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¿Qué es exactamente un "verbo de cambio"? ¿Se puede establecer sinonimia con respecto a la "telicidad"? ¿O se trata de un recurso más específico? ¿Opera solo a nivel léxico o también a nivel perifrástico? Este manual ahonda en el concepto de la estatividad, dándole una amplitud mayor de lo que habitualmente se le concede. Al reflexionar sobre los interrogantes planteados, se llega a la conclusión de que es necesario introducir un nuevo enfoque en la comprensión de este fenómeno lingüístico.
He aquí uno de los temas que mayor dificultad supone para el aprendizaje del español, lo que explica la relativa abundancia de estudios al respecto, de manera que casi se puede considerar una especie de lugar común - obligado e imprescindible - dentro de la literatura dedicada a la enseñanza del español a extranjeros. El presente volumen presenta una importante novedad: la de que, por primera vez, los valores y usos de ser y estar se estudian al mismo tiempo que los correspondientes a los llamados «verbos de cambio», sin duda muy relacionados con aquéllos. Siguiendo la norma de esta colección, el libro está escrito en un estilo sencillo, fácilmente comprensible para el lector no especializado. Pero, además, la materia está dispuesta de un modo gradual, desde los usos más sencillos hasta los que ofrecen mayor dificultad. No se trata, por lo demás, de un estudio elemental, pues en él están contempladas todas las posibilidades semánticas y sintácticas de estos verbos, incluso a veces en el registro lingüístico que ofrece mayor variedad de usos y valores, como es el coloquial.
La obra constituye una magnífica obra de referencia para el hablante de raíces anglófonas que estudia español como lengua extranjera porque en él se aborda, desde una óptica contrastiva español-inglés y con gran sencillez y claridad expositiva, un área de la gramática española cuya adquisición y aprendizaje suele resultarle bastante problemática al estudiante extranjero: el paradigma de los verbos atributivos que denotan cambio de estado.
This volume offers a variety of perspectives on two of the main topics situated at the crossroads between lexical semantics and syntax, namely: (a) aspect and its correspondence with syntactic structure; and (b) the delimitation of syntactic structures from verb classes. Almost from Aristotle’s Metaphysics, it has been assumed that verbs invoke a mental image about the way in which eventualities are distributed over time. When it comes to determining time schemata, the lexical class to which the verb belongs represents a first step. Speaking about verb classes does not exclusively mean a semantic similarity; rather, verb classes exhibit a bundle of common features and thus show a set of recursive behavior patterns. Beyond the meaning of the verb, both semantic and syntactic factors, together with pragmatic ones, play a decisive role when establishing the aspectual classification of an eventuality. The contributions collected in this book approach the aforementioned lines, either analyzing the relationships between aspect and syntactic structure or traversing the path from a verb class to its syntactic manifestation. Some of them stress diachronic filiations, while others include processes of word formation in the debate; some of them focus on certain classes, such as movement verbs or psychological verbs, while others examine specific constructions. A number of chapters also discuss relevant theoretical issues concerning the analysis of aspect. In sum, the kaleidoscopic view provided by this book allows the reader to delve deeper into one of the most controversial – as well as exciting – topics within current linguistics.
El estudio de la morfologia derivativa relegado en las primeras etapas de la Teoria Generativa Transformacional- ha recibido creciente atencion desde los anos setenta del siglo XX y actualmente es un area en constante efervescencia.
This book approaches the concept of boundary, central in linguistic theory, and the related notion of phase from the perspective of the interaction between syntax and its interfaces. A primary notion is that phases are the appropriate domains to explain most interface linguistic phenomena and that the study of (narrow) interfaces helps to understand conditions on the internal structure of the Language Faculty. The first part of this volume is dedicated to introducing the notion of boundary, cycle and phase, and also the current debates regarding internal interfaces, in particular, the syntax-phonology, syntax-semantics, syntax-discourse, syntax-morphology and syntax-lexicon interfaces, in order to show how the notion of boundary/phase is related to (or even determines) most of their characteristics. The four sections of the second part deal with (morpho)phonology/ syntax and the role or boundaries/phases; the syntax-discourse and syntax-semantics interface; and the lexicon-syntax interface, while the notion of boundary/phase cross-cuts the main topics addressed.
Bringing Linguistics into the Spanish Language Classroom is a practical, time-saving resource that allows teachers to easily integrate the most interesting and important findings of Hispanic linguistics into their Spanish language classes. Teachers will find classroom-ready explanations and PowerPoint slides for each topic covered, as well as instructions and materials for in-class activities and take-home projects that will engage students in this fresh take on the target language. Slide presentations for each chapter are available online at The book covers aspects of Spanish from the trilled r to the personal a, from Indo-European origins to modern dialects, and from children’s first words to adult speech errors. An innovative set of five linguistics-based essential questions organizes and contextualizes this wide range of material: How is Spanish different from other languages? How is Spanish similar to other languages? What are the roots of Spanish? How does Spanish vary? How do people learn and use Spanish? Fully customizable to teacher and student interest, proficiency level, and time available in class, this book is ideal for Spanish language teachers looking to incorporate valuable linguistic insights into their curricula, even if they lack prior knowledge of this field. It is an excellent resource for Hispanic linguistics courses as well.