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"The book revolves around all key sequences and incidents from Baba's life. It's about the spiritual journey of his life. It's a fun and interactive way for people to know about Baba. The book will appeal to all age groups. The comic version was made after the filmmakers got requests from people to make a print version of the film. "
For the sick, the troubled and the oppressed Shirdi in Maharashtra was the place to go. It was where Sai Baba’s all-encompassing love made them feel better, happier and more at peace. He could reveal himself as the Supreme Deity and yet assume the form of a street dog, turn water into oil and save a child miles away from burning flames. However, by the time he left this world in 1918, he had also made thousands understand that good acts are the only miracle needed to find God.
His Story is a Comic eBook based on Childhood Stories of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This was the story of the Advent of the Avatar and the early years of His life and mission, a mission that would bring millions to His Lotus Feet to taste the bliss of Divine Love and thus transform their lives. In a letter He wrote to His brother Sri Seshama Raju way back in 1947, Sri Sathya Sai Baba emphatically declared the grand purpose for which He has come. He said: I have a Task: To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of Ananda (Bliss). I have a Vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path, again into goodness and save them. I am attached to a Work that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack. I have a reason to be proud, for I rescue all who worship and adore Me. The decades that have rolled by since that epochal letter was written have been witness to the grand manner in which His vision has taken shape. The world-class super-speciality hospitals that offer tertiary level medical care free of charge, schools and colleges that impart values-based education, the mammoth drinking water supply projects and the numerous other service projects undertaken by Him stand as a testimony to His selfless Love and His compassion for humanity. However, even more, significant than these activities have been His tireless efforts towards spreading the message of spirituality and inculcating love and brotherhood throughout the world. Through the Sri Sathya Sai Centers and the Education in Human Values (EHV) programmes, thousands all over the world have sanctified their lives by putting into practice His precepts, and by participating in service programmes such as Narayana Seva (feeding of the poor) and free medical camps. Truly, the Sathya Sai Avatar has heralded a golden era in the history of mankind.
Nobody knows for certain when Sai Baba was born or who his parents were, or what his real name was. He arrived one day in 1872 at Shirdi in Maharashtra. He was dressed like a fakir (Muslim ascetic) and lived in a dilapidated mosque, but spoke of a Hindu g
Nearly a century after his death, the image of Sai Baba, the serene old man with the white beard from Shirdi village in Maharashtra, India, is instantly recognizable to most South Asians (and many Westerners) as a guru for all faiths--Hindus, Muslims, and others. During his lifetime Sai Baba accepted all followers who came to him, regardless of religious or caste background, and preached a path of spiritual enlightenment and mutual tolerance. These days, tens of thousands of Indians and foreigners make the pilgrimage to Shirdi each year, and Sai Baba temples have sprung up in unlikely places around the world, such as Munich, Seattle, and Austin. Tracing his rise from small village guru to global phenomenon, religious studies scholar Karline McLain uses a wide range of sources to investigate the different ways that Sai Baba has been understood in South Asia and beyond and the reasons behind his skyrocketing popularity among Hindus in particular. Shining a spotlight on an incredibly forceful devotional movement that avoids fundamental politics and emphasizes unity, service, and peace, The Afterlife of Sai Baba is an entertaining--and enlightening--look at one of South Asia's most popular spiritual gurus.
"This small book is a collection of historical facts and incidents which took place from the time of arrival of Sai Nath in Shirdi till his Mahasamadhi. Miracles and incidents which actually happened when Baba was in human form have been compiled here. While reading this book one will feel as if one is actually watching those scenes. Incidents before and after Samadhi as collected from devotees have been described here. But instead of belief or disbelief towards the incidents it would be better if the devotees with true faith do Bhakti and should try to have experiences themselves This book gives an information about great Saints and incarnations of God. The author of this book Shri Vaman Rangnath Gokhale has been living in Shirdi for the last ten years and has been leading a life of a true Sanyasi. He has not donned saffron coloured clothes like other Sanyasis but he is totally detached. Very often he sleeps at the steps of Dwarkamai. Baba takes care of his needs. His simple and recluse lifestyle is a clear evidence that information about Baba given in this book is true. Needless to say, reading this small book by clear hearted Sai devotees will increase their love for Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi and enhance Guru Bhakti
"Life history of Shirdi Sai Baba was originally written in Telugu by Ammula Sambasiva Rao, and translated into English by Thota Bhaskara Rao. The book delves deep into the details of the life of Shirdi Sai Baba right from his birth till attainment of Samadhi. The author has expounded Sai Tatwa or Sai philosophy in a simple language, interpersed with engrossing anecdotes in the life of Sai devotees.