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the role of the judges in the international legal order." --Book Jacket.
This book provides an analysis of key approaches to rule of law oversight in the EU and identifies deeper theoretical problems.
This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the extent, method, purpose and effects of domestic and international courts' judicial dialogue on human rights. The analysis covers national courts' judicial dialogue from different regions of the world, including Eastern Europe, Latin America, Canada, Nigeria and Malaysia. The text is complemented by studies on specific subject matters such as LGTBI people's and asylum seekers' rights that further contribute to a better understanding of factors that stimulate or hold back judicial dialogue, and by first hand insights of domestic and European Court of Human Rights judges into their courts' involvement in judicial dialogue. The book features contributions from leading scholars and judges, whose combined perspectives provide an interesting and timely study.
This book aims to enhance understanding of the interactions between the international and national rule of law. It demonstrates that the international rule of law is not merely about ensuring national compliance with international law. International law and institutions (eg, international human rights treaty-monitoring bodies and human rights courts) respond to national contestations and show deference to the national rule of law. While this might come at the expense of the certainty of international law, it suggests that the international rule of law can allow for flexibility, national diversity and pluralism. The essays in this volume are set against the background of increasing conflict between international and national legal norms. Moreover the book shows that international law and institutions do not always command blind national obedience to international law, but incorporate a process of adjustment and deference to national law and policies that are protected by the rule of law at the national level.
The major peacekeeping and stability operations of the last ten years have mostly taken place in countries that have pervasive customary justice systems, which pose significant challenges and opportunities for efforts to reestablish the rule of law. These systems are the primary, if not sole, means of dispute resolution for the majority of the population, but post-conflict practitioners and policymakers often focus primarily on constructing formal justice institutions in the Western image, as opposed to engaging existing traditional mechanisms. This book offers insight into how the rule of law community might make the leap beyond rhetorical recognition of customary justice toward a practical approach that incorporates the realities of its role in justice strategies."Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War-Torn Societies" presents seven in-depth case studies that take a broad interdisciplinary approach to the study of the justice system. Moving beyond the narrow lens of legal analysis, the cases Mozambique, Guatemala, East Timor, Afghanistan, Liberia, Iraq, Sudan examine the larger historical, political, and social factors that shape the character and role of customary justice systems and their place in the overall justice sector. Written by resident experts, the case studies provide advice to rule of law practitioners on how to engage with customary law and suggest concrete ways policymakers can bridge the divide between formal and customary systems in both the short and long terms. Instead of focusing exclusively on ideal legal forms of regulation and integration, this study suggests a holistic and flexible palette of reform options that offers realistic improvements in light of social realities and capacity limitations. The volume highlights how customary justice systems contribute to, or detract from, stability in the immediate post-conflict period and offers an analytical framework for assessing customary justice systems that can be applied in any country. "
This open access book deals with Article 7 TEU measures, court proceedings, financial sanctions and the EU Rule of Law Framework to protect EU values with a particular focus on checks and balances in EU Member States. It analyses substantive standards, powers, procedures as well as the consequences and implications of the various instruments. It combines the analysis of the European level, be it the EU or the Council of Europe, with that of the national level, in particular in Hungary and Poland. The LM judgment of the European Court of Justice is made subject to detailed scrutiny.
International Arbitration Law Library The fragility of the relationship between international law and European Union (EU) law comes to the fore when a dispute arises between an EU Member State and a multinational corporate investor. This book analyzes the legislative and jurisprudential backbone affecting both policy and practice in this area, showing in the process how both the autonomy of the EU legal order and the sovereignty of Member States can be strengthened through a common investor protection policy inside the EU with an efficient adjudication mechanism promised by the EU’s “new generation” agreements. With a thorough analysis of the parameters that the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) arbitral tribunals have set for the interplay between EU law and international investment law, the following salient issues and topics and more are covered: operation of the EU’s exclusive competence regarding foreign direct investment; EU rules on capital movements related to investments; potential conflicts between EU law and extra-EU bilateral investment treaties; intra-EU bilateral investment treaties viewed from the perspectives of both international and EU law primacy; role of arbitral tribunals in intra-EU dispute settlement and ramifications in the light of applicable law; and problems arising when the lex arbitri in the proceedings is the law of a non-EU state. The relevant jurisprudence of the CJEU is analyzed against ISDS case law, and detailed attention is paid to scholarship in the relevant fields. The author presents substantial and procedural solutions that will prevent the violation of EU law without sacrificing the substantial protection that arbitration provides for the protection of investments. The book goes largely beyond existing literature and is the first to jointly address EU law, international investment law, and integration theories with actionable solutions. It will allow all concerned with international judicial decision-making to acquire an arsenal of available normative responses to issues raised by EU law’s autonomy, primacy of EU law, EU competences, international EU responsibility, compatibility of ISDS with EU law, and other issues, addressing all the challenges likely to be raised in arbitral or court proceedings. Practitioners will discover viable ways to identify, prevent, or resolve legal impasses stemming from the overlap of EU law and other international law regimes when structuring an investment inside the EU.
Non-communicable diseases, associated with risk factors such as tobacco consumption, poor diet and alcohol use, represent a growing health burden around the world. The seriousness of non-communicable diseases is reflected in the adoption of international instruments such as the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; the WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health; and the WHO Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol. In line with these instruments, states are beginning to use measures such as taxes, restrictions on marketing, product regulation and labeling measures for public health purposes. This book examines the extent to which the law of the World Trade Organization restricts domestic implementation of these types of measures. The relationship between international health instruments and the WTO Agreement is examined, as are the WTO covered agreements themselves.
"This book investigates dispute resolution mechanisms in international civil aviation, with a primary focus on the functions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council. The Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) has laid the foundation for dispute resolution mechanisms in international civil aviation, which led to the creation of ICAO. However, economic regulations have been left out from the Chicago Convention. Over the years there has been a proliferation of bilateral air services agreements (ASAs) and the multiplication of multilateral treaties. With the advancement of the aviation technology, this book considers whether dispute resolution mechanisms should be modernised, and if so, what form such modernisation might take. The book is divided into five chapters. Chapter I provides an introduction and defines the scope of the research. Chapter II is an empirical chapter, which traces the evolution of dispute resolution clauses under both multilateral air law treaties and bilateral ASAs with the most updated data collected to date. Chapter III analyses how disputes brought to the fora designated under the treaties in Chapter II are resolved in practice. The fourth chapter builds on the empirical evidence provided in Chapters II and III to critically assesses the political and legal means that are involved in the settlement of international aviation disputes. The final chapter proposes reforms on the basis of the lessons learnt in the previous chapters and introduces proposals for amending rules of procedures in ICAO as well as establishing a new arbitral institution"--
Despite, or perhaps because of, the rejection of the EU Constitutional Treaty eventually leading to the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the debates concerning the European Union's constitutional framework continue. This book builds on the discourse in European Union constitutionalism in order to offer a novel analysis of the EU's constitutional developments. The book considers the constitutional trends of the process of EU integration before applying a transdisciplinary concept of complexity developed in the work of Edgar Morin to the EU. In doing this Giuseppe Martinico sets out a unique account of EU constitutionalism which argues that the EU legal order is a complex entity which shares some features with complex natural systems. The book then goes on to explore the methodological implications of such constitutional complexity for the study of EU law.