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In the classical Tobit regression model, the regression error term is often assumed to have a zero mean normal distribution with unknown variance, and the regression function is assumed to be linear. If the normality assumption is violated, then the commonly used maximum likelihood estimate becomes inconsistent. Moreover, the likelihood function will be very complicated if the regression function is nonlinear even the error density is normal, which makes the maximum likelihood estimation procedure hard to implement. In the full nonparametric setup when both the regression function and the distribution of the error term [epsilon] are unknown, some nonparametric estimators for the regression function has been proposed. Although the assumption of knowing the distribution is strict, it is a widely adopted assumption in Tobit regression literature, and is also confirmed by many empirical studies conducted in the econometric research. In fact, a majority of the relevant research assumes that [epsilon] possesses a normal distribution with mean 0 and unknown standard deviation. In this report, we will try to develop a semi-parametric estimation procedure for the regression function by assuming that the error term follows a distribution from a class of 0-mean symmetric location and scale family. A minimum distance estimation procedure for estimating the parameters in the regression function when it has a specified parametric form is also constructed. Compare with the existing semiparametric and nonparametric methods in the literature, our method would be more efficient in that more information, in particular the knowledge of the distribution of [epsilon], is used. Moreover, the computation is relative inexpensive. Given lots of application does assume that [epsilon] has normal or other known distribution, the current work no doubt provides some more practical tools for statistical inference in Tobit regression model.
Papers from a 1988 symposium on the estimation and testing of models that impose relatively weak restrictions on the stochastic behaviour of data.
Over the last three decades much research in empirical and theoretical economics has been carried on under various assumptions. For example a parametric functional form of the regression model, the heteroskedasticity, and the autocorrelation is always as sumed, usually linear. Also, the errors are assumed to follow certain parametric distri butions, often normal. A disadvantage of parametric econometrics based on these assumptions is that it may not be robust to the slight data inconsistency with the particular parametric specification. Indeed any misspecification in the functional form may lead to erroneous conclusions. In view of these problems, recently there has been significant interest in 'the semiparametric/nonparametric approaches to econometrics. The semiparametric approach considers econometric models where one component has a parametric and the other, which is unknown, a nonparametric specification (Manski 1984 and Horowitz and Neumann 1987, among others). The purely non parametric approach, on the other hand, does not specify any component of the model a priori. The main ingredient of this approach is the data based estimation of the unknown joint density due to Rosenblatt (1956). Since then, especially in the last decade, a vast amount of literature has appeared on nonparametric estimation in statistics journals. However, this literature is mostly highly technical and this may partly be the reason why very little is known about it in econometrics, although see Bierens (1987) and Ullah (1988).
Specially selected from The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd edition, each article within this compendium covers the fundamental themes within the discipline and is written by a leading practitioner in the field. A handy reference tool.