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Of the sixteen samskaras which encompass a Hindu life the last one is performed for the dead by their sons or grandsons or relatives. Many passages in the Puranas and Dharmasastras extol the role of the son in the life of devout Hindu. The present book deals with the rite of Sraddha and vindicates the popular belief that Sraddha, being an important topic, forms an integral part of Hindu Dharmasastra. The belief in the after-death survival of deceased ancestors and their separate world belongs to the Indo-Iranian period and as such is pre-Vedic. Ancestor-worship for one's prosperity, continuation of one's race, is as old as the Rgveda. Contents Preface, Introduction, The Antyesti Samskara, Appendices, Glossary
Alaysia can only be accessed through portals, and it lies between several worlds. It is the nexus among them. A threat to Alaysia means a threat to Earth. In the first half of the book, the main characters from Earth - Kriya, a recent engineering graduate; linguistics professor Graham; and Ivo - have to travel through portals to Alaysia. Upon arriving, they realise that they are part of a greater prophecy involving Alaysia, a land that is ruled by Liam, and a planet called Epsilon.
This self-help book explains very simply what it means to be a Hindu? This self-help book explains the process to perform Hindu funeral rites, Kapala Kriya, Ashouch Kaal, Pind Daan, Dash Gatra, Malin Shodashi, Madhyam shodashi, Uttam Shodashi, Shayya Daan, Ekadshah, Dwadashah, and Thirteenth day shanti Path and many other processes related to last funeral rites. It describes various Shraadh Kriya and how to do it yourself.
The Upanishads were written in Sanskrit between 800 and 400 BCE by sages and poets, and form part of the Vedas - the holy and ancient sacred scriptures that are the basis of the Hindu religion.
Vedas and Smritis are the roots of Sanatana Dharma. Many are the Samskaras (purificatory rituals) prescribed in Smritis for the upliftment of human being to Godhood, which is the sole purpose of the rare and invaluable human birth. Of them, Antyeshti, the last Samskara performed for the person, who has departed from his body and subsequent Shraddhas performed for his comfortable journey to the afterworld and settling down in an agreeable environment, play a very important and decisive role. rituals connected with Apara Kriyas and Shraddhas in the authoritative perspective, a brief summary in English of the same is attempted in the following pages to serve as an introductory guide.
The spiritual journey begins when one turns away from the external acquisition to inner exploration. Men and women are equal in the world. The Vedas mention how female sages studied and composed mantras alongside the sages. God alone exists. The world is the play of His divine power or maya, and is not perfect. Perfection lies only in the divine.
Maa – A Mother will successfully create faith, trust and rebuild the lost devotion amongst the distressed and from the bruised hearts of all! It is a heart that has bled for the love; a cradle to swing for the motherly warmth. It will take you to the realms of spirituality where a being will be carried into the arms of the Supreme. Jyan Ji will resolve the queries, Maa will swing the cradle! Together to dissolve into the ocean of Brahm – never to breathe the sorrow again!
Its time for you to take a chance! What's the difference between people who take action and follow their dreams, and people that don't? Why is it that some people, continue to sit on the fence with their lives, even when they are suffering from splinters? Being stuck, not jumping, scared to move you know anyone like this? How would it be if you could live your dreams, and have absolutely anything you desire? In this book, Shilpa will show how to design your life the way you desire. You will learn: - The art of self love and how this influences every area of your life and business - The beauty of simplicity, and how bringing a child-like curiosity can turn your life around - How to follow your dreams and take your chances, even if you feel scared at the start - How to tune into your true self and trust your intuition - How adopting a transformational mindset can make the entire difference
A trip is the perfect time to do something different and exciting, especially something you can't do at home. The thrill starts once you start to plan and the minute you land in a new place. People seek from their travels what they don't have back home like better weather, nicer scenery, the freedom to do what they want, experiences they can't normally have, admiring masterpieces and a slower relaxing pace.
This book is compiled with the goal of explaining the hidden history, significance, and meaning of the mantras used in common Hindu puja rituals performed by the Bengalis to the Bengali immigrants.