Upper Amazon, mestizos are the Spanish-speaking descendants of Hispanic colonizers and the indigenous peoples of the jungle. Some mestizos have migrated to Amazon towns and cities, such as Iquitos and Pucallpa; most remain in small villages. They have retained features of a folk Catholicism and traditional Hispanic medicine, and have incorporated much of the religious tradition of the Amazon, especially its healing, sorcery, shamanism, and the use of potent plant hallucinogens, including ayahuasca. The result is a uniquely eclectic shamanist culture that continues to fascinate outsiders with its brilliant visionary art. Ayahuasca shamanism is now part of global culture. Once the terrain of anthropologists, it is now the subject of novels and spiritual memoirs, while ayahuasca shamans perform their healing rituals in Ontario and Wisconsin. Singing to the Plants sets forth just what this shamanism is about--what happens at an ayahuasca healing ceremony, how the apprentice shaman forms a spiritual relationship with the healing plant spirits, how sorcerers inflict the harm that the shaman heals, and the ways that plants are used in healing, love magic, and sorcery.
Amazon Bestselling author Kimberly Rae, who lives with five annoying (and sometimes serious) health conditions, shares her medical mishaps and just plain weird experiences, such as:*When her blood tests were lost at the hospital and she almost got treated for a random stranger's liver problem.*When the doctor's Central IV went up to her jugular instead of down, and he told her he'd fix it tomorrow!*Strange medical adventures from countries around the world.Along with jokes, fun facts, and stories from other chronically ill friends, Laughter for the Sick & Tired may be just the dose of medicine you're needing today
Being the leader of the largest and most powerful mafia in the entire world didn't leave me time to fall in love. Unfortunately for me, the Goddess of Love doesn't give a damn about schedules or how much free time I have. She strikes when she wants to. She does it furiously, without prejudice, and comes in the form of the exotically beautiful and completely forbidden Arianna Massena, daughter of a rival mafia. I do everything I can to stay away from her, but when her father tries marrying her off to the son of another mafia, I'm forced to take action. I won't lose my girl to anyone else, and there's no way I'll ever let her be treated like nothing more than property or a bargaining chip. I've never been afraid to do what needs to be done to protect my family. Everyone knows I’m ruthless. But no one dared dream of the dangerous lengths I'll go to protect the woman I love… ~ This book is a steamy Age-gap/Mafia Romance that has dark and violent themes, and strong language that may not be suitable for all readers. ~
This issue of the award-winning magazine shines a light on how comics creators are affected by chronic disease, disability, and our nation's health care system. This issue also features a document that is significant not only in terms of comics history ― but American history, as well. Created by the civil rights organization SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) and the Black Panther Party in 1967, this hand-printed zine is a report about a black community in Alabama that attempted to take back their voting rights in their local elections. There is also a profile on cartoonist Kevin Huizenga (Ganges), and much more.
Breast cancer survivor Dawn Bontempo describes her journey in Breast Cancer Mardi Gras: Surviving the Emotional Hurricane and Showing My Boobs to Strangers. Her use of humor and sarcasm in a series of short action chapters will educate and delight the reader. This quick read is positive, optimistic, and funny. Using conversations with her sister and her active imagination, Dawn chronicles her journey and provides unsolicited advice at the end of every chapter. From the initial I have cancer Facebook post to boob photos to the abscess on her butt, Dawn will keep you laughing as she educates you. She addresses tough topics during the diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation portions of her treatment. Using a style that makes you enjoy the absurdity of her life, she provides education, hope, and a good laugh.