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Compelling basic principles of economics every citizen should know to enable better personal decision-making and better evaluation of public policy.
"Here, Warren Mosler identifies and debunks seven entrenched ideas keeping the economy in a downward trajectory. In this ... book, he exposes commonly-held beliefs, such as 'deficits leave the debt burden to our children' and 'Social Security is broken,' to be economic myths. In addition to correcting these mindsets, Mosler promotes the restoration of the American economy with practical and feasible proposals. Along the way, he explains the operational realities of the monetary system in clear, down-to-earth language"--Book jacket.
You have heard of the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Each is a natural human weakness that impedes happiness. In addition to these vices, however, there are economic sins as well. And they, too, wreak havoc on our lives and in society. They can seem intuitively compelling, yet they lead to waste, loss, and forgone prosperity. In this thoughtful and compelling book, James Otteson tells the story of seven central economic fallacies, explaining why they are fallacies, why believing in them leads to mistakes and loss, and how exorcizing them from our thinking can help us avoid costly errors and enable us to live in peace and prosperity.
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview: #1 While it is true that markets are competitive, and that some firms will succeed and others will fail, this does not have to be a negative thing. Because markets are positivesum, not zerosum, the wealth they create is positivesum as well. #2 There are two main ways to get something from someone: by taking it forcibly from them, or by defrauding them and promising to pay them in the future but not doing so. These are examples of zerosum exchanges. #3 Until about 1800, the average person’s percapita wealth was extremely low, between $1 and $3 per day. But there is another way to get what you want from another person: make an offer of exchange that the other party is free to accept or decline. If both parties benefit from the exchange, it is a positivesum exchange. #4 The morally superior way to deal with others is to engage in cooperative exchanges instead of extractive ones. This was a great leap forward in human morality, and it has become clear that the only properly moral way to deal with others is to treat them as equals in dignity and agency.
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 While it is true that markets are competitive, and that some firms will succeed and others will fail, this does not have to be a negative thing. Because markets are positive-sum, not zero-sum, the wealth they create is positive-sum as well. #2 There are two main ways to get something from someone: by taking it forcibly from them, or by defrauding them and promising to pay them in the future but not doing so. These are examples of zero-sum exchanges. #3 Until about 1800, the average person’s per-capita wealth was extremely low, between $1 and $3 per day. But there is another way to get what you want from another person: make an offer of exchange that the other party is free to accept or decline. If both parties benefit from the exchange, it is a positive-sum exchange. #4 The morally superior way to deal with others is to engage in cooperative exchanges instead of extractive ones. This was a great leap forward in human morality, and it has become clear that the only properly moral way to deal with others is to treat them as equals in dignity and agency.
We all know that the financial crisis of 2008 came dangerously close to pushing the United States and the world into a depression rivaling that of the 1930s. But what is astonishing -- and should make us not just afraid but very afraid -- are the shenanigans of the biggest banks since the crisis. Bob Ivry passionately, eloquently, and convincingly details the operatic ineptitude of America's best-compensated executives and the ways the government kowtows to what it mistakenly imagines is their competence and success. Ivry shows that the only thing that has changed since the meltdown is how too-big-to-fail banks and their fellow travelers in Washington have nudged us ever closer to an even bigger economic calamity. Informed by deep reporting from New York, Washington, and the heartland, The Seven Sins of Wall Street, like no other book, shows how we're all affected by the financial industry's inhumanity. The transgressions of "Wall Street titans" and "masters of the universe" are paid for by real people. In fierce, plain English, Ivry indicts a financial industry that continues to work for the few at the expense of the rest of us. Problems that financiers deemed too complicated to be understood by ordinary folks are shown by Ivry to be financial legerdemain -- a smokescreen of complexity and jargon that hide the bankers' nefarious activities. The Seven Sins of Wall Street is irreverent and timely, an infuriating black comedy. The Great Depression of the 1930s moved the American political system to real reform that kept the finance industry in check. With millions so deeply affected since the crisis of 2008, you'll finish this book asking yourself how it is that so many of the nation's leading financial institutions remain such exasperating problem children.
A collection of seven plays - the seven deadly sins: Gluttony, Lechery or the Bet, the Loafer, the Cheat, Avarice, Envy, and Pride and Ambition or The Sun King. The common thread is that all the deadly sins still destroy the efficacy of sound social and moral attitudes.
Why psychology is in peril as a scientific discipline—and how to save it Psychological science has made extraordinary discoveries about the human mind, but can we trust everything its practitioners are telling us? In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that a lot of research in psychology is based on weak evidence, questionable practices, and sometimes even fraud. The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology diagnoses the ills besetting the discipline today and proposes sensible, practical solutions to ensure that it remains a legitimate and reliable science in the years ahead. In this unflinchingly candid manifesto, Chris Chambers shows how practitioners are vulnerable to powerful biases that undercut the scientific method, how they routinely torture data until it produces outcomes that can be published in prestigious journals, and how studies are much less reliable than advertised. Left unchecked, these and other problems threaten the very future of psychology as a science—but help is here.
When Stanford M. Lyman authored The Seven Deadly Sins: Society and Evil in 1978 it was hailed by Alasdair MacIntyre as "a book of absorbing interest and importance...[that] places us all in his debt." By Nelson Hart as "a masterful and thought-provoking book...[that] is the only scholarly treatment of sin that is so well-informed by the best of ancient through modern perspectives." By James A. Aho as a work whose "abstract hardly does justice to the scholarly and detailed analysis of sin." And by Harry Cohen as a "book...[that] stands as a beautiful illustration of what holistic, idiosyncratic, interdisciplinary, and creative thinking and writing can bring to bear on the age-old problem of society and evil." The American Sociological Association's section on the Sociology of the Emotions selected this book as one of the works that laid the foundations for the study of pride, lust, envy, and anger—basic sentiments embedded in the social process. For this revised and expanded edition Lyman has written a new chapter, "Sentiments, Sin, and Social Conflict: Toward a Sociology of the Emotions." The new edition will be a valuable work for courses in social psychology, ethics, deviance, and the sociology of morals and of religion.
Guillaume deals with the sins of capitalism in a work that contains much moreon the negatives than about the positives.