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This book is a collection of more than 100 problems selected from the examination questions for a graduate course in theoretical physics. Every problem is discussed and solved in detail. A wide range of subjects is covered, from potential scattering to atomic, nuclear and high energy physics. Special emphasis is devoted to relativistic quantum mechanics and its application to elementary processes: S-matrix theory, the role of discrete symmetries, the use of Feynman diagrams and elementary perturbative quantum field theory.The course attaches great importance to recitation sessions, where thorough problem solving becomes a true test of mastery of theoretical background.The authors are experts in their fields. A Di Giacomo taught “theoretical physics” for about 20 years. G Paffuti and P Rossi held recitations for several years. More recently, Haris Panagopoulos followed suit. He assisted the authors in preparing this English version translated from the Italian.For physicists and especially for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in theoretical physics, this book is a positive guide in the intricacies of problem-solving. A further feature that adds practical value to this book is that most problems correspond to realistic physical processes and their numerical results are compared to experimental values whenever possible.
People have always wanted answers to the big questions. Where did we come from? How did the universe begin? What is the meaning and design behind it all? Is there anyone out there? The creation accounts of the past now seem less relevant and credible. They have been replaced by a variety of what can only be called superstitions, ranging from New Age to Star Trek. But real science can be far stranger than science fiction, and much more satisfying. I am a scientist. And a scientist with a deep fascination with physics, cosmology, the universe and the future of humanity. I was brought up by my parents to have an unwavering curiosity and, like my father, to research and try to answer the many questions that science asks us. I have spent my life travelling across the universe, inside my mind. Through theoretical physics, I have sought to answer some of the great questions. At one point, I thought I would see the end of physics as we know it, but now I think the wonder of discovery will continue long after I am gone. We are close to some of these answers, but we are not there yet. The problem is, most people believe that real science is too difficult and complicated for them to understand. But I don't think this is the case. To do research on the fundamental laws that govern the universe would require a commitment of time that most people don't have; the world would soon grind to a halt if we all tried to do theoretical physics. But most people can understand and appreciate the basic ideas if they are presented in a clear way with equations, which I believe is possible and which is something I have enjoyed trying to do throughout my life. I want to add my voice to those who demand why we must ask the big questions immediate action on the key challenges for our global community. I hope that going forward, even when I am no longer here, people with power can show creativity, courage and leadership. Let them rise to the challenges and act now.
l. The work of Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) consists of two kinds of writings: in the first part of his active life he devoted himself entirely to problems of physics, while in the second part he tried to find a philosoph 1 ical background for his activities in and around the natural sciences. Most scientists are much more aware of his creative work in physics than of his digressions on the meaning and structure of science. I think in the present case the reason is not so much that most scientists are usually almost entirely occupied with their trade, because Boltzmann's philosophical work is also concerned with the (natural) sciences. I rather believe that the quality and consistency of Boltzmann's purely scientific work is of a more appealing nature than his less structured considerations on human activity in science and in life in general. 2. I think that it may be appropriate for the readers of this anthology to say a few words on the main findings of Boltzmann in physics, since in the end their 'philosophical' inlpact has been larger than the effect of his later writings. Moreover some knowledge of his scientific achievements can be helpful for the understanding and appreciation of the essays printed in this book, which almost all stem from Boltzmann's philosophical period. Boltzmann was one of the main protagonists - at least in continental Europe - of atomistics for explaining the phenomena of physics.
This book is targeted mainly to the undergraduate students of USA, UK and other European countries, and the M. Sc of Asian countries, but will be found useful for the graduate students, Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Teachers and Tutors. This is a by-product of lectures given at the Osmania University, University of Ottawa and University of Tebrez over several years, and is intended to assist the students in their assignments and examinations. The book covers a wide spectrum of disciplines in Modern Physics, and is mainly based on the actual examination papers of UK and the Indian Universities. The selected problems display a large variety and conform to syllabi which are currently being used in various countries. The book is divided into ten chapters. Each chapter begins with basic concepts containing a set of formulae and explanatory notes for quick reference, followed by a number of problems and their detailed solutions. The problems are judiciously selected and are arranged section-wise. The so- tions are neither pedantic nor terse. The approach is straight forward and step-- step solutions are elaborately provided. More importantly the relevant formulas used for solving the problems can be located in the beginning of each chapter. There are approximately 150 line diagrams for illustration. Basic quantum mechanics, elementary calculus, vector calculus and Algebra are the pre-requisites.
Aimed at helping the physics student to develop a solid grasp of basic graduate-level material, this book presents worked solutions to a wide range of informative problems. These problems have been culled from the preliminary and general examinations created by the physics department at Princeton University for its graduate program. The authors, all students who have successfully completed the examinations, selected these problems on the basis of usefulness, interest, and originality, and have provided highly detailed solutions to each one. Their book will be a valuable resource not only to other students but to college physics teachers as well. The first four chapters pose problems in the areas of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, thereby serving as a review of material typically covered in undergraduate courses. Later chapters deal with material new to most first-year graduate students, challenging them on such topics as condensed matter, relativity and astrophysics, nuclear physics, elementary particles, and atomic and general physics.
"Problem Solving in Theoretical Physics" helps students mastering their theoretical physics courses by posing advanced problems and providing their solutions - along with discussions of their physical significance and possibilities for generalization and transfer to other fields.
The Problem Book in Quantum Field Theory contains about 200 problems with solutions or hints that help students to improve their understanding and develop skills necessary for pursuing the subject. It deals with the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, classical field theory, canonical quantization of scalar, Dirac and electromagnetic fields, the processes in the lowest order of perturbation theory, renormalization and regularization. The solutions are presented in a systematic and complete manner. The material covered and the level of exposition make the book appropriate for graduate and undergraduate students in physics, as well as for teachers and researchers.
Selected Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics shows how a scientist, knowing the answer to a problem intuitively or through experiment, can develop a mathematical method to prove that answer. The approach adopted by the author first involves the formulation of differential or integral equations for describing the physical procession, the basis of more general physical laws. Then the approximate solution of these equations is worked out, using small dimensionless physical parameters, or using numerical parameters for the objects under consideration. The eleven chapters of the book, which can be read in sequence or studied independently of each other, contain many examples of simple physical models, as well as problems for students to solve. This is a supplementary textbook for advanced university students in theoretical physics. It will enrich the knowledge of students who already have a solid grounding in mathematical analysis.