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Lord Shiva is the personification of all the main practices of Yoga, as the origin and ruling power over asana, prana, mantra, inner seeing and meditation. The current book unfolds the presence, light, energy and consciousness of the Supreme Shiva to take us beyond all death and duality.
WHAT IF YOU could live in peace every moment of your life? What if you could manifest the best reality in your life every day? What if you could feel contained and live in a state of ecstasy every second? What if stories answer the spiritual queries you have been living with all these years? What if you get answers to social rituals that you have been forced to perform but do not understand? Will you be interested in unravelling the secret? The secret lies in a wonderful journey to the Universal Source of Creation. The journey answers your questions and clarifies your doubts. We know mythological stories related to Lord Shiva and his life. We classify them as stories and do not relate them to our life. This book associates the stories with our life and allows us to learn and apply the teachings to our day-to-day life. Through this knowledge and wisdom, we are self-awakened and our consciousness is uplifted. The journey begins with the TRUST, that the knowledge and awareness of these truths will lift and shift the reality of our life. Trust that the journey is easy and enjoyable. Trust that happiness, joy, bliss, and containment is yours and you can achieve it through wisdom.
The important questions: "Who am I? Why was I born? What is the goal of my life? What am I supposed to accomplish here?" are hopefully answered in this supplementary book to the "Return to Oneness with Shiva" with the help of my Siddha Guru Baba Muktananda's excerpts from his books and my Sadguru Nityananda's grace which are based from the Self-realization teachings of Kashmir Shaivism. Who and what you meditate on, you become. When you meditate on the Self as the Self, you become one with Shiva, the Self of all. "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form," states the Heart Sutra. The essence of all things is emptiness. To become aware of So'ham, "I am That," is to attain oneness with the Higher Self. The result of the integration of the Siddha Guru and the awakened Kundalini is a meditation that is very powerful. The subtle path to the Self is most easily attained through the Guru. Kabir said that the Guru makes one perfect; he unites the individual soul with Shiva. Unconditional love is the fulcrum of this universe, the original point of the universe. In the practice of Meditation on Three Hearts and Hanuman Qigong, efforts must be made to integrate the mind and heart, to feel the interaction between Love and Qi, restoring the experience of harmony in the world, in nature, and the Universe that may be understood as "being with higher Self" symbolized by Swastika or Yuan Shen (Original Spirit). Grounding and rooting to mother earth through the practice of Enlightenment Qigong forms especially Hanuman Qigong, Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qigong, and Drawing in Heaven and Earth via Wei Qi field activation are added to Siddha spiritual practices to balance the Shakti Qi flow in the body, build the Lightbody, psychic self-defense, avoid post-kundalini syndromes often seen in yoga practitioners and Self-realization. "The supreme state, which may be attained on some paths after extreme hardship, can be attained without great difficulty on the Siddha path." - Yogashikha Upanishad 1.3 "God consciousness is the reality of everything." - Shiva Sutra 1.1
Plunge into the Heart of Reality and discover the greatest treasure of all!!! "Buckle up your seat-belt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye" Matrix If your inquiring mind keep searching for the Ultimate Truth-Reality, if your radiant Heart is aching for the Union with the Beloved, if your beautiful Soul is longing for the all-satisfying Perfection, then this book is for you!!! Brutally honest, thought-provoking, fascinating, psychedelic, poetic, erotic and enlightening, this amazing book speaks directly to the Heart and Soul. Love, sex, drugs, philosophy, life in a spiritual cult, life as a Sadhu (Holy man) in Himalayan caves, prolong fasting and isolation, continuous experiments with the heroic doses of magic mushrooms, visits to the parallel realities - alien worlds, hells and heavens, shamanic journeys into the realm of the Absolute Creative Language (Logos), culminating with the Samavesha (Divine Possession) are just a few subjects of this voluminous book. "Journey into the Heart of Reality" is not only sweet and rosy smooth pop, but rather a real rock-n-roll of spiritual literature. It is an astonishing roller-coster of extreme life-journey with the frightening descends into a cold hells and the rocketing raptures into the incomparable Divine Ecstasy of Sublime Truth. This book breaks all taboos and well-established spiritual cliches, for it is based not on a sweet beliefs, but on the courageous experiments, utmost honesty and first-hand experiences of Divine Revelations. Shiva Somadev tears off suffocating armour and offers himself unreservedly into the sacrificial alchemical fires. Like a phoenix, he rises from the ashes with the earned wisdom to share it with those who seek for Her Majesty Divine Truth. In this ground-breaking book, author not only shares his views on the True Nature of Reality and his dramatic life-story, which itself serves as a guide to spiritual enlightenment, but most importantly, provides earnest seeker with the practical tools designed to bring an aspirant to the Divine Ecstasy of Self-Realization. The unique "Kumbhaka Prana Yoga", which was revealed to Shiva in non-ordinary states of consciousness, integrates within itself the best Yogic, Shamanic and Psychedelic methods combined into the one complete system. "Kumbhaka Prana Yoga" could be considered as one of the most powerful and quintessential spiritual techniques, able to bring earnest sadhaka to the Glory of Self-Recognition. "Kumbhaka Prana Yoga" is not for the fain-hearted, but for those ripe courageous Souls who are established themselves in the unshakable conviction that True Self is Absolute Immortal Reality, and who are ready to meet the Greatest Teacher - Lord Yama (Lord of Death) face to face. "The gates of conscious energy swung wide open and instead of breathing, the sponteneous effortless flood of Divine Language gushed in and through... I could no longer make any effort or choice, for I broke through the treshold of illusion of separate identity onto the lap of the Divine Mother, who began to shower me with her sweetest grace and overwhelming love! She - my True Beloved fully possessed me, taking me on the astonishing ride by the means of her Divine Language into the glorious heart of love and ecstasy. Nothing can prepare one for the experience of Highest Reality. When one's sadhana, spiritual efforts and self-sacrifice awakens the Grace of Devi and she allows access to her Real Nature and strips herself of all clothing, revealing her majestic nakedness, one would never believe that such beauty, such love, such intelligence, such ecstasy and such wisdom are possible... for it is beyond imagination"
Revealing a Shiva devotee's spiritual visions and experiences in this lovely, inspiring and true story that describes her journey to Self-Realization.
Prepare for a profound meditation journey through the oldest science from Shiva; Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, an ancient meditation masterpiece. This text unveils 112 meditation techniques, each leading to love cultivation and self-realization. In our adaptation, we've distilled each of these 112 meditation techniques into unique 15-minute guided sessions, making them easily accessible and practical for your daily practice. These guided sessions incorporate breathing techniques based on Anapanasati, offer a profound exploration of your inner mind-body world through Vipassana, and introduce a variety of chanting, and dance techniques that enhance your meditation experience and women's love-power. It's a divine dialogue between Lord Shiva and Devi (Parvati), sparked by Devi's questions about reality's essence, the universe, and transcending space and time. Shiva responds not with explanations but with a mesmerizing progression of methods. He guides Devi—and you—toward understanding reality through 112 distinct self-centering techniques. Tantra transcends the realm of sexuality entirely. It is, in fact, a profound science aimed at elevating consciousness, facilitating a rendezvous with the supreme consciousness, and fostering a deep understanding of the nature of reality. These techniques are like seeds—compact yet potent. Contemplating them unveils a rich tapestry of deceptively simple yet highly effective meditation methods. These 112 techniques encompass the entire meditation spectrum, spanning ages and eras. They're gifts to all humanity, no matter their spiritual level or disposition. Vigyan Bhairav Tantra ensures everyone finds a path to self-realization. Immerse yourself in this profound meditation guide, illuminating your journey to inner peace, with each technique thoughtfully distilled into unique 15-minute guided meditations.
Face to Face with Shiva - scientific perspective of a spiritual experience: A real life account of being face to face with Lord Shiva: the highest among all known beings. An event that took place in 1970, is given in as-is form. It was among rarest of the rare experiences. Ever since then, the continuous dialog with Lord Shiva has been unfolding, and has provided revelation to the mysteries of life and defining its very purpose. In the dilemma of being a scientist who must find a scientific explanation to every phenomenon, I had refrained from publicly sharing this unique experience. Over forty five years of an ongoing dialog with Lord Shiva has yielded a scientific hypothesis to this rare happening, and time has now come to share this experience for larger benefit of humanity. In this brief presentation, the hypothesis and experience are shared alike. Bridging the gap between science and spirituality, physical and metaphysical, un-manifested and visible existence, abstract and defined, Lord Shiva answers the most unanswered questions like: Is there God? If so, who is that? Who made God? What is the purpose of Life? Who are we? What can one do as an individual to make a difference in this world? Why do tragedies happen? Why do living beings have desires? How do we participate in the universal divine plan? What happens after death? Are we the only living beings and is there life elsewhere in this inter-galactic universe? Are we being observed? Am I empowered to change the universe? What is the end-all of existence? What is our responsibility in this life? How is the universe managed? Who controls the universe? What lies beyond edge of the universe? Atheists, believers, and scientists can all benefit by drawing insight to the reality of all that is and discover the truth beyond science and religion. Brought to you by IEEE Author of the Year.
Kali Yuga is often described as age of darkness, because kali refers to the last and worst of the four Yugas or ages. Kali has got many interpretations depending upon the context. Some of the commonly understood meanings of Kali are strife, discord, quarrel, contention, etc. There is a reference to this in detail in Śrīmad Bhāgavata (IV.viii.3). In general, it is believed that God realization is difficult in kali yuga, due to the predominance of adharma (unrighteousness, injustice, wickedness) over dharma (virtue, morality). It is also interesting to note that kali also refers to symbolical expression for the numeric 1 (probably referring to numero uno). If we seriously investigate why adharma prevails over dharma in the recent times, we will find huge imbalance in the three guṇa-s - sattvic, rajas and tamas. Sattva guṇa means the quality of purity and knowledge. The presence of other two guṇa-s is not very prominent in sattva guṇa as this guṇa is endowed with the highest purity. Rajo guṇa is the activity of passion. Tamo guṇa is inertia or ignorance. These two guṇa-s have higher trace of other guṇa-s. Guṇa-s are the inherent qualities of Prakṛti. Ego and intellect originate from guṇa-s that are present in all the evolutes of Prakṛti at once, but distributed in unequal proportions in each individual. The predominant guṇa that prevails in an individual is reflected through his thoughts and actions. Kṛṣṇa explains guṇa-s in Bhagavad Gīta (IV.6 - 9) “Sattva, rajas and tamas - these three qualities born of Prakṛti (Nature) tie down the imperishable soul to the body. Of these, sattva being immaculate is illuminating and flawless; it binds through identification with joy and wisdom. The quality of rajas is in the nature of passion, as born of avariciousness and attachment. It binds the soul through attachment to actions and their fruits. Tamas, the deluder of all those who look upon the body as their own self, are born of ignorance. It binds the soul through error, sloth and sleep. Sattva drives one to joy, and rajas to action, while tamas clouding the wisdom incites one to err as well as sleep and sloth.” Kṛṣṇa again says (Bhagavad Gīta XIV.20), “Having transcended the aforesaid guṇa-s, which have caused the body, and freed from birth, death, old age and all kinds of sorrow, this soul attains the supreme bliss.” This series will make an attempt to explain how to transcend these guṇa-s to experience bliss, which is the infantile stage of our spiritual pursuit. The entire series will be in the form imaginary conversation between Shiva and Shakti.