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This volume brings together for the first time a series of studies on the social history of venereal disease in modern Europe and its former colonies. It explores, from a comparative perspective, the responses of legal, medical and political authorities to the 'Great Scourge'. In particular, how such responses reflected and shaped social attitudes towards sexuality and social relationships of class, gender, generation and race.
Sexuality was a part of God's good creation from the beginning. But with sin came a world filled with sexual brokenness. Thankfully, God is always in the business of restoration. This book offers hope for both the sexually immoral and the sexually victimized, pointing us all to the grace of Jesus Christ, who mercifully intervenes each moment in our lifelong journey toward renewal. Author David Powlison casts a vision for the key to deep transformation, better than anything the world has to offer—not just fresh resolve, not just flimsy forgiveness, not just simple formulas, but true, lasting mercy from God, who is making all things new.
We live in a deeply broken world . . . but there is hope. Sexuality is a fundamental part of what it means to be human—part of God's beautiful design when he created all things. And yet, sex in our world today looks nothing like the way that God intended it to be. Sexual brokenness surrounds us and, in one way or another, affects us all. This sexual brokenness reveals our deep need for redemption— something quick fixes, mere behavior modification, or a set of rules can't provide. Honest and direct yet kind and caring, this book points us to the only place we can find help for sexual brokenness—the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. Only this grace offers hope for a life of freedom, purity, and joy as God intended.
She's seen slave dungeons in Ghana. Genocide in Rwanda. Systemic sexual abuse in Brazil. Child abuse and domestic violence in the US. After forty years of counseling abuse survivors around the world, Dr. Diane Langberg, a world renowned trauma expert, remains certain that what trauma destroys, Christ can and does restore. This book will convince you, too, of the healing heart of God. But it's not a fast process, instead much patience is required from family, friends, and counselors as they wisely and respectfully help victims unpack their traumatic suffering through talking, tears, and time. And it's not a process that can be separated from the work of God in both a counselor and counselee. Dr. Langberg calls all of those who wish to help sufferers to model Jesus's sacrificial love and care in how they listen, love, and guide. The heart of God is revealed to sufferers as they grow to understand the cross of Christ and how their God came to this earth and experienced such severe suffering that he too is "well-acquainted with grief." The cross of Christ is the lens that transforms and redeems traumatic suffering and its aftermath, not only for the sufferer, but it also transforms those who walk with the suffering. This book will be a great help to anyone who loves, listens to, and seeks to help someone impacted by trauma and abuse. There is no quick fix, but there is the hope for healing through the love of God in Christ.
The Bible has a way of shocking us. If Americans could still blush, we might blush at the words, "Rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love" (Proverbs 5:18-19). But, of course, sin always tries to trash God's gifts. So we can't just celebrate sex for what God made it to be; we have to fight what sin turned it into. The contributors to this unique volume encourage you to do both: celebrate and struggle. This book has something for all-men and women, married and single-from contributors like John Piper, C. J. and Carolyn Mahaney, Mark Dever, Al Mohler, Carolyn McCulley, and others.
This ground-breaking resource challenges and equips Christians to think and act biblically and compassionately in matters of sexuality. Sexual abuse, sex addiction, gender confusion, brokenness, and shame plague today's world, and people are seeking clarity and hope. By contesting long-held cultural paradigms, this book equips you to see how sexuality is rooted in the broader context of God's heart and His work for us on earth. It provides a framework from which to understand the big picture of sexual challenges and wholeness, and helps you recognize that every sexual question is ultimately a spiritual one. It shifts the paradigm from combating sexual problems to confidently proclaiming and modeling the road to sacred sexuality. Instead of arguing with the world about what's right and wrong about sexual choices, this practical resource equips you to share the love and grace of Jesus as you encounter the pain of sexual brokenness--your own or someone else's.
A study on sex that goes beyond "just don't do it." Sexuality is a hot topic these days, and opinions are all over the place. A resource offering simple “do’s and don’ts” won’t cut it. Sex and the Single Girl fills the gap by providing a broader, more comprehensive understanding of what it means to honor God with our sexuality. This resource will equip single women to understand their sexuality, trust the Lord for redemption and healing, and stand against the cultural trends that marginalize and compromise God’s design for sex. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, cofounder of Authentic Intimacy, and author of several popular books, including 25 Questions You’re Afraid to Ask About Love, Sex, and Intimacy. She has devoted the last five years to equipping women with God’s truth about sexuality, and here she drives home the truth that every sexual choice is also a spiritual choice. The six-week study is broken down into five days for each week, covering: Why Sexuality Matters: The connection between spirituality and sexuality Embracing a Grand Design: God’s design and the beauty of living according to His wisdom. Sexuality and Your Character: How sexuality is part of worship and Christian identity. Sexual Boundaries: A very practical chapter providing a biblical grid for matters like masturbation, oral sex, and how far is too far to go in a dating relationship. Battling Temptation: A peak at “the enemy’s playbook,” helping women anticipate, prepare for, and stand against sexual temptation. Restoring Intimacy with God: How God can tear down the wall of sexual sin, shame, and confusion through forgiveness and redemption. This study has been tested through pilot groups with college women and other 20somethings. Revisedaccording to their feedback, it is primed and ready to help any single woman think biblically about sexuality, live accordingly, and experience the joy and freedom of doing so. Sex and the Single Girl is especially relevant today. One of the greatest threats to the modern church and emerging adults is the distortion of sexual design. Study after study has documented the proliferation of porn use (among both men and women), sexual exploitation on college campuses, experimentation with homosexuality and bi-sexuality, and the acceptability of multiple sexual partners. The average single Christian has received very little teaching on the purpose of sexuality, and a simple “just wait until you’re married” approach won’t cut it. Christian singles need to be equipped with a biblical worldview of sexuality and practical tools for talking it out. This study, which Slattery created with two women familiar with curriculum development, is ideal for college campuses and small groups. It will prompt discussions on practical topics like sexual temptation, sexual conduct, and responding to cultural thinking on gender issues and sexual autonomy. It is designed to challenge women to examine the assumptions underlying their sexual behaviors and beliefs. The ultimate goal of this resource is to introduce women to an intimate relationship with God who cares about every aspect of her life.
Revised Edition: August 2023 Fulfilling Love exposes the lies of the sexual world around us. As a Christian woman is led down the destructive path of sexual sin, valuable lessons are learned dealing with the true meaning of sex, which was created by God. - The deception of the enemy began in a marriage bed and destroyed a home. A real woman becomes trapped in real sin and is saved by the real God. - The world is shouting sex, and the Lord is calling the Church to boldly speak out and address this reality. Reviews: I was stunned by this book! Raised in a protected environment and unaware, this book shook me to my core! I think all women who are trapped in sexual sin and desperately want a way out should read this book. Stacey Lynn makes the reader realize that it is not hopeless and there is victory over this evil. This was an eye-opener for me. Women of all ages and backgrounds will love this book! -Sheila Stokes After reading Stacey Lynn's testimony of truth I felt compelled to share it with my small group of high school girls. Thank you Stacey Lynn for speaking boldly and sharing your life so young Christian girls have the truth to fight the deception of the enemy. -Tina Reeder, High School Teacher, Calvary Christian Academy. Stacey Lynn's amazing willingness to just tell it like it is allowed me to just be honest with my own failings, fears, sins, and worries of a sexual nature. Her strength and encouragement throughout the book, gave me the courage to take my sins before the Lord and receive God's forgiveness on a real and personal level. Stacey Lynn put a voice to the countless millions of women who secretly suffer from sexual sin and have no way to discuss deliverance. There is true deliverance in our sweet Jesus! -Karyn Ellebracht
Written for Christian men struggling with any form of sexual brokenness, this resource helps men understand that sexual sin starts in their minds and hearts and shows them how knowing Christ breaks their chains, builds spiritual brotherhood, and helps them take practical steps to re-create their minds in a God-focused direction. The ...
Life comes in seasons. In every season, dad matters. Each season of fatherhood has a different role for dads. In The Seasons of Fatherhood, we will explore some key practices to help us succeed in our role for that season. The lessons in this book are what God has been teaching me about fathering four remarkable people.