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Seismic modelling and imaging of the earth's subsurface are complex and difficult computational tasks. The authors of this volume present general numerical methods based on the complete wave equation for solving these important seismic exploration problems.
Seismic modeling and imaging of the earth's subsurface are complex and difficult computational tasks. The authors present general numerical methods based on the complete wave equation for solving these important seismic exploration problems.
The decades following SEG's 1990 volume on numerical modeling showed a step change in the application and use of full wave equation modeling methods enabled by the increase in computational power. Full waveform inversion, reverse time migration, and 3D elastic finite-difference synthetic data generation are examples. A searchable CD is included.
Seismic modeling is a valuable tool for seismic interpretation of oil and gas reservoirs and is an essential part of seismic inversion algorithms. In this thesis, we have developed and verified the new full-wave phase-shift (FWPS) approach for solving seismic modeling and imaging problems. FWPS approach is based on a new way to generalize the "one-way" acoustic wave equation using a phase-shift structure. Our approach solves the full acoustic wave equation by separating the problem into an equation consisting of two coupled first-order partial differential equations for wave propagation in depth, in which the initial waves are purely one-way, but solving the equations for downgoing initial waves and then for upgoing initial waves, retaining the full two-way nature of the Helmholtz equation. This produces a complete set of linearly independent solutions, that is used to construct the correct, causal full wave solution that includes waves propagating both up and down. The initial conditions for the modeling problem are generated by solving the Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation formally, in a non-iterative fashion and converting the problem into a Volterra integral equation of the second kind. Reflection and wraparound from boundaries are effectively dealt with employing correct absorbing boundary conditions. We validate the new FWPS method by applying it to forward modeling and inversion. Time snapshot results are given for standard velocity models, as well as a realistic earth velocity model. We compare the realistic earth velocity model results from new FWPS approach to those obtained by finite differences (FD), with correct scattering boundary conditions imposed. We have stabilized our results by using the Feshbach projection operator technique to remove all the nonphysical exponentially growing evanescent waves, while retaining all of the propagating waves and exponentially decaying evanescent waves. Our approach is easily parallelized to achieve approximate N2 scaling, where N is the number of coupled equations. We discuss the parallelization techniques used to optimize the algorithm and improve the computational cost. We show the presence of evanescent waves in a realistic earth velocity model by comparing the reflection matrix both with and without decaying evanescent waves.
Recent progress in numerical methods and computer science allows us today to simulate the propagation of seismic waves through realistically heterogeneous Earth models with unprecedented accuracy. Full waveform tomography is a tomographic technique that takes advantage of numerical solutions of the elastic wave equation. The accuracy of the numerical solutions and the exploitation of complete waveform information result in tomographic images that are both more realistic and better resolved. This book develops and describes state of the art methodologies covering all aspects of full waveform tomography including methods for the numerical solution of the elastic wave equation, the adjoint method, the design of objective functionals and optimisation schemes. It provides a variety of case studies on all scales from local to global based on a large number of examples involving real data. It is a comprehensive reference on full waveform tomography for advanced students, researchers and professionals.
Seismic imaging in geologically complex areas, such as sub-salt or attenuating areas, has been one of the greatest challenges in hydrocarbon exploration. Increasing the fidelity and resolution of subsurface images will lead to a better understanding of geological and geomechanical properties in these areas of interest. Wavefield time extrapolation is the kernel of wave-equation-based seismic imaging algorithms, known as reverse-time migration. In exploration seismology, traditional ways for solving wave equations mainly include finite-difference and pseudo-spectral methods, which in turn involve finite-difference approximation of spatial or temporal derivatives. These approximations may lead to dispersion artifacts as well as numerical instability, therefore imposing a strict limit on the sampling intervals in space or time. This dissertation aims at developing a general framework for wave extrapolation based on fast application of Fourier integral operators (FIOs) derived from the analytical solutions to wave equations. The proposed methods are theoretically immune to dispersion artifacts and numerical instability, and are therefore desirable for applications to seismic imaging. First, I derive a one-step acoustic wave extrapolation operator based on the analytical solution to the acoustic wave equation. The proposed operator can incorporate anisotropic phase velocity, angle-dependent absorbing boundary conditions and further improvements in phase accuracy. I also investigate the numerical stability of the method using both theoretical derivations and numerical tests. Second, to model wave propagation in attenuating media, I use a visco-acoustic dispersion relation based on a constant-Q wave equation with decoupled fractional Laplacians, which allows for separable control of amplitude loss and velocity dispersion. The proposed formulation enables accurate reverse-time migration with attenuation compensation. Third, to further improve numerical stability of Q-compensation, I introduce stable Q-compensation operators based on amplitude spectrum scaling and smooth division. Next, for applications to least-squares RTM (LSRTM) and full-waveform inversion, I derive the adjoint operator of the low-rank one-step wave extrapolation method using the theory of non-stationary filtering. To improve the convergence rate of LSRTM in attenuating media, I propose Q-compensated LSRTM by replacing the adjoint operator in LSRTM with Q-compensated RTM. Finally, I extend the low-rank one-step wave extrapolation method to general elastic anisotropic media. Using the idea of eigenvalue decomposition and matrix exponential, I study the relationship between wave propagation and wave-mode decomposition. To handle the case of strong heterogeneity, I incorporate gradients of stiffnesses in wave extrapolation. Numerous synthetic examples in both 2D and 3D are used to test the practical application and accuracy of the proposed approaches.
This book describes the theory and practice of inverting seismic data for the subsurface rock properties of the earth. The primary application is for inverting reflection and/or transmission data from engineering or exploration surveys, but the methods described also can be used for earthquake studies. Seismic Inversion will be of benefit to scientists and advanced students in engineering, earth sciences, and physics. It is desirable that the reader has some familiarity with certain aspects of numerical computation, such as finite-difference solutions to partial differential equations, numerical linear algebra, and the basic physics of wave propagation. For those not familiar with the terminology and methods of seismic exploration, a brief introduction is provided. To truly understand the nuances of seismic inversion, we have to actively practice what we preach (or teach). Therefore, computational labs are provided for most of the chapters, and some field data labs are given as well.
During wave propagation, seismic energy is dissipated by the geometrical spreading, heterogeneity scattering and lattice internal friction. The energy decay related to internal friction is known as intrinsic attenuation, which reflects the viscosity (anelastic) property of subsurface minerals and rocks. Particularly, the saturations of gas give rise to strong seismic intrinsic attenuation. Incorporating attenuation into seismic modeling, imaging and inversion enables accurate detection of hydrocarbon reservoir and characterization of fluid properties. To date, a number of wave equations have been developed to describe the intrinsic attenuation effects. For example, in the frequency-domain, the viscous behavior can be described using a complex-valued velocity. It explicitly incorporates the quality factor (Q) into the wave equation and therefore is easy to utilize to compensate attenuation effects in reverse-time migration (RTM) and full-waveform inversion (FWI). But its requirements for solving the Helmholtz equation include large computer memory cost, which is still challenging for largescale 3D models. On the other hand, the attenuation can be incorporated in the time-domain wave equation based upon the standard linear solid (SLS) theory. Since the dispersion and dissipation are coupled in the SLS, and the quality factor Q has to be transformed to stress and strain relaxation times, it is difficult to use in seismic imaging and inversion. Another popular time-domain wave equation is formulated based on constant-Q theory. Although this approach has the advantage that the dispersion and dissipation terms are decoupled, it is necessary to calculate a mixed-domain operator using complicated numerical solvers, such as the low-rank approximation. In this study, starting from the frequency-domain viscoacoustic wave equation, I first use a second-order polynomial to approximate the dispersion term, followed by a pseudo-differential operator to approximate the dissipation term. These two approximations make it possible to transform the frequency-domain equation into the time domain, and derive a new complexvalued viscoacoustic wave equation. The advantages of the new wave equation include: (1) the dispersion and dissipation effects are naturally separated, which can be used to compensate amplitude loss in seismic migration by reversing the sign of the dissipation term; (2) Q is explicitly incorporated into the wave equation, which makes it easy to directly derive the misfit gradient with respect to Q and estimate subsurface attenuation models using Q-FWI; and (3) this new viscoacoustic wave equation can be numerically solved using finite-difference time marching and a Fourier transform, which does not require mixed-domain solvers as required in the constant-Q method, and has lower memory cost than the frequency-domain approach. Based on the new complex-valued wave equation, I develop a viscoacoustic RTM workflow to correct the attenuation-associated dispersion and dissipation effects. A time-reversed wave equation is derived to extrapolate receiver-side wavefields, in which the sign of the dissipation term is reversed while the dispersion term remains unchanged. In wavefield extrapolation, both source and receiver wavefields are complex-valued and their real and imaginary parts satisfy the Hilbert transform. This analytic property helps to explicitly decompose up- and down-going waves. Then, a causal imaging condition, which crosscorrelates the down-going source-side wavefield and the up-going receiver-side wavefield, is utilized to suppress lowwavenumber artifacts in migrated images. Furthermore, with limited recording apertures, finite-frequency source functions, irregular subsurface illuminations, viscoacoustic RTM is still insufficient to produce satisfactory reflectivity images with high resolution and amplitude fidelity. By incorporating the complexvalued wave equation into a linear waveform inversion scheme, I develop a viscoacoustic least-squares reverse-time migration (LSRTM) scheme. Based on the Born approximation, I first linearize the wave equation and derive a viscoacoustic demigration operator. Then, using the Lagrange multiplier method, I derive the adjoint viscoacoustic wave equation and the corresponding sensitivity kernels. With the forward and adjoint operators, a linear inverse problem is formulated to estimate the subsurface reflectivity model. A total-variation regularization is introduced to enhance the robustness of the proposed viscoacoustic LSRTM, and a diagonal Hessian is used as a preconditioner to accelerate convergence. Traditional waveform inversion for attenuation is commonly based on the SLS wave equation, in which case the quality factor Q has to be converted to the stress and strain relaxation times. When using multiple attenuation mechanisms in the SLS method, it is difficult to directly estimate these relaxation time parameters. Based on the new time-domain complex-valued viscoacoustic wave equation, I present an FWI framework for simultaneously estimating subsurface P-wave velocity and attenuation distributions. Since Q is explicitly incorporated into the wave equation, I directly derive sensitivity kernels for P-wave velocity and attenuation using the adjoint-state method, and simultaneously estimate their distributions. By analyzing the Gauss-Newton Hessian, I observe strong inter-parameter crosstalk artifacts, especially the leakage from velocity to Q. I approximate the Hessian inverse using a preconditioned L-BFGS method in FWI, which significantly reduces inter-parameter crosstalk, and produces accurate velocity and attenuation models.
Seismic Migration: Imaging of Acoustic Energy by Wave Field Extrapolation, Second Edition, Volume A: Theoretical Aspects covers the theoretical aspects of seismic migration techniques. This volume is divided into 11 chapters that consider the concept of propagation and scattering matrices. This book begins with a presentation of a selection of concepts and properties of seismic migration from vector analysis. These topics are followed by considerable chapters on the mathematical aspects of migration, including discrete spectral analysis, two-dimensional Fourier transforms, and wave theory. The subsequent chapters describe the derivation of the Kirchhoff integral for upward traveling wave field and wave field extrapolation for downward traveling source waves and upward traveling reflected waves. These chapters also propose a matrix formulation to represent single seismic record and multi-record data sets, along with different modeling algorithms. A chapter examines inverse wave field extrapolation, in which the medium must be horizontally layered, the layers being homogeneous. The book ends with a summary and comparison of different approaches to seismic migration.
Providing a pictorial presentation of the basic principles of Kirchhoff-type imaging and proceeding to a comprehensive treatment of its kinematic and dynamic aspects, this book is a valuable addition for anyone interested in the theory and practices of seismic data processing for imaging and parameter estimation with all its attendant processes.