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Serendipity. Vielen Menschen sagt dieser Begriff nichts, aber trotzdem hat sie eine große Auswirkung auf das Leben jedes Einzelnen. Auf der Suche nach der Person, die man wirklich ist, spielt Serendipity eine große Rolle und sorgt nicht selten für ein wenig Drama. Aber man kann sich sicher sein, dass am Ende immer etwas Gutes dabei herauskommt. Oder? Mein Leben war noch nie perfekt. Es gab immer etwas, worüber ich mir Sorgen machte. Außer wenn ich mit meinem Bruder und seinen Freunden unterwegs war, denn bei ihnen war ich in einer anderen Welt. Ich war eine andere Version von mir selbst, aber ich mochte sie. Sie begann sich auszuweiten und auf meine erste Version abzufärben, was ja kein Problem gewesen wäre - wenn nicht beide Versionen plötzlich ihren Halt verloren hätten.
Valerie has lived with heart failure for years, each beat a reminder of life's fragility. At her father's birthday party, she's suddenly face-to-face with Everett, her father's old friend and the man she has secretly adored since childhood. Everett, now fifty and struggling financially, attends the party out of loyalty to his friend, unaware that he will reconnect with Valerie, the vibrant girl who has always held a special place in his heart. As Valerie and Everett rekindle their bond, they realize life is about seizing precious moments. "Eternal Echoes" is a poignant tale of love, loss, and profound connections. Join Valerie and Everett on their journey as they discover that the heart's true desires often defy logic and transcend time.
Kira's life is tough her job is frustrating, she's anxious around guys, and she's feeling lost. Approaching her 30th birthday, her world is disrupted by an enigmatic stranger who informs her of her impending death within 30 days. As Kira grapples with the fleeting nature of her existence, she embarks on a poignant journey of transformation. In a whirlwind of self-discovery, Kira confronts her fears, embraces her passions, and forms unexpected connections. With the support of friends, newfound love, and her own indomitable spirit, she dares to rewrite her story. As the countdown dwindles, Kira finds herself on the cusp of a new beginning, where life's fragility is a reminder to seize each moment with purpose and embrace the beauty of the unknown.
Todd Valmer should have known better. A farmer who's been through several disasters, he travels to Virginia to fetch his widowed mother to cook and help him around his Texas farm...or that was the plan until she keels over on the train and they get kicked off. Maggie Rose barters for a living and also makes soaps, lotions, and perfumes with a special rose recipe passed down from mother to daughter for generations. She hasn't wanted to marry...until that handsome Texan shows up. Her heart skips a beat, and when he proposes, a hasty marriage follows. What ensues, however, is a clash of culture and a battle of wills--and it's clear they both mistook instant attraction and infatuation for love. As their marriage loses its sparkle and fills with disillusionment, Todd and Maggie must determine what is worth fighting for. He dreams of a farm. Maggie wants to fulfill the family tradition with her rose perfumes. Todd's mother, however, has entirely different plans for her son that do not include Maggie. In light of their hasty marriage and mistaken dreams, is there any hope of recapturing their love and building a future together?
This book is compilation of real-life stories, anectodes, and struggles in hope to inspire young adults to power through and discover the beauty of the unknown. Hopefully, some of the stories would uplift and inspire you, or be relatable to you, and you would see - you are not alone.
commingled bodies - the intermixing of the components of multiple bodies into a single abstract context [bodies of the self and of the other. bodies in profusion and bodies fragmented. bodies divine, rotting. touching bodies. bodies like a telephone, a sound, a subsong. female bodies. bodies purple and blue. bodies round and bodies parabolic. bodies like a provocation. two knees and you. something like love. bodies intersecting. bodies feral and domesticated. bodies tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. bodies so absolute they cease to speak, and they abstain from sound] Like an amorphous confession, commingled bodies, through twelve short stories, evidences the detailed documentation and anatomical dissection of bodies that remain blurred.
2004, Shanghai. A 12-year-old girl sees her new classmate, Wolfgang, and all of a sudden she understands what love means. Padma was always a wallflower in a world full of loud people. She didn't think loving Wolfie ever be anything more than a secret. But two years later when Wolfie was to leave China forever, Padma is devastated. She's used to saying goodbye, but saying it to Wolfie? The words can't leave her mouth. Then came an email; the flutter of a butterfly's wings in 2006 become the profound event that would forever transform Wolfie and Padma years later. Call it fate, call it destiny, call it whatever you want. The word does not matter. All I know is it happened, and the tale is as extraordinary as the circumstances. What you will read is all true. Names have been changed but the story is completely intact. Take a journey with Wolfie and Padma as they navigate from adolescence into adulthood, and as they are unknowingly pulled together by the Red Thread of Fate.
Growing up is a continuous disenchantment. The more we see and understand, the more terrifying and heartbreaking this world becomes. It is a wild mix of anxiety, deadlines, responsibilities, making new connections, finding love, and going to the beach to watch the sunset. It is scary and rewarding at the same time, and most of all, it is a rollercoaster of all of the emotions at once. This poetry collection is an insight into some of those ups and downs of a twenty-something woman trying to figure it all out while not forgetting to live a little in between.
In a world where destiny intertwines with tradition, can love defy the odds and break free? Embark on a captivating journey with Aisha in "The 6th Date," a courageous East African woman who left everything behind to chase her dreams in Europe. Amidst the treacherous seas of love, disappointment became her constant companion. But just as hope seemed lost, love unexpectedly found her. However, their path to happiness was entangled by the oppressive grip of a deep-rooted cultural tradition. Aisha faced an impossible decision: would she risk the life of her beloved for the sake of love? Brace yourself for a heart-wrenching tale that challenges conventions, explores the depths of passion, and poses the question of whether love can truly conquer all.
Träumst du gerne? Versinkst du in Tagträumereien? Träumst du Nachts? Wovon träumst du? Freiheit? Liebe? Erfolg? In dieser Geschichte geht es um einen Traum. Setzt mann sich durch ihn zu erfüllen und zu leben, oder träumt man ihn weiter in seinem Kopf? Und wie wirken sich Gefühle auf den Traum aus? Dieses Buch erzählt meine Perspektive auf meinen Traum in Verbindung zu meinen Gefühlen. In einer etwas anderen Welt voller Schönheit, Drachen, und ein bisschen Magie. PS: Träume können Mächtiger sein als alles andere. Lass dich nicht von ihnen unterkriegen, fliege mit ihnen.