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A Transforming Knowledge of the Living God The timeless appeal of this classic book, written by a preacher with a worldwide ministry during the first half of the twentieth century, demonstrates the deep hunger for a saving knowledge of God present in each generation. Arthur Pink sought to give readers not just a theoretical knowledge of God but pointed them toward a personal relationship of yielding to him and living according to his biblical precepts. Pink's book explores attributes such as God's decrees, foreknowledge, sovereignty, holiness, grace, and mercy, among many others, all packaged in a style especially useful for pastors, teachers, and Bible students. Our God who is above all names cannot be found through human searching alone, Pink teaches, but can be known only as he is revealed by the Holy Spirit through his living Word.
Dr. Sproul brings a wealth of theological, philosoph-ical, and biblical knowledge which gives to his ministry a depth and penetration not often heard today......Dr. D. James Kennedy
The most important question For A. W. Tozer, no question is more important than, "What is God like?" The desire to know God consumed his entire life and ministry. That's why those who read him come to know God more intimately. Originally preached as sermons at Southside Alliance Church in Chicago, this first volume of The Attributes of God examines ten attributes of God. It also includes a study guide for an in-depth look at each attribute: Infinite Immense Good Just Merciful Gracious Omnipresent Immanent Holy Perfect Steeped in Scripture and filled with the Spirit, Tozer preached with striking clarity and power. The sense of his sermons comes through on every page, bringing the Word of God to bear upon you. "If a sermon can be compared to light, then A.W. Tozer released a laser beam from the pulpit, a beam that penetrated the heart." — Warren Wiersbe, former pastor of The Moody Church
The problem identified by the prophet Hosea in his day is still with us today - 'There is no...knowledge of God in the land' (Hos. 4:1). We were made to know God. We were saved to know God. Jesus said, 'This is eternal life that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent' (John 17:3). Our chief end and purpose is to know God and thereby to honour and enjoy him. These pages explore God's identity. The God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is also Creator, Governor, and Redeemer. This one true God is infinitely and unchangingly holy, just, good, and loving. This work is offered with the hope that it might promote the true knowledge of the true God. As Matthew Henry said, 'To know the perfections of the divine nature, the unsearchable riches of divine grace, to be led into the mystery of our redemption and reconciliation by Christ, this is food; such knowledge as this is a feast to the soul.'
* Preface * Lesson 1: Exploring the Excellencies of God * Lesson 2: The Power of God * Lesson 3: The Goodness of God * Lesson 4: The Wisdom of God * Lesson 5: The Holiness of God * Lesson 6: The Righteousness of God * Lesson 7: The Wrath of God * Lesson 8: The Grace of God * Lesson 9: The Sovereignty of God in History * Lesson 10: The Sovereignty of God in Salvation * Lesson 11: The Nearness of God * Lesson 12: The Immutability of God * Lesson 13: The Joy of God * Lesson 14: The Invisibility of God * Lesson 15: The Forgiving God * Lesson 16: The Truth of God * Lesson 17: The Love of God * Lesson 18: The Glory of God
The most important question we can ask... For A. W. Tozer, there is no question more important than, "What is God like?" The desire to know God consumed his entire life and ministry. That's why those who read him come to know God more intimately. Originally preached as sermons to the Avenue Road congregation in Toronto, this follow-up to The Attributes of God Volume 1 examines ten more attributes of God. It also includes a study guide for an in-depth look at each attribute: Self-Existent Transcendent Eternal Omnipotent Immutable Omniscient Wise Sovereign Faithful Loving Steeped in Scripture and filled with the Spirit, Tozer preached with striking clarity and power. The sense of his sermons comes through on every page, bringing the Word of God to bear upon you.
These sermon outlines on various topics were chosen for their strong scriptural support and solid expository structure. They will enhance pulpit ministry and encourage those in the pew.