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WRITE BULLETPROOF VBA CODE FOR ANY SITUATION This book is the essential resource for developers working withany of the more than 300 products that employ the Visual Basic forApplications programming language. Written by recognized VBAexperts, it provides detailed coverage of a wide range of specificVBA programming challenges. Its careful, step-by-step instructionsand thousands of lines of code offer answers, while teaching you todevise new and creative solutions. The instruction applies equallyto all VBA environments, whether you are building standaloneapplications or customizing commercial products using theirbuilt-in VBA programmability. Coverage Includes Manipulating text, numbers, and dates Using automation to control other applications Creating objects using VBA class modules Using standard search and sort algorithms from within VBA Creating standard dynamic data structures, including linkedlists, binary trees, stacks, and queues Working with Windows system information, including memorystatus, screen info, mouse, keyboard, and power status Working with Windows Registry data Retrieving and setting Windows networking information Working with the Windows file system, iterating throughfolders, creating and deleting files Adding sound and movies to VBA apps using Windows multimediaextensions Tapping the system capabilities provided by the WindowsScripting Runtime library Writing add-ins for the Visual Basic environment Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of eBook file.
Get a head start evaluating Windows 10--with technical insights from award-winning journalist and Windows expert Ed Bott. This guide introduces new features and capabilities, providing a practical, high-level overview for IT professionals ready to begin deployment planning now. This edition was written after the release of Windows 10 version 1511 in November 2015 and includes all of its enterprise-focused features. The goal of this book is to help you sort out what’s new in Windows 10, with a special emphasis on features that are different from the Windows versions you and your organization are using today, starting with an overview of the operating system, describing the many changes to the user experience, and diving deep into deployment and management tools where it’s necessary.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Introducing Microsoft Power BI enables you to evaluate when and how to use Power BI. Get inspired to improve business processes in your company by leveraging the available analytical and collaborative features of this environment. Be sure to watch for the publication of Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo's upcoming retail book, Analyzing Data with Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel (ISBN 9781509302765). Go to the book's page at the Microsoft Press Store here for more details: Learn more about Power BI at
Microsoft Azure Essentials from Microsoft Press is a series of free ebooks designed to help you advance your technical skills with Microsoft Azure. This third ebook in the series introduces Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, a service that a developer can use to build predictive analytics models (using training datasets from a variety of data sources) and then easily deploy those models for consumption as cloud web services. The ebook presents an overview of modern data science theory and principles, the associated workflow, and then covers some of the more common machine learning algorithms in use today. It builds a variety of predictive analytics models using real world data, evaluates several different machine learning algorithms and modeling strategies, and then deploys the finished models as machine learning web services on Azure within a matter of minutes. The ebook also expands on a working Azure Machine Learning predictive model example to explore the types of client and server applications you can create to consume Azure Machine Learning web services. Watch Microsoft Press’s blog and Twitter (@MicrosoftPress) to learn about other free ebooks in the Microsoft Azure Essentials series.