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The main objective of this research was to evaluate the seismic performance of existing sub-standard reinforced concrete (RC) bridge column-spread footing subassemblies and to quantify the material strain limits through a full-scale experimental program. A total of six column-footing test specimens with pre-1990 construction details were subjected to reverse cyclic lateral loading, utilizing a conventional three-cycle symmetric loading protocol and a protocol representing the demands expected from a CSZ earthquake. Additionally, the tests were designed so that variable axial loading could be applied to simulate the secondary load effects experienced during an earthquake in a column that is part of a multi-column bent. A rapid repair method incorporating semi-permanent installation was also developed, anticipating the need for quick measures following the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) earthquake, which is expected to damage the existing bridges in the Pacific Northwest and spread geographically throughout the region. The proposed repair methodology uses capacity design principles to protect the remainder of the bridge from future earthquakes and eradicates the need for establishing rebar continuity, resulting in a less labor-intensive repair method. The adopted concept is to utilize U-shaped metallic plates as externally attached ductile fuses to be anchored to the non-damaged part of the column, hence bypassing the damaged zone to restore the lateral capacity.
The main objective of this research was to quantify the material strain limits for seismic assessment of existing sub-standard reinforced concrete bridge bents considering operational performance design criteria. Limited confidence exists in the current material strain limit state for operational performance criteria due to lack of experimental results considering the typical detailing of Oregon bridges and the cumulative damage effect resulting from an anticipated long-duration Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) event. Component details for bridge bents such as geometry and reinforcing details were determined through a statistical analysis of available bridge drawings built prior to 1990 in the State of Oregon. Three full-scale bridge bent column-footing subassembly specimens were constructed and subjected to reverse cyclic lateral deformations utilizing a traditional loading protocol and a protocol representing the demands expected from a CSZ earthquake. The tests were designed so that variable axial loading could be applied in order to simulate the secondary effects experienced in a column that is part of a multi-column bent during an earthquake event. Material strains along with global and local deformation quantities were measured with a suite of external and internal sensors mounted to and embedded in the specimens. Despite having sub-standard seismic detailing, all three specimens exhibited ductile behavior under reverse cyclic lateral loading, achieving a minimum displacement ductility of 8.0. The obtained results also suggest that the material strain limits currently used for the seismic evaluation of existing bridges in Oregon considering operational performance criteria are conservative, but may still require further experimental validation. Finally, strain limits based on previous research at Portland State University (PSU) were compiled and combined with the results from this study to propose recommended strain limit values.
"TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 440, Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design (PBSD) summarizes the current state of knowledge and practice for PBSD. PBSD is the process that links decision making for facility design with seismic input, facility response, and potential facility damage. The goal of PBSD is to provide decision makers and stakeholders with data that will enable them to allocate resources for construction based on levels of desired seismic performance"--Publisher's description.
The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) earthquake threatens bridges across the Pacific Northwest. Damage is expected to be geographically spread throughout the region and will have a nearly simultaneous impact on transportation through several important corridors. While bridge repair and replacement will ultimately be needed, priority will be placed on resuming mobility such that repairs will need to be implemented quickly. To anticipate this need, a repair method is being developed for rapid repair with the goal of achieving semi-permanent installation that also considers the different bridge damage states for future earthquakes. The proposed repair involves encasing the damaged column in a steel jacket, which is then anchored to the foundation through replaceable ductile fuse hold-downs. The design objective is to isolate all inelastic strains to the hold-downs thus creating a low-damage solution for the repaired columns. Full-scale cyclic tests were conducted to investigate the cyclic performance on substandard column-to-foundation specimens. The proposed repair was applied to the damaged column and the specimen was then re-tested using the cyclic loading that is representative of CSZ demands. The experiments validated the design goal of achieving restored or controlled strength, while also exhibiting no additional damage and self-centering behavior. The proof-of-concept experiments have shown the potential of this methodology to rapidly repair earthquake-damaged columns with a relatively generic approach.
Bridge structures can give the impression that they are rather simple structural systems, whose seismic responses can be easily predicted. On the contrary, however, many bridges did not perform well in recent earthquakes, showing a need for increased research to understand various potential problems and collapse mechanisms. Indeed, progress has been made lately in design and assessment procedures around the world, and consequently many practices have changed. In this context, the objective of fib Bulletin 39 is to present, discuss and critically compare structural solutions for bridge seismic design and retrofit that have been developed and are now used all over the world, ten years after the publication of the last comprehensive manual on the subject. It is the result of the work of an international team of experts that collaborated intensively for over three years. The first four chapters of the Bulletin present a regional review of design choices, compare and discuss international design practices, and indicate their relative merits and potential problems. Current developments are treated in the next three chapters, with particular emphasis on design for enhanced damage control, for spatial variation of ground motion and for fault crossing. The last part presents a summary of current issues related to existing bridges. Extensive technical developments have been taking place in the last two decades with the goal of making bridges an important transportation infrastructure with limited damage during earthquakes. Realising this goal depends on regional seismicity, transportation systems, seismic performance goals, local cultures, and a wide range of design and construction practices, which are presented and discussed in this Bulletin.
Bridges play a key role in the transportation sector while serving as lifelines for the economy and safety of communities. The need for resilient bridges is especially important following natural disasters, where they serve as evacuation, aid, and supply routes to an affected area. Much of the earthquake engineering community is interested in improving the resiliency of bridges, and many contributions to the field have been made in the past decades, where a shift towards performancebased design (PBD) practices is underway. While the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) has implemented PBD as a requirement for the seismic design of lifeline and major route bridges, the nature of PBD techniques translate to a design process that is not universally compatible for all scenarios and hazards. Therefore, there is great benefit to be realised in the development of PBD guidelines for mainshock-aftershock seismic sequences for scenarios in which the chance to assess and repair a bridge is not possible following a recent mainshock. This research analytically explored a parameterized set of 20 reinforced concrete bridge piers which share several geometrical and material properties with typical bridge bents that support many Canadian bridges. Of those piers, half are designed using current PBD guidelines provided in the 2019 edition of the CHBDC, whereas the remaining half are designed with insufficient transverse reinforcement commonly found in the bridges designed pre-2000. To support this study, a nonlinear fiber-based modelling approach with a proposed material strength degradation scheme is developed using the OpenSEES finite element analysis software. A multiple conditional mean spectra (CMS) approach is used to select a suite of 50 mainshock-aftershock ground motion records for the selected site in Vancouver, British Columbia, which consist of crustal, inslab, and interface earthquakes that commonly occur in areas near the Cascadia Subduction zone. Nonlinear time history analysis is performed for mainshock-only and mainshock-aftershock excitations, and static pushover analysis is also performed in lateral and axial directions for the intact columns, as well as in their respective post-MS and post-AS damaged states. Using the resulting data, a framework for post-earthquake seismic capacity estimation of the bridge piers is developed using machine learning regression methods, where several candidate models are tuned using an exhaustive grid search algorithm approach and k-fold crossvalidation. The tuned models are fitted and evaluated against a test set of data to determine a single best performing model using a multiple scorer performance index as the metric. The resulting performance index suggests that the decision tree model is the most suitable regressor for capacity estimation due to this model exhibiting the highest accuracy as well as lowest residual error. Moreover, this study also assessed the fragility of the bridge piers subjected to mainshock-only and mainshock-aftershock earthquakes. Probabilistic seismic demand models (PSDMs) are derived for the columns designed using current PBD guidelines (PBD-compliant) to evaluate whether the current PBD criteria is sufficient for resisting aftershock effects. Additional PSDMs are generated for the columns with inadequate transverse reinforcement (PBD-deficient) to assess aftershock vulnerability of older bridges. The developed fragility curves indicate an increased fragility of all bridge piers for all damage levels. The findings indicate that adequate aftershock performance is achieved for bridge piers designed to current (2019) CHBDC extensive damage level criteria. Furthermore, it is suggested that minimal damage performance criteria need to be developed for aftershock effects, and the repairable damage level be reintroduced for major route bridges.