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The Seventh-Day Adventist cult was actually established by accident or you might say a bad judgment made by a man named William Miller. He made the mistake of proclaiming that Jesus would return on a certain date that didn't happen. He tried to fix it by setting another date, which also didn't happen. He eventually decided that what he was doing was wrong and repented and said he would never do it again. Unfortunately, it didn't stop there, and the organization continued on. After splitting several times, a lady named Ellen G. White came on to the scene. While a child she was hit in the head with a rock causing her to be unconscious for a period of time. Because of what could be called brain damage she started seeing visions that she said were from God. The Seventh Day Adventists now had a prophet giving the people new revelations that they had to follow in order to get to Heaven. But even now, when they follow all the rules that she put forth, they never know if they have actually accomplished everything to get to Heaven. As you read, Seventh Day Adventism & the False Prophecies of Ellen G. White, you will understand how these people are being led away from Heaven. Some of the topics are: Why is it wrong to set dates for the return of Jesus? Why do they have to pass "Investigative Judgement" in order to get to Heaven? Where did the Clear Word Bible come from? What is "Soul sleeping"? How does Kellogg cereal fit in Seventh Day Adventism? Do Seventh Day Adventist believe in a Heaven and a Hell? Who are the Seventh Day Adventist celebrities? You will find that after studying Seventh Day Adventist & the False Prophecies of Ellen G. White, these people are in great need of hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be told that they need to run not walk and get out of this cult as fast as they can. This study will give you the necessary tools needed to witness to a member of Seventh Day Adventism and open their eyes to the false teachings that they have been under. This is definitely a book you need to complete your library.
A foundational text in the Seventh Day Adventist church, The Great Controversy is a vision White had of the great battle between Christ and Satan throughout the ages of the early and modern church. Although the book is not held with as high esteem in Protestant circles, it still is able to outline a way of impactful theological thinking.
The Bible says that in the last days, many false prophets would rise. The Bible further says that in the last days, the Spirit of prophecy would be manifested in the church. Ellen G White is accepted by the Adventist faithfuls as a true Prophet, she is however dismissed by thousands of other Christians as a false prophet in fact, by the mention of the word prophet alone in this 21st century, many classify the Seventh-day Adventist church with a cult or a sect. In this book, the most in depth study of Ellen G White has been done with three clear and independent methods used to proof beyond reasonable doubt that she was actually a prophet of God. Contained in the book is a Biblical analysis with clear texts that will help you understand more that we have not followed cunningly devised fables but are sure of our belief in her ministry. May God Bless you and open your spiritual eyes so that you may understand this important topic.
What will it be like for those left behind after the Rapture of the Church? What horrors await the planet when the prophesied Seven Year Tribulation begins in all its gory detail? Do Christians need to be concerned about the Seven Year Tribulation? Is it too late for people to turn to the Messiah? Will there be any way out of this horrible time frame when God pours out His unmitigated wrath? How will the antichrist deceive so many people and take over the world? Are there any signs that this period described by Jesus as the worst time in the history of mankind is actually fast approaching? All these questions and much much more will be answered in this book, The Seals: A Panoramic View of the First Half of the Seven Year Tribulation. Buckle your seat belts, hold on to your hats, and get ready for the journey of your life! No other book takes you on such an in-depth, amazing, thrill ride through the first half of the Seven Year Tribulation.
Ground-breaking book that has shaken the foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. "Ellen Gould White in the mid 1800s began a career that led to her becoming the acknowledged "personage" of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. A century and a quarter afterward, in the mid-1970s, one of her longtime devotees began to disclose evidence from his research that raised sobering questions as to the official church position on Ellen White.... This book grew out of the author's own quest for answers to compelling questions concerning this woman.... The White Lie reveals a portion of Walter Rea's evidence that much of what several generations have been taught concerning Ellen White's writings simply is not true -- or at the minimum, it is enormously overstated. The books of numerous writers of her time, and earlier, are known to have been accessible to her. The large number of them that were in personal collection at her death in 1915 were inventoried and have been available to the White Estate staff.
"The Lord has shown me that Satan was once an honored angel in heaven, next to Jesus Christ. His countenance was mild, expressive of happiness like the other angels. His forehead was high and broad, and showed great intelligence. His form was perfect. He had noble, majestic bearing. And I saw that when God said to his Son, Let us make man in our image, Satan was jealous of Jesus. He wished to be consulted concerning the formation of man. He was filled with envy, jealousy and hatred. He wished to be the highest in heaven, next to God, and receive the highest honors. Until this time all heaven was in order, harmony and perfect subjection to the government of God."-Ellen G White