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The foot is the part of the lower limb distal to the leg. It is often compared with the hand is tactile grasping organ, whereas the functions of the foot are support and locomotion. The arches of the foot are the longitudinal and the transverse, on the medial side of the foot, a longitudinal arch is formed by the calcareous, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, and the first three metatarsal. On the lateral side of the foot, a longitudinal arch is formed by the calcaneus, cuboid and the lateral two metatarsals. The transverse or metatarsal arch is formed by the navicular, cuneiforms, and cuboids together with five metatarsals. These bony arches, which are the result of the intrinsic mechanical arrangement of the bones, are supported by ligaments. During movement, they receive additional support from muscles, chiefly from those that invert and Evert the foot. The 26 bones composing the skeleton of the foot are primarily structured for strong, flexible, co-ordinate movement. Architecturally the foot forms an anterior metatarsal arch, an outer longitudinal arch and the high inner longitudinal arch on its medial aspect. The main function of the arch is to absorb the shock of eight. Bearing and to allow space for planter muscles, nerves and blood vessels. Body weight is conducted to the foot via the leg bone of the through the supporting bone the talus. A mortise is formed by the mall oil of the fibula and the talus below the talus is the calcimines. The foot makes surface contact with the calcaneus and the metatarsal heads, an intricate system of planter muscles and elastic and arched of the foot. Additional support is afforded by a suspension of muscles stemming from the leg and ending with in the longitudinal arch, Dorsiflexion together with planter ankle flexion, is permitted at the talotibial, together, with planter ankle flexion, is permitted at the taloctibial articulation, whereas inversion and version of the foot take place at the talocalcaneal and intertarsal joints.
The conflict between how much athletic ability is rooted in individual genetics as opposed to the influence of training and other factors is often expressed as "nature versus nurture." Although precise attribution between athletic nature and nurture are impossible, it is a generally accepted sport science proposition that genes represent approximately 50%% of athletic variation in performance, with 50%% attributable to both the individual athlete's response to training, as well as social factors, such as the support provided to the athlete in pursuit of his or her goals.
Education means preparation for life. It should help every individual to become all he is capable of becoming. Education must be concerned with developing optimum organic health, vitality, emotional stability, social consciousness, knowledge, wholesome attitude and spiritual and moral qualities .