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The official prayer book of Shalom Peace Fellowship members
A beautiful and moving one-of-a-kind collection that draws from a variety of Jewish traditions, through the ages, to commemorate every occasion and every passage in the cycle of life, including: Special prayers for the Sabbath, holidays, and important dates of the Jewish year Prayers to mark celebratory milestones, such as bat mitzva, marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth Prayers for companionship, love, and fertility Prayers for healing, strength, and personal growth Prayers for daily reflection and thanksgiving Prayers for comfort and understanding in times of tragedy and loss On the eve of Yom Kippur in 2002, Aliza Lavie, a university professor, read an interview with an Israeli woman who had lost both her mother and her baby daughter in a terrorist attack. As Lavie stood in the synagogue later that evening, she searched for comfort for the bereaved woman, for a reminder that she was not alone but part of a great tradition of Jewish women who have responded to unbearable loss with strength and fortitude. Unable to find sufficient solace within the traditional prayer book and inspired by the memory of her own grandmother’s steadfast knowledge and faith, Lavie began researching and compiling prayers written for and by Jewish women. A Jewish Woman’s Prayer Book is the result—a beautiful and moving one-of-a-kind collection that draws from a variety of Jewish traditions, through the ages, to commemorate every occasion and every passage in the cycle of life, from the mundane to the extraordinary. This elegant, inspiring volume includes special prayers for the Sabbath and holidays and important dates of the Jewish year; prayers to mark celebratory milestones, such as bat mitzva, marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth; and prayers for comfort and understanding in times of tragedy and loss. Each prayer is presented in Hebrew and in an English translation, along with fascinating commentary on its origins and allusions. Culled from a wide range of sources, both geographically and historically, this collection testifies that women's prayers were—and continue to be—an inspired expression of personal supplication and desire.
Sammy Spider wants to taste the golden honey the Shapiros set out for a sweet New Year. Mom tells him to stick to spinning webs, but will curious Sammy listen?
This historic, gender-sensitive prayer book includes the most comprehensive transliteration of any prayer book in the Reform movement, and a special and timely section devoted to prayers and meditations for 'Troubled Times'. This book reflects the traditions of classical liturgy and of Liberal-Reform Judaism, yet it contains many innovations such as: Masterful new translations, with new accompanying passages; Along side each of the classical prayers is an explanation of its content & significance, establishing the prayer's place in the structure of the liturgy; Thematic cross-references connect readers to other passages in the book, enhancing appreciation of the text and offering an interactive, highly personal approach to prayer; Special innovations include: a selection of readings for 'Troubled Times'; Prayers for Healing; a Betrothal Prayer; a special selection of newly-translated Psalms, and blessings & rituals for individuals and communities, at home and in the synagogue; New readings and new inserts for the major holidays.
Dr. Billye Brim began her study of Hebrew at a prestigious language school in Israel. Her study of the language has equipped her to explore the deep meaning of the Hebrew Scriptures. Here she starts at the root of the word ¿shalom¿ and examines the development of the related words that have grown from it. There is more to the word than meets the eye.
The biblical challenge of shalom is one which ought to draw all Christians together in a common struggle so that God's will might be done and God's kingdom might come on earth as it is in heaven. People, as well as structures, need to be transformed. People who are caught in oppressive structures need to be liberated from the values and perspectives inculcated by these structures. The shalom maker, as a result, is involved in a mission of conversion--converting people to a new understanding and way of life. This conversion, based on God's love for them in Jesus, frees them from old patterns of thought. If we struggle for shalom, we shall suffer because we are actively confronting and resisting the structures of oppression and working for the liberation of powerless and oppressed people. Shalom love is not love at a distance, not love in the abstract, not love in the rocking chair--it is the love of confrontation, of strike, of protest, and of disobedience to the structures of violence. Shalom love is suffering love because it is militant love struggling for human liberation, justice, and shalom, which is God's will for our world.