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More Menacing than the Menacing Moors, the Great Metropolis harbours evil and deviltry far more sinister than Dartmoor could offer - it is not for nothing that Watson describes London as the great cesspool draining the Empire of its dregs. Its evil stems from the hearts of the most heartless of men, evil against which a group of stalwart Londoners is determined to act. Knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed, it is said, but fore-knowledge is fragile and Sherlock must balance probability with instinct, caution with decisiveness, when warned of impending disaster for both City and Realm. Allan Mitchell's stirring stanzas of reeling rhyme once again stretch back to an earlier era to witness the never-ending battle between Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Metropolis.
More Menacing than the Menacing Moors, the Great Metropolis harbours evil and deviltry far more sinister than Dartmoor could offer - it is not for nothing that Watson describes London as the great cesspool draining the Empire of its dregs. Its evil stems from the hearts of the most heartless of men, evil against which a group of stalwart Londoners is determined to act. Knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed, it is said, but fore-knowledge is fragile and Sherlock must balance probability with instinct, caution with decisiveness, when warned of impending disaster for both City and Realm. Allan Mitchell's stirring stanzas of reeling rhyme once again stretch back to an earlier era to witness the never-ending battle between Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Metropolis.
A call from an old comrade has Holmes chasing a reported agent of Satan between the towering tors and bottomless bogs of Dartmoor only to find the limits of his own confidence and his Public's esteem. Only Watson stands his friend but even his patience is stretched. Sherlock's retreat to the bees of Sussex serves only to show him that his skills are unique and are desperately needed elsewhere. On returning to London, Holmes finds malign forces have been bringing ridicule to his doorstep. In this tale, the Great Sleuth is brought to life, uniquely, in expressive verse, a favourite form of the author who loves the language of Sherlock Holmes and the Menacing Moors.
Sherlock Holmes looks on idle and infuriated from the sidelines while evil has Whitechapel in the grip of fear, evil which bears the infamous name of - Jack the Ripper - a name set to raise the hackles on people's necks for generations to come. A fearful officialdom has declared Sherlock ‘persona non grata' but is suffering the wrath of public opinion for its failure to bring the murderer to justice. Sherlock suspects there is more to this ritual of death being performed on London’s darkened streets and makes plans for his own inquiry after an ancient brotherhood makes contact. Stanza by stanza, the reader is stirringly swept along as Allan Mitchell’s rhythmic rhymes carry Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson toward their electrifying encounter with the Menacing Monk.
Una guida al celebre personaggio, illustrata con numerose fotografie e poster. Il libro comprende cast, trame e commenti di film, adattamenti teatrali, romanzi e fumetti, in un arco di oltre 130 anni. An a-z guide to the famous detective, illustrated with numerous photographs and posters. The book includes cast, storylines and film comments, theatrical adaptations, novels and comics, in over 100 years.
The mists of Britain's insula antiquity have drifted into the modernity of the nineteenth century bringing with them echoes of the savage rituals of its ancient peoples. The Press has fuelled the Public's fear over dismembered victims discovered at the intersection of ancient ley-lines, points on the landscape where logic is defied and science is rendered impotent as ancient forces emerge menacingly from the living Earth itself. Sherlock Holmes finds he must anchor his superior mind on solid ground to uncover the truth and deliver justice for the victims as the reader accompanies the Intrepid Doctor Watson and the Great Sleuth as they conquer their innermost fears when encountering the mysteries of Britain’s ancient Ley Lines, the Ancient Ways.
Burgeoning, brash and bold, a new Metropolis has burst forth from the golden soil of Terra Australis, proclaiming its virtues but harbouring many of the evils of old which have been attracted by fortunes won from the Earth itself. Shadowy figures menacingly emerge from distant wars to deprive the unwitting of that which has been earned by honest toil. One such figure wends its way across continents to stake a much larger claim on a much older Metropolis to help establish a kingdom of fear and domination. Resolutely, relentlessly, our deerstalker-decked detective must once more rhythmically rhyme his way along a perilous path fighting forces of evil, evil which refuses to be quelled but is known to him and his forthright companion as the Menacing Melbournian.
Burgeoning, brash and bold, a new Metropolis has burst forth from the golden soil of Terra Australis, proclaiming its virtues but harbouring many of the evils of old which have been attracted by fortunes won from the Earth itself. Shadowy figures menacingly emerge from distant wars to deprive the unwitting of that which has been earned by honest toil. One such figure wends its way across continents to stake a much larger claim on a much older Metropolis to help establish a kingdom of fear and domination. Resolutely, relentlessly, our deerstalker-decked detective must once more rhythmically rhyme his way along a perilous path fighting forces of evil, evil which refuses to be quelled but is known to him and his forthright companion as the Menacing Melbournian.
A new addition to the Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series from science fiction and crime author Eric Brown. A second wave of Martians has come to Earth - the first wave having succumbed to lethal Terran pathogens. The second wave, arriving some five years later, did so with the aid of a cure for the various ills that scuppered their earlier plans - and these Martians claim to have come in peace. Humankind, lulled into a false sense of security, welcomes the Martians who bring with them a host of technological and scientific wonders, and for several years an entente exists between the two races. It is only when Holmes and Watson travel to the Red Planet, ostensibly to track down the killer of an eminent Martian philosopher, that they learn the truth: the Martians who invaded Earth are tyrannical despots who subjugated a 'lesser' race of their own kind, and are merely biding their time to enslave the citizens of Earth. With the assistance of anti-Martian activist Miss Freya Hadfield-Bell, and a cadre of renegade Martians, Holmes and Watson escape Mars with their lives and return to Earth where they hope to work to overcome the rule of the oppressive Martian overlords.
Sherlock Holmes looks on idle and infuriated from the sidelines while evil has Whitechapel in the grip of fear, evil which bears the infamous name of - Jack the Ripper - a name set to raise the hackles on people's necks for generations to come. A fearful officialdom has declared Sherlock ‘persona non grata' but is suffering the wrath of public opinion for its failure to bring the murderer to justice. Sherlock suspects there is more to this ritual of death being performed on London’s darkened streets and makes plans for his own inquiry after an ancient brotherhood makes contact. Stanza by stanza, the reader is stirringly swept along as Allan Mitchell’s rhythmic rhymes carry Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson toward their electrifying encounter with the Menacing Monk.