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David S. Young shows a biblical style of servant leadership and how it can be applied in concrete situations. He sees the spiritual dimension as key to renewal in the church. Servant leaders are attuned to God's movement and listen for God's direction to help a congregation find a plan for using the strengths of their church. Servant leaders formulate a renewal plan and implement it through prayer, teamwork, and resources. They learn to handle hardship. They are involved in faith formation. They serve by the transforming springs of God and call others to renewal and service.
"David Young's Servant Leadership for Church Renewal is a logical sequel to his earlier book, A New Heart and a New Spirit. Drawing on his experience as a pastor and a teacher of pastors, the author offers his own thorough, practical, and biblically based perspective on the meaning, implications, and importance of servant leadership. This is a useful resource for seminary students, pastors, and lay leaders." --Richard Stoll Armstrong, Princeton Theological Seminary "Young's book is a highly recommended read for any pastor seeking to bring renewal to the church through self-renewal and a commitment to a godly leadership so needed in the church today." --Scott Rodin, President, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary "Young's book will be a strong stimulus to pastors and congregational leaders in many settings. It balances content and programming in a flexible and sensitive way. I recommend this book on servant leadership." --George R. Brunk III, Dean, Eastern Mennonite Seminary "David Young's presentations have effective references to Scripture, clear and concise outlines, and practical applications and illustrations. I have always been enriched in seminars taught by David Young." --Richard Sisco, Pastor, Akron (PA) Church of the Brethren "When we were developing a church vision, we consulted with David. His time with us was beneficial in helping us to be sensitive to the ministry God is uniquely creating at Frazer Mennonite Church." --Jason Kuniholm, Pastor, Frazer (PA) Mennonite Church "Servant Leadership for Church Renewal is a must read book for any and all servant leaders in the Kingdom of God. David S. Young masterfully explores the Bible and creatively teaches leaders the challenge of being in leadership in the Christian Church. This book was long overdue for the body of Christ. Every leader, every church member, every laity should be required to read this book before being allowed to serve in any capacity in the church. The author shows us through the word that we are called not to just be leaders who hold a position and title but rather we are called to lead people to a deeper and more fulfilling place in God. I have designed all my Leadership Training at Union Baptist Church around this book. It is a must have and a must read for all pastors and laity." --Rev. Antonio D. Anderson, Union Baptist Church in the Village of Harlem, New York
There is no finer management concept than that of the servant leader, none more essential to organizational well-being. Servant Leadership for Congregations extends the concept to Christian congregations, a natural bonding exemplified by Christ. SERVANT LEADERSHIP DEFINED Servant leadership for Christian congregations is defined "as a democratic philosophy of guiding stewardship that values the responsibilities, interests, and abilities of all affected parties, and actively encourages their full involvement in planning and decision-making through study and open discussion toward consensus. The Christian servant leader is one who, recognizing God's sovereign will over all, leaps to do that will with the help of the Holy Spirit." BOOK DESCRIPTION Servant Leadership is organized in two divisions. The first, The Christian Servant Leader, presents the nature of the servant as a congregational leader, together with the impact on basic management functions. The second, Functional Responsibilities, a primer on application, reports ways in which the various church functions may be affected by servant leadership. The volume's 23 chapters and four appendices are listed below. Servant Leadership for Congregations Preface, Acknowledgements, Contents The Christian Servant Leader 1. Introduction 2. About Congregations Part I. Concept and Spirituality of Servant Leadership 3. The Concept of the Servant as a Leader 4. The Priesthood of All Believers Part II. The Nature of Servant Leadership 5. Bible Guidance and Derived Principles 6. Personal Dimensions of the Servant Leader 7. Peremptory Authority 8. Core Elements for Leading/Managing Part III. Church Structure and Leadership Roles 9. Statements and Organization 10. Leadership Roles Part IV. Leadership in Practice 11. Communications and Planning 12. How to Conduct Meetings and Reach Decisions Functional Responsibilities Part V. Worship 13. The Worship Service 14. New Needs, New Responses 15. The Spoken Word and Prayer Part VI. Discipleship 16. Parish Life 17. Small Group Ministries 18. Christian Education 19. Our Call to Stewardship 20. Evangelism - Basics and the Inreaching Responsibility 21. Evangelism - the Outreaching Challenge 22. Community Ministry 23. Administration and Property Appendices A. Christian Music B. Job Descriptions C. The Challenge of Seeking Perfection D. The Renewal Reader
Servant Leadership addresses a fundamental concern of the contemporary church by asking pertinent questions of the New Testament: Who became a leader in the Jesus movement and in Pauline Christianity? What was the social status of these leaders in the outside world as compared to the importance of such social status within the faith community? What practices characterized their leadership within the communities they served? The book explores models of leadership in the New Testament s two prime exemplars, Jesus and Paul, and in their respective communities of faith. It studies both Paul s statements and actions with regard to leadership issues with specific church communities, using Thessalonians, the Corinthians, the Galatians, and the Philippians correspondence as case studies in the practice of leadership. It concludes with a discussion of leadership challenges in the modern church and how a Pauline or Deutero-Pauline model can work for us today. The author shows how understanding one s followers, as well as the goals and purposes of the group one leads, is a fundamental function of leadership today, even in the corporate world. Similarly, although we expect Christian leadership to be confrontational and assertive at times, it must also be open to creating opportunities for others to exercise their gifts and, therefore, their leadership. Good leaders move others to respond to their own personal calls and commitments.
David S. Young approaches the need for renewal with a spiritual thrust and an active servant leader style. He gives systematic help in how to be a healthy church with an urgent mission. This manual helps a church cultivate its spiritual life, train leaders, and focus efforts in ministries which express its identity and call. Rather than the pastor working solo, a renewal team is trained that gets the entire congregation involved. The team works with the church to look at its strengths and discover new life. Rather than using a diagnostic model of church renewal, find out what is wrong and fix it, the process uses an affirmative model, find out what is right and builds upon it. This book is written from David Young's experience in pastoring in the local church, teaching in seminaries, leading cluster work, writing two books in the field, and keeping one foot planted in a church working on renewal. Young has learned, developed, lived, taught and tested this model.
With careful biblical exposition and keen cross-cultural awareness, Duane Elmer offers principles and guidance for avoiding misunderstandings and building relationships in ways that honor people in other cultures.
In this book R. Scott Rodin offers a unique and profoundly theologically informed model of leadership forged out of his extensive experience and theological studies. This model is personal, dynamic and transformative for the leaders themselves, for the people they work with and for the institution or organizations in which they serve.
Who needs another book on leadership? After reading Dr. Parolini's manuscript, I concluded that I did. This personal, thoughtful and challenging book takes two well recognized leadership models, puts them in dialog, and synthesizes a more robust model. Using her research, consulting experience, and life story, Dr. Parolini challenges leaders to grow their character as a basis for growing their skills as a leader. This is not a book to skim. The reader will gain the most from interacting with the frequent questions and exercises that link the material with the leader's character and style. Illustrations from the Bible pointedly and powerfully bring home the principles of Transformational Servant Leadership. As you pick up this book be prepared to grow academically, spiritually, and personally. Jay Barnes President, Bethel University There are two kinds of people in the world - 'here I am' kind of people and 'there you are' kind of people. Transformational servant leaders are always other-centered leaders who help facilitate personal and corporate change with high impact. Jeanine Parolini' is a 'there you are' kind of leader whose interactive style will stretch your mind, enlarge your heart, and ignite your desire to better understand and practice Transformational Servant Leadership. I know this because she has consulted with me and our organization to define reality and clarify direction. Learn how to be the new kind of hero that is necessary in our world today through the Parolini Transformation and Servant Leadership Scale included in these pages. Joel Johnson Senior Pastor, Westwood Community Church Dr. Jeanine Parolini serves as a leadership and organizational development coach and consultant. She is also adjunct faculty and an advisor for Bethel and Trinity Western Universities, and an instructor and a certification coach for Peacemaker Ministries. She leads seminars, presents at conferences, and has authored a number of articles including Distinguishing Transformational and Servant Leadership and Moving from Maturity to Renewal: An Investigation of Culture and Innovation. She earned an MBA from Dominican University and a MA from Bethel Seminary. Dr. Parolini completed her PhD at Regent University and her dissertation topic is: Investigating the Distinctions Between Transformational and Servant Leaders.
Understanding Christian Leadership offers an examination of a distinctly Christian understanding of leadership offering a critical appraisal of insights from secular theories of leadership, exploring biblical and other theological insights into the nature and practice of leadership. Whilst arguing for a form of leadership which is widely dispersed and collaborative, the book seeks to explain the distinctive role of leaders within such a leadership economy. It also seeks to establish a proper relationship between sacred and secular leadership thinking, tackling some of the common philosophical and theological reservations to do with leadership discourse, whilst offering a critical framework for discerning the suitability for the Church of different sources of leadership thinking. Designed as core reading for leadership modules currently taught by the author across a large number of training contexts in the UK, this book is an indispensable text for those taking undergraduate or postgraduate-level qualifications in Christian leadership as well as those in other less formal leadership training contexts. Foreword by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
Servantship is essentially about following our Lord Jesus Christ, the servant Lord, and his mission--it is a life of discipleship to him, patterned after his self-emptying, humility, sacrifice, love, values, and mission. Servantship is humbly valuing others more than yourself, and looking out for the interests and wellbeing of others. Servantship is the cultivation of the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had: making yourself nothing, being a servant, humbling yourself, and submitting yourself to the will and purposes of the triune God. Since servantship is the imitation of Christ, it involves an unreserved participation in the missio Dei--the Trinitarian mission of God. In this pioneering work, sixteen servants describe the four movements of radical servantship. Servantship is the movement 1.from leadership to radical servantship; 2.from shallowness to dynamic theological reflection; 3.from theories to courageous practices; and 4.from forgetfulness to transforming memory. Servantship recognizes, in word, thought, and deed, that "whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave--just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."