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Este sexto tomo es parte de la hermosa serie titulada 'El misterio del reino de los cielos revelado'. El autor Dino Alreich nuevamente abre su corazón de forma sincera en el escudriñar de La Sagrada Biblia. Cada tomo de esta serie es un manantial refrescante de enseñanzas bíblicas que nutren el espíritu de los lectores con la Palabra de Dios. Esta vez el autor nos conduce a explorar los misterio de la siguientes parábolas: El fariseo y el publican, El buen pastor, La vid verdadera, La sal de la tierra, La lámpara bajo el almud, Remiendo nuevo vestido viejo, La higuera anuncia el verano, El ciego, El médico, El dueño de una casa y el ladrón, Los invitados pretenciosos, Los jueces y El grano que crece solo. El autor nos acompaña en un interesante viaje por las páginas de la Biblia deshilvanando los misterios escondidos de Dios para el hombre. Este es un libro que contiene un mensaje lleno de enseñanzas profundas que nutren nuestra vida espiritual. Un libro que no debe faltar en nuestra biblioteca personal. Dino Alreich ha publicado anteriormente las novelas: “El resurgir de la esvástica” (Ed. Nowevolution 2010 / Forsa Editores 2011), “Nazis: Más allá del 2012” (Ed. Corona Borealis 2011), “Mayas: el ciclo desconocido” (Ed. Corona Borealis 2012), “El apóstol Pablo” (2014), y “El ángel, la luna y la paloma” (2013); donde sigue la misma temática sobre conciencia en los problemas del mundo actual. También ha publicado “Señor, ¿Cuál es mi propósito en esta vida?”, “Después de deshecha mi piel: Lágrimas de una guerra espiritual”, “Edificando mi casa sobre la roca”, “Conspiración Watchtower”, “El misterio del reino de los cielos revelado Tomo I - V”, “Cosas que el abuelo hacia en secreto para mejorar su salud” (Tomo I y II) (2013), y “Conspiración Atlántida” (2014).
Los 13 Misterios de la Biblia te ayudarán a tener esta vida activa delante de Dios. Estos misterios se dividen en 13 temas sobre la Biblia y una conclusión, los cuales se pueden completar estudiando un misterio por semana. Esto ayudará para que se tenga tiempo para estudiar y meditar en la Palabra de Dios. En este trabajo se ven reflejado las experiencias de muchos años enseñando y escuchando las preguntas de muchas personas mal intencionadas sobre la Biblia y el contenido de esta. Los 13 Misterios de la Biblia no intentan ser una verdad absoluta, aunque hay mucha verdad contenida en este libro por lo que se recomienda que se ponga atención en lo que se dice en este trabajo. Ya que en este libro podrá encontrar la oportunidad de crecer en lo espiritual, como líder y como maestro. Queremos seguir recalcando que las verdades que hay en este libro se deben tratar con seriedad antes de rechazarlas en lo absoluto.
Que la Biblia hebrea oculta secretos y misterios es algo de conocimiento publico; hace siglos que los exegetas judíos se ocupan de ello. Pero que en el texto sagrado podemos encontrar información codificada sobre acontecimientos actuales y futuros puede resultar sorprendente a quienes no están familiarizados con la sabiduría de Israel. Basándose en las enseñanzas de los antiguos cabalistas y en la teoría matemática de las secuencias de letras equidistantes, el autor nos explica la estructura de las letras, su forma y su valor numérico descubriéndonos un universo oculto y apasionante sabiamente encriptado en el texto bíblico. En el presente libro el autor analizan diversos sistemas criptográficos y nos descubren en el texto bíblico alusiones clarísimas a acontecimientos como el Holocausto, las Torres Gemelas, el 11-M, o el Tsunami.
13 Secretos de la Biblia está diseñado para llevar a cabo un estudio por 14 o 15 semanas en un grupo de estudio, o para hacer un estudio individual. Aunque se anima a los lectores que se haga en grupos de estudio. En estas 15 semanas de estudio los lectores pueden darse cuenta de la diversidad de información que aquí se encuentra. Este libro está diseñado también con algunas preguntas de apoyo y una aplicación al final de cada uno de los capítulos. Los 13 secretos de la Biblia es el resultado de un trabajo constante en el estudio de la Biblia hasta llegar a un entendimiento aceptable del texto sagrado. Estos secretos tocan temas diversos desde el Génesis hasta el Apocalipsis. Este trabajo es desarrollado en temas, tocando cada uno de los secretos de los que aquí se habla. Este es el primer volumen de dos que el autor está preparando. También, este libro es el resultado de estar escuchando preguntas difíciles que se hacen del texto bíblico. Además, este trabajo es el resultado de responder a ese tipo de preguntas difíciles que se han escuchado a lo largo de los años.
Benito Pérez Galdós, considered Spain’s most important novelist after Cervantes, wrote 77 novels, several works of theater and a number of other tomes during his lifetime (1843–1920). His works have been translated into all major languages of the world, and many of his most highly regarded novels, those of the contemporary period, have been translated into English two, three and even four times over. Of the few “contemporary novels” of Galdós that until now have not come to light in English, The Forbidden is certainly among the most noteworthy. The story line concerns a wealthy philanderer, José María Bueno de Guzmán, who attempts to buy the favors of his three beautiful married cousins. He is successful with the first, Eloísa, a grasping materialist who falls deeply in love with him. Then he rejects her in order to attempt to seduce the youngest, Camila. Meanwhile, the third, the pseudo-intellectual María Juana, jealous, seduces José María. But it is Camila, healthy, impetuous and wild, who resists his temptations and holds our attention. The novelist and critic Leopoldo Alas, Galdós’s contemporary, calls her “the most feminine, graceful, lively female character that any modern novelist has painted.” As a naturalistic study, in the manner of Balzac in particular, principal characters of Galdós’s other novels (El doctor Centeno, La de Bringas, La familia de León Roch) become fleetingly visible in The Forbidden. In addition, the entire Bueno de Guzmán family gives evidence of the naturalistic emphasis on heredity: they all display certain physical or mental disorders. Eloísa has a morbid fear of feathers, María Juana often feels that she has a tiny piece of cloth caught in her teeth, José María suffers bouts of depression, an uncle is a kleptomaniac, one of the relatives writes letters to himself, etc. At the same time, this novel shows the foibles of Spanish society where status is determined by one’s associates, by the wearing of finery, and by living on borrowed money. In their history of Spanish literature, Chandler and Schwartz call Galdós “the greatest novelist of the nineteenth century and the only one who deserves to be mentioned in the same breath with great novelists like Balzac, Dickens and Dostoievsky.” The Forbidden, written at the height of the author’s creative powers, is a major work and its publication for an English-speaking audience is long overdue.
A Christian Handbook For Emotional Transformation Emotions are a very important part of the Christian life. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is especially important when it comes to leadership and ministry skills. Biblical EQ uses the Bible and the character of Jesus to show how we can grow both spiritually and emotionally into mature human beings. Biblical EQ uses the life and character of Jesus as the model to emulate. Jesus Christ shows us what it is like to be a perfect person, whose emotions are both well-expressed and well-managed in love. The Holy Spirit is God resident in human personality, with the power to change us into the image of Jesus Christ. We are not left alone to change ourselves! God the Holy Spirit will help us! So Biblical EQ will take you on a bible-based journey through the world of emotional growth and emotional intelligence. You will learn how to change your perspectives, your beliefs, thoughts and intents of the heart, manage your physical reactions to emotions, control stress, have faith and mastery in life and how to grow in love, social skills and Christian leadership.
Presents a historical overview of the movements and trends in Jewish mysticism including Hekhaloth mysticism, classical and Lurianic Kabbalah, Shabbetai Zevi, and Hasidism, seeking to define and explain how the various currents of tradition throughout the centuries are related. Original.
Gathering together for worship is an indispensable part of your family's spiritual life. It is a means for God to reveal himself to you and your loved ones in a powerful way. This practical guide by Donald S. Whitney will prove invaluable to families—with or without children in the home—as they practice God-glorifying, Christ-exalting worship through Bible reading, prayer, and singing. Includes a discussion guide in the back for small groups.
Shambhala: An Adventure to Find Mysteries by Joy Mondal In the hidden valleys of the Himalayas, tales whispered on the winds speak of the mythical city of Shambhala—a place of eternal peace and unparalleled beauty. For Om, a curious explorer with an insatiable appetite for the unknown, Shambhala becomes more than just a myth—it becomes an obsession. Accompanied by Boby, the love of his life and his guiding light, Om's journey takes them deep into treacherous terrains, through ancient monasteries and forgotten trails. As they unravel the clues leading to this lost city, they stumble upon a revelation far more incredible than either of them had ever imagined. But the journey to Shambhala is not without its challenges. When the skies darken and disaster strikes in the form of the devastating Kedarnath floods, Om and Boby must rely on each other and the strength of their love to survive the merciless wrath of nature. However, as they stand against the odds, the two realize that the search for Shambhala was never just about finding a city—it was about discovering the mysteries of the heart and soul, and the power of love to overcome all adversities. Hold your breath as you delve into this thrilling adventure where myth intertwines with reality, and destiny plays its cards in unpredictable ways. But remember, this story is far from over... Chapter 2 is on the horizon.
A Course in Miracles (ACIM)—the self-study spiritual-thought system that teaches the way to love and forgiveness—has captured the minds and hearts of millions of people, and delivered inner peace where fear and pain once prevailed. Its universal message is unsurpassed in its power to heal. Yet many students report that they have difficulty grasping the principles, or encounter resistance to the lessons. So, even while they yearn for the spiritual freedom the Course offers, they put the book aside, hoping one day to get to it. Alan Cohen, ACIM student and teacher for over 30 years, takes the Big Picture ideas of the Course and brings them down to earth in practical, easy-to-understand lessons with plenty of real-life examples and applications. A Course in Miracles Made Easy is the Rosetta stone that will render the Course understandable and relatable; and, most importantly, generate practical, healing results in the lives of students. This unique reader-friendly guide will serve longtime students of the Course, as well as those seeking to acquaint themselves with the program.