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Break Wrong Soul Ties And Pursue Your Purpose Relationships. They can either build you up or tear you down. When you spend time with someone you develop an emotional connection that unites develop soul ties. The more intimate you are, the stronger those soul ties become. Soul ties are responsible for the pain you feel when a relationship ends. They have deceived young people looking for love, married adults flirting with disaster, and abused women and men trapped in a vicious cycle. Now, in Untangle, Terri Savelle Foy reveals the truth concerning how soul ties are formed, how to recognize if you have wrong soul ties, and more importantly, how to break free once and for all. When you finish Untangle, you will not only be free from wrong soul ties, you will be on a pursuit! Break free. Clean the clutter. Pursue your purpose.
True and lasting change is possible! There are countless self-help plans that promise to break bad habits. While some are effective at changing harmful patterns, true transformation is more than just avoiding destructive behaviors. What is the key to lasting life-change? The answer lies in your soul... and the things to which your soul is spiritually bound. Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark have decades of experience in helping people unearth the root causes of emotional and behavioral issues. Combining their psychological expertise with a biblical framework for spiritual deliverance, the Clarks offer powerful tools to set you free from the soul ties that are binding you! Discover how to: Make the connections between your habit-patterns and soul ties. Identify specific soul ties that might be operating in your life. Break free from relational soul attachments created through sexual and emotional intimacy. Receive deliverance from soul bondages. Re-map your brain once bondages are broken. Break loose from bondage! Throw off your chains and become everything God has made you to be
The misconception on the subject of soul ties within the Body of Christ has put us in a place of vulnerability towards the deceptions and attacks of the enemy. Nowadays some people are knowledgeable on the subject of soul ties in relation to sexual soul ties but most people are completely oblivious to the emotional, psychological and spiritual side of soul ties. Being considerably unaware that not all soul ties are formed through sex but some originate through other means that are subtle and least expected. Hence, this book aims to reveal and expose how soul ties can form spiritually, emotionally, mentally or psychologically without you realising. Using the Word of God and help of the Holy Spirit, this book discusses what exactly a soul tie is, ways they form, the manipulative effects they can have on you whilst giving prayerful action plans you can take to sever through them. This manual book is perfect for those who want to grow in Christ and be freed from soul ties.
Going through this world in relationship with other people inevitably creates connections in our inner being called soul ties. When these relationships are loving, supportive, and nurturing, positive soul ties are created. But if the relationships become abusive or manipulative, or cause rejection, they create a toxic brokenness within our soul that we carry with us, even long after the relationship ends. If these toxic inner soul ties are not severed, we will experience failure, fractured relationships, and even health problems throughout life. In Breaking Toxic Soul Ties, Tom Brown describes his own story of rejection and the process of inner healing he experienced. He will help you to identify and diagnose toxic relationships as he explains the difference between positive and negative soul ties. He also shows why toxic soul ties develop and how they can only be broken by a process of inner healing that incorporates confession, forgiveness, and prayer. The truth is, unless your self-image is firmly rooted in the truth of your identity in Christ, you will always be susceptible to bad soul ties. Tom Brown describes the way for you to move forward in life and leave pain and brokenness behind for good!
Learn God's Word and grow in the Glory Realm!In this first volume of Glory Bible Study, you are invited to search the Scriptures, not only by studying them with your mind, but by opening your entire person to experience the living Word and Spirit of God. The Bible says:Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13, AMPGod has promised to reveal Himself to those who seek Him with great expectation. Therefore, expect to increase in your knowledge of the Glory, and expect to receive personal revelation and supernatural miracles as you devote yourself to studying these gloriously inspired truths. This volume covers the following fascinating topics:? Angels? Supernatural Living? Divine Healing? Spirit of Glory? Miracles? Portals? Praise and Worship? Biblical ProsperityThis in-depth compilation of lessons has been gathered from Joshua and Janet Mills' popular weekly Glory Bible Study broadcast. The study is filled with progressive revelation and deep impartation for any serious student of the Word. Be prepared to grow spiritually as you biblically learn how to live in the Glory Realm.
Illustrates how both godly and ungodly soul-ties are created and how they can affect us, often profoundly, in our everyday lives.
Do you feel stuck or bound to something or someone in your life, so much so that you cannot move forward in identifying and living within your God-given purpose? Do you feel stagnant or reluctant because of your previous or current life choices, associations, or relationships? Does your life, soul, or spirit feel tied to or weighed down by something or someone, not allowing you to become all that God has created you to be? Does your fleshly desires drive your life instead of the Spirit of God? If so, you're probably experiencing consequences of soul ties. Ungodly soul ties are the enemy's tactic to keep you bound to this world, unfruitful, and without fulfillment of your purpose. Fortunately, through a righteous relationship with God, we have the opportunity to be eternally free from people, ideals, positions, roles, tasks, material possessions, and even our own insecurities that have kept us bound to mediocrity. Our soul ties can be severed if we stop relying on our own strength and start relying on God's strength through Jesus Christ. This book is for the person who wants to identify the Truth about soul ties, is tired of living bound to them, and desires to be eternally severed from every type of soul tie. God is calling you to start, stay consistent in, and complete the process of "Severing Soul Ties!"
Are you in bondage to a person? Does someone else manipulate you? Are you easily controlled, dominated? Are you tormented with thoughts of a former lover? Have you bound yourself by your words (vows, oaths, promises)? Are you free to be all God intended you to be? Bill & Sue Banks provide powerful revelation and insight into the subject of Soul-Ties, including: What are the symptoms of a healthy, Godly relationship? What are the symptoms of an unhealthy, ungodly relationship? This book offers powerful help to being set free from unnatural bondages (or soul ties) to people, places, and things, such as ex-lovers, people around you who practice manipulation, and others. "Here, at last, is a thorough and theologically sound treatment of a little understood subject..." from the Foreword by Frank Hammond
Millions of people at every socioeconomic level and of diverse demographics, ages, and cultures desire to see change in their lives. Broken and weeping, they seek counseling, coaching, and self-help resources with little results. Why? Bishop Michael Pitts believes the answer lies in the stronghold of ungodly soul ties. In Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties, you'll learn how to: Differentiate between godly and ungodly covenants. Identify ungodly soul ties in your and other people's lives. Break the hold that ungodly soul ties have on every aspect of your life. Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties delivers a practical word of truth that has escaped the focus and attention of much of the church and world and brings genuine healing and deliverance to all who read it.