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Read these quotes every time you feel the need to be inspired, encouraged or motivated to get back on track in one-pointedness towards your spiritual goal and to make and maintain the decision to bring the impostor self to its final end so that you can abide eternally as your true Self which is Absolutely Perfect Infinite-Awareness-Love-Bliss that has never experienced any sorrow or suffering in all of eternity. The Seven Sages placed tremendous emphasis on the importance of spiritual practice. The type is Palatino 14 for crisp clear easy reading. This book contains all of the quotes in Chapter (Step) Five from the book The Seven Steps to Awakening. Inspiration and Encouragement on the Path to Self Realization is Book Four in the Self Realization Series. One purpose of the Self Realization Series is to put just one category of quotes into a small book that has the advantage of making it easier to focus, meditate on, grasp and have insight into just one subject at a time. That makes the approach simple, easier and less complicated. The idea is to stay focused on just one subject until you have received everything you need to receive from that one subject. Most people go on to the next subject without ever having learned to apply to their lives the subject they are studying now. The Self Realization series of books are portable practice manuals aimed at helping sincere seekers of Self Realization master one Key to Self Realization at a time. The six titles in the Self Realization Series are: 1.Self Awareness Practice Instructions. 2.The Desire for Liberation. 3.The False self. 4.Inspiration and Encouragement on the Path to Self Realization. 5.Everything is an Illusion. 6.How Not to Get Lost in Concepts.
The Seven Steps to Awakening is the most powerful collection of quotes ever assembled on the subject of how to directly experience the true Self whose nature is Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss and how to bring the impostor self, its tricks and all suffering to a final end in this lifetime. Most books on the subject of Self-realization are written by those who have only conceptual knowledge and no direct experience of the infinite Self. All seven of the sages quoted in The Seven Steps to Awakening lived in the infinite and their knowledge came from their direct experience of the infinite Self. The quotes in The Seven Steps to Awakening are doorways to liberation and a loving transmission from the Infinite Self to you. When the impostor self attempts to derail you from your journey to Awakening, reading the quotes in The Seven Steps to Awakening can inspire and encourage you to get back on track. Only the most essential and most powerful quotes that have no distractions or detours were selected for The Seven Steps to Awakening. The first collection of quotes describes how to tell the difference between a conceptual journey and a journey to Awakening. The second points out that the world, etc. is a dreamlike illusion. The third reveals why it is necessary to bring the impostor self to its final end. The fourth is about the importance of increasing your desire for liberation. The fifth is for the purpose of encouraging, inspiring and motivating you to actually practice all seven steps. The sixth is about turning your attention inward. The seventh describes the most rapid, direct and effective method that brings the impostor self, its tricks and all suffering to their final end so that you can remain forever in the true Self whose nature is Infinite-Awareness-Love-Bliss.
Chief Justice P.B. Gajendragadkar of the Supreme Court of India, in a ruling in 1995 wrote, "When we think of the Hindu religion, unlike other religions in the world, the Hindu religion does not claim any one prophet; it does not worship any one god; it does not subscribe to any one dogma; it does not believe in any one philosophic concept; it does not follow any one set of religious rites or performances; in fact, it does not appear to satisfy the narrow traditional features of any religion or creed. It may broadly be described as a way of life and nothing more."ABC of Hinduism introduces innumerable Hindu gods and goddesses that are known by many names in a simple language. It shares a glimpse of how the gods, humans, demons, Yaksh and the Gandharv along with the vast animal and plant world intermingle to shape this vast universe. It gives an insight how the ancient sages, saints and seers sought, interpreted and shared the great wealth of knowledge revealed and brought forward by them. It narrates the special instances in the lives of the important characters in the great epics Ramayan and Mahabharat that have over hundreds of years shaped the lives of those who follow Hinduism. Listed in alphabetic order it simplifies everyday life, explaining what makes Hinduism a flexible and convenient way of life.
A mistake made by almost everyone who studies the Direct Path Teachings is that instead of using the teachings as practice instructions they become lost in spiritual concepts. Most of those people never correct that mistake and at the end of their physical life they are still lost in a maze of concepts without having realized the True Self. A journey that never goes beyond thought is not a journey to Self Realization. In this book Seven Sages teach how to avoid getting lost in concepts. The type is Palatino 16 for crisp clear easy reading. This book contains all of the quotes in Chapter (Step) One from the book The Seven Steps to Awakening. How Not to Get Lost in Concepts is book Six in the Self Realization Series. One purpose of the Self Realization Series is to put just one category of quotes into a small book that has the advantage of making it easier to focus, meditate on, grasp and have insight into just one subject at a time. That makes the approach simple, easier and less complicated. The idea is to stay focused on just one subject until you have received everything you need to receive from that one subject. Most people go on to the next subject without ever having learned to apply to their lives the subject they are studying now. The Self Realization series of books are portable practice manuals aimed at helping sincere seekers of Self Realization master one Key to Self Realization at a time. The six titles in the Self Realization Series are: 1.Self Awareness Practice Instructions. 2.The Desire for Liberation. 3.The False self. 4.Inspiration and Encouragement on the Path to Self Realization. 5.Everything is an Illusion. 6.How Not to Get Lost in Concepts.
The Holy Feet of Illumined Souls on Earth "From dreams awake, from bonds be free. Know the Truth! Thou art He; thou art She." The Rishis of India, knowers of Truth, in seeking the ultimate welfare and highest good for all of humanity throughout the ages, pioneered an unprecedented myriad of religious and philosophical systems. These availed the aspiring soul of a copious network of wisdom pathways, opening inwards to the Light of Nondual Reality. Veda, Tantra, Sankhya. Nyaya. Vaishesika, Purva Mimamsa, Vedanta, Yoga, Buddhism, Patanjala (Yoga), Sikhism, Jainism, Vaishnavism. Shaivism, Shaktism. Sourism, Ganapatya — the list goes on and on. This reveals a universal vision the likes of which was never before seen in any country or conceived of by any other race of human beings. Here is not only one holy book, or merely one divine incarnation, or just a single prophet, but dozens to hundreds of each, all supported, maintained, and lovingly transmitted by countless luminaries stretching back millennia B.C.E. India therefore stands as an exceptional example before the eyes of the world. The main principle which makes her so is realization of and adherence to Truth, as demonstrated and elucidated upon in this book. It is founded upon the natural acceptance of the presence of God as Existence Itself. This Truth was tempered on earth over millennia in the fires of spiritual practice, infusing Vedic philosophy and religion with many important keys concerning the attainment of direct spiritual experience. The subtitle of this book, "Charting the Timeless Wisdom of Mother India," proves itself through 299 charts, all created to transmit the depth and breadth of India's dharmic teachings, and replete with thorough and in-depth commentaries.
'Because you're worth it', proclaims the classic cosmetics ad. 'Just do it!' implores the global sports retailer. Everywhere we turn, we are constantly encouraged to experience as much as possible, for as long as possible, in as many ways as possible. FOMO – Fear of Missing Out – has become a central preoccupation in a world fixated on the never-ending pursuit of gratification and self-fulfilment. But this pursuit can become a treadmill leading nowhere. How can we break out of it? In this refreshing book, bestselling Danish philosopher and psychologist Svend Brinkmann reveals the many virtues of missing out on the constant choices and temptations that dominate our experience-obsessed consumer society. By cultivating self-restraint and celebrating moderation we can develop a more fulfilling way of living that enriches ourselves and our fellow humans and protects the planet we all share – in short, we can discover the joy of missing out.