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An experiential guide to the sacred places and teachings of Andean shamanism • Explores the cosmology and core shamanic beliefs of the Andean people, including Pachamama and power animals such as condors, snakes, hummingbirds, and pumas • Takes you on an intimate journey through the sacred sites, temples, and power places of Peru, including Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuamán, Písac, Lake Titicaca, and more • Shares initiatory rites and shamanic journeying practices to allow you to integrate and embody the wisdom of each sacred place The Andes Mountains of Peru are rich with ancient shamanic traditions, sacred places, and heart wisdom passed down from the Inca and safeguarded for generations by the Q’eros nation. In this experiential guide to the wisdom and practices of the Andean people and their sacred land, Vera Lopez and Linda Star Wolf take you on an intimate journey through the sacred sites, temples, and power places of Peru, including Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuamán, Písac, Lake Titicaca, and more. They show how each of these powerful sites holds an ancient wisdom--an initiation left behind by the Inca--and they share initiatory rites and shamanic journeying practices to allow you to integrate and embody the wisdom of each sacred place. The authors explore the cosmology and core shamanic beliefs of the Andean people, including Pachamama, the Sacred Law of Reciprocity, the Serpent of Light, the Chakannah, and power animals such as condors, snakes, hummingbirds, and pumas. They examine healing practices and sacred plants of this tradition, including a look at the shamanic use of ayahuasca and San Pedro. Offering direct access to the gentle heart of wisdom found within the ancient shamanic land of Peru, the authors show how the Andean shamanic tradition offers an antidote to the modern epidemic of Soul Loss by connecting us back to our authentic self and the universal principles of love, reciprocity, and gratitude.
A book of wisdom teachings and rituals that invoke ancient Egyptian deities to awaken human consciousness • Provides guided shamanic visualizations to invoke 26 of the most significant gods • Takes the reader through shamanic portals of death, rebirth, and illumination • Reconciles internal conflict through a sacred marriage of heart and mind In Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf renew humanity’s connection to the ancient gods of Egypt, the neteru. Voices from these divine ancestors remind us of the healing power of the heart, and call us to bring their consciousness into the present to help us remember our true nature as divine humans with sacred purpose. The authors provide rituals, meditations, and rites of passage to help us meet our personal and planetary challenges with grace, wisdom, and love. The shamanic initiations provided are invoked, directly experienced, and transformed into embodied wisdom that awakens consciousness and illumines the intelligence of the heart. Scully and Star Wolf focus their rituals on 26 of the primary divine entities that preside over the ancient mysteries whose roots are in Old Kingdom and pre-historic Egypt. This fresh interpretation of ancient mysteries unites the energies of Thoth and Anubis to guide us through the current cycle of Earth changes and to help us remember who we really are at heart. Through these passages, Anubis lives up to his ancient title as the Opener of the Way, and Thoth as the Architect of Higher Learning. Together they evoke their power to unite heart and mind in the sacred marriage that brings transformation, renewal, and the awakening of consciousness.
A storied journey into the psychedelic realm: unravel the sacred mysteries of Ayahuasca with a renowned Amazonian shaman and anthropologist duo. Unveiling nearly 50 vivid painting masterpieces revealing Ayahuasca's mind-expanding impact on human consciousness. Explore the mesmerizing world of Ayahuasca in this classic volume. Featuring the visionary art of Pablo Amaringo and the anthropological expertise of Luis Eduardo Luna, Ayahuasca Visions presents nearly 50 vibrant, full-color pieces of artwork. Each vision illustrates a deep understanding of how Ayahuasca affects human consciousness. The artworks integrate plant teachers and shamanic powers, like the Three Types of Sorcerers, along with the spirit world, including forest spirits, chthonic spirits, and ouranian spirits. Additionally, they explore concepts related to illness and healing. In an era where Ayahuasca is gaining global popularity for its benefits to spiritual growth, self-exploration, and mental well-being, Ayahuasca Visions is an indispensable guide. It not only documents the rich tapestry of visions induced by this potent brew—it reinforces the profound connection between humans and the natural world. Whether you're embarking on a personal spiritual journey or seeking a deeper understanding of Ayahuasca, this book is your gateway to the mysteries of this remarkable plant teacher. Esteemed scholars such as Professor Richard Schultes, Terence McKenna, and Åke Hultkrantz applaud Ayahuasca Visions for its unique blend of vivid psychedelic art with ethnographic insight. The book serves as an enlightening journey into the Ayahuasca experience, demystifies its profound impact on the psyche, and provides a broad understanding of the plant’s spiritual and therapeutic dimensions within Amazonian shamanism.
The proposed text presents the biography of an extraordinary man, who has awakened to his own purpose in life as a servant to conscious evolution for all humanity. His life story, full of adventure, cosmic "interventions" and synchronicity is on a par with that of the luminaries documented in these biographies and the time has come for his story to be told.
'Andean Awakening' delves beneath the surface of the everyday tourist view of Peru to explore the mysteries of the Inca.
An intimate glimpse into the world of ancient Peruvian spiritual practice and cosmology • Reveals the mysteries of the world of living energy (kawsay pacha) through intensive in-depth interviews with six Q’ero mystics • Explores the energetics, spirits, tools, and practices of Andean mysticism--the real story behind the fictionalized accounts in The Celestine Prophecy Known as the “keepers of the ancient knowledge,” the Q’ero Indians of Peru are the most respected mystics of the south-central Andes. In 1996 Joan Parisi Wilcox traveled to the Andes and was able to record the mysteries of kawsay pacha, the multidimensional world of living energy, through more than 40 hours of intensive interviews with six Q’ero paqos, masters of the ancient spiritual traditions of Peru. The Q’ero are known for having preserved the Inca spiritual tradition more purely than any other indigenous population in the Andes. The in-depth interviews presented in this book recount the direct words of these masters so readers can discover for themselves the mind and heart space of these people. Four new chapters of this revised edition focus on the work of the mesa, the Andean form of a spiritual medicine bundle, and its use as a conduit for the healing energies of nature. The mesa is called the “heart’s fire” because it represents the finest energy--the energy of compassion--that a paqo cultivates while walking the sacred path. Wilcox provides instructions on how to make, activate, and work with a mesa, as well as other practical exercises showing how we can use the power of the Andean spiritual tradition in our own lives.
A stream of consciousness book based on a day by day diary of a spontaneous 8 month-long journey to the Peruvian Amazon undertaken by a somewhat naive young westerner in order to study shamanism, followed by a three month journey through Mexico. Entirely based on actual diary entries, it's a vivid and unpredictable trip. Read this before drinking ayahuasca to avoid making the same mistakes.
The history of San Pedro and its uses for healing, creativity, and conscious evolution • Includes interviews with practicing San Pedro shamans on their rituals, cactus preparations, and teachings on how San Pedro heals the mind and body • Contains accounts from people who have been healed by San Pedro • Includes chapters by Eve Bruce, M.D., and David Luke, Ph.D., on San Pedro’s effects on psychic abilities and its similarities to and differences from ayahuasca San Pedro, the legendary cactus of vision, has been used by the shamans of Peru for at least 3,500 years. Referring to St. Peter, who holds the keys to Heaven, its name is suggestive of the plant’s visionary power to open the gates between the visible and invisible worlds, allowing passage to an ecstatic realm where miraculous physical and spiritual healings occur, love and enthusiasm for life are rekindled, the future divined, and the soul’s purpose revealed. Exploring the history and shamanic uses of the San Pedro cactus, Ross Heaven interviews practicing San Pedro shamans about ancient and modern rituals, preparation of the visionary brew, experiences with the healing spirit of San Pedro, and their teachings on how the cactus works on the mind, body, and illness. He investigates the conditions treated by San Pedro as well as how it can enhance creativity, providing case studies from those who have been healed by the cactus and accounts from those who have been artistically and musically inspired through its use. Psychedelic researchers Eve Bruce, M.D., David Luke, Ph.D., and journalist Morgan Maher contribute chapters delving into San Pedro’s effects on conscious evolution and psychic abilities as well as its similarities to and differences from ayahuasca. Exploring plant communication and the vital role of music in San Pedro ceremonies, Heaven explains how healing songs are communicated by the sacred plants to the shamans working with them, much in the same way that other gifts of San Pedro--from healing to inspiration to expanded consciousness--are passed to those who commune with this ancient plant teacher.
Experience a Sacred Way of LifeFor more than thirty years Dr. J. E. Williams has risked his health and personal safety to journey among shamans in Peru, the place he calls the mystical and spiritual center of our times. In its rain forests, mountains, and environmentally attuned indigenous population, Peru's mystical landscape fosters inner discovery.The Andean Codex guides the reader step by step through journeys to Andean sacred places like Machu Picchu, Cuzco, and Moray, and in the process uncovers the esoteric meaning of these ruins. Williams recounts his initiation with Peruvian shamans, including shamanic ceremonies he performed at Machu Picchu and his experiences using the mind-expanding, heart-opening ayahuasca and the sacred coca plant. Throughout these encounters, Williams weaves in practical advice that brings the wisdom of Andean shamans to life. His unforgettable account of their prayers, practices, and ceremonies offers a rare opportunity to see the world through the eyes of a shaman and experience the Andean sacred way.
An insider’s account of the journey to become an ayahuasquero, a shaman who heals with the visionary vine ayahuasca • Details the author’s training and life as a curandero using ayahuasca medicine, San Pedro cactus, tobacco purges, psychedelic mushrooms, and other visionary plants • Offers first-hand accounts of miraculous healing where ayahuasca revealed the cause of the illness, including how the author healed his mother from liver cancer • Shows how “ayahuasca tourism” symbolizes the Western world’s reawakening need to connect with the universal life force For more than 20 years American-born Alan Shoemaker has apprenticed and worked with shamans in Ecuador and Peru, learning the traditional methods of ayahuasca preparation, the ceremonial rituals for its use, and how to commune with the healing spirit of this sacred plant as well as the spirit of the San Pedro cactus and other sacred plant allies. Now a recognized and practicing ayahuasquero, or ayahuasca shaman, in Peru, he offers an insider’s account of the ayahuasca tradition and of its use for expanding consciousness and achieving healing through access to other dimensions of being. Shoemaker details his training and his own curandero practice using ayahuasca medicine, tobacco purges, psychedelic mushrooms, and other visionary plants. He discusses the different traditions of his two foremost teachers and mentors, Don Juan in the Peruvian Amazon, an ayahuasquero, and Valentin in Ecuador, a San Pedro shaman. He reveals the indispensable role played by icaros, the healing songs of the plant shaman, and offers firsthand accounts of miraculous healing resulting from ayahuasca’s ability to reveal the cause of an illness, including how he healed his mother from liver cancer. The author also addresses the rising popularity of Northerners traveling to the Amazon to seek healing and mind expansion through ayahuasca and shows how this fascination is triggered by humanity’s reawakening need to connect to the universal life force.