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This dissertation focuses on the identification and estimation of discrete choice models. In practice, if the error term is independent of the covariates and follows some known distribu- tion, the discrete choice model is usually estimated using some parametric estimator, such as Probit and Logit. However, when the distribution of the error is unknown, misspecification would in general cause the estimators inconsistent even if the independence between the covariates and the error still holds. The two chapters relax the assumptions on the error distribution in the discrete choice models and propose semiparametric estimators.
We show how to construct bounds on counterfactual choice probabilities in semiparametric discrete-choice models. Our procedure is based on cyclic monotonicity, a convex-analytic property of the random utility discrete-choice model. These bounds are useful for typical counterfactual exercises in aggregate discrete-choice demand models. In our semiparametric approach, we do not specify the parametric distribution for the utility shocks, thus accommodating a wide variety of substitution patterns among alternatives. Computation of the counterfactual bounds is a tractable linear programming problem. We illustrate our approach in a series of Monte Carlo simulations and an empirical application using scanner data.
In dynamic discrete choice analysis, controlling for unobserved heterogeneity is an im- portant issue, and finite mixture models provide flexible ways to account for unobserved heterogeneity. This paper studies nonparametric identifiability of type probabilities and type-specific component distributions in finite mixture models of dynamic discrete choices. We derive sufficient conditions for nonparametric identification for various finite mixture models of dynamic discrete choices used in applied work. Three elements emerge as the important determinants of identification; the time-dimension of panel data, the number of values the covariates can take, and the heterogeneity of the response of different types to changes in the covariates. For example, in a simple case, a time-dimension of T = 3 is sufficient for identification, provided that the number of values the covariates can take is no smaller than the number of types, and that the changes in the covariates induce sufficiently heterogeneous variations in the choice probabilities across types. Type-specific components are identifiable even when state dependence is present as long as the panel has a moderate time-dimension ( T {u2265} 6). We also develop a series logit estimator for finite mixture models of dynamic discrete choices and derive its convergence rate.
Originally published in 1981. Discrete-choice modelling is an area of econometrics where significant advances have been made at the research level. This book presents an overview of these advances, explaining the theory underlying the model, and explores its various applications. It shows how operational choice models can be used, and how they are particularly useful for a better understanding of consumer demand theory. It discusses particular problems connected with the model and its use, and reports on the authors’ own empirical research. This is a comprehensive survey of research developments in discrete choice modelling and its applications.