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1. PURPOSE OF PRESENT BOOK During the period May 19-26, 2003 the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) “Mud volcanism, Geodynamics and Seismicity” was held in Baku. Participants coming from USA, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, UK, Israel, Azerbaijan, Tunisia have discussed about different geodynamic features of mud volcanism and participated to field trips oriented to a better knowledge of mud volcanic features. The Meeting focused on many features of mud volcanism occurrence and related geodynamic topics. The purpose of present book is to collect contributions discussed during the Meeting and to fill a marked editorial gap on mud volcanism. Mud volcanism was to date described by local monographies or by articles published by scientific journals. In particular no books were published on topics able to highlight the link among mud volcanism, geodynamics and seismicity. Mud volcano of Nirano (Northern Italy). Engraving from Stoppani A. (1871), Corso di Geologia, Milan, Bernardoni G. and Brigola G. Publishers. 2. WHY MUD VOLCANOES ARE GEOLOGICALLY IMPORTANT ? Mud volcanoes have attracted the attention of earth scientists for many years. Due to their importance in hydrocarbon research, a consistent progress in the knowledge of mud volcanism took place in the past twenty years. Mud extrusion is a well-known phenomenon occurring in geological environments where fluid-rich, fine grained sediments ascend within a lithologic succession due to their buoyancy.
Mud volcanoes typically form in sedimentary basins both onshore and offshore, by localized expulsion of mud that has been remobilized from the subsurface. The extrusion of mud forms topographic features that are representative of the release of fluids and mud and overpressure. The research that is presented in this thesis focuses on the recent formation of a mud volcano within the Waimata Valley near Gisborne from a single eruptive event on 15 December 2018, extruding approximately 11,200m3 of mud at the surface. The eruption occurred from a completely new location though it is inferred that this feature is part of a mud volcano system that has previously formed other nearby mud volcanoes. The eruption of a mud volcano from the day of its occurrence is only something that has been documented a handful of times in New Zealand's written history. Prior to eruption, this new eruptive centre had gained the attention of local scientists following a significant MW7.1 earthquake that occurred offshore of Te Araroa in northern Tairawhiti region on 2 September 2016. It was also noted that following the earthquake many other mud volcanoes within the region demonstrated increased activity whilst others remained quiescent, highlighting an obvious relationship between mud volcanism and seismic activity. Through utilising an engineering geological investigation of the site, an insight into the processes and mechanisms that trigger mud volcanism, as well establishing a database of the geological and geotechnical properties of the associated materials has been achieved. The materials were identified to contain a significant clay fraction, contributing to their low permeabilities and strength. These properties are inferred to have an important influence on how the that materials withstand significant overpressures remaining unconsolidated at depth leading to their migration toward the surface. By developing this greater understanding of the mud volcano, multiple potential geohazards were identified and can be applied to future events that will inevitably continue to occur throughout the region. The most significant hazard identified resulting from this eruption was the formation a several highly mobile mud flows that led to the formation of a small lake.
Geomechanics investigates the origin, magnitude and deformational consequences of stresses in the crust. In recent years awareness of geomechanical processes has been heightened by societal debates on fracking, human-induced seismicity, natural geohazards and safety issues with respect to petroleum exploration drilling, carbon sequestration and radioactive waste disposal. This volume explores the common ground linking geomechanics with inter alia economic and petroleum geology, structural geology, petrophysics, seismology, geotechnics, reservoir engineering and production technology. Geomechanics is a rapidly developing field that brings together a broad range of subsurface professionals seeking to use their expertise to solve current challenges in applied and fundamental geoscience. A rich diversity of case studies herein showcase applications of geomechanics to hydrocarbon exploration and field development, natural and artificial geohazards, reservoir stimulation, contemporary tectonics and subsurface fluid flow. These papers provide a representative snapshot of the exciting state of geomechanics and establish it firmly as a flourishing subdiscipline of geology that merits broadest exposure across the academic and corporate geosciences.
Despite advances in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering, earthquakes continue to cause loss of life and property in one part of the world or another. The Third International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 22nd to 24th June 1987, provided an opportunity for participants from all over the world to share their expertise to enhance the role of mechanics and other disciplines as they relate to earthquake engineering. The edited proceedings of the conference are published in four volumes. This volume covers: Constitutive Relations in Soil Dynamics, Liquefaction of Soils, and Experimental Soil Dynamics. With its companion volumes, it is hoped that it will contribute to the further development of techniques, methods and innovative approaches in soil dynamics and earthquake engineering.
The objective of this book is to fill some of the gaps in the existing engineering codes and standards related to soil dynamics, concerning issues in earthquake engineering and ground vibrations, by using formulas and hand calculators. The usefulness and accuracy of the simple analyses are demonstrated by their implementation to the case histories available in the literature. Ideally, the users of the volume will be able to comment on the analyses as well as provide more case histories of simple considerations by publishing their results in a number of international journals and conferences. The ultimate aim is to extend the existing codes and standards by adding new widely accepted analyses in engineering practice. The following topics have been considered in this volume: • main ground motion sources and properties • typical ground motions, recording, ground investigations and testing • soil properties used in simple analyses • fast sliding in non-liquefied soil • flow of liquefied sandy soil • massive retaining walls • slender retaining walls • shallow foundations • piled foundations • tunnels, vertical shafts and pipelines • ground vibration caused by industry. Audience: This book is of interest to geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, earthquake engineers and students
Processes that transport heat and mass govern the long-term evolution of planets and are responsible for surface geological features. This dissertation addresses the thermal and mechanical evolution of icy bodies and the mechanics of geyser and mud volcano eruptions. Some surface features on Europa have been interpreted as cryovolcanic deposits, but conduits are required in order for water to erupt from a subsurface ocean. Results from a model of fracture penetration indicate that it is unlikely that downward propagating fractures can reach a subsurface ocean on Europa, but that Enceladus' ice shell may be completely cracked. The mechanics of ice shell fracture depend on the stress state in the ice shell, which in turn depends on the thermal history due to coupling between ocean pressure, ice shell thickening, and stresses in the overlying ice shell. Numerical calculations that account for the development of Crystallographic Preferred Orientation (CPO) in ice indicate that CPO-induced viscous anisotropy has first order effects on convective velocity and heat transport, but that the thickness of the stagnant lid precludes remote detection of CPO under conditions relevant to the Galilean Satellites. Mud volcanoes near the Salton Sea, Southern California responded to the April, 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake and another smaller event. Analysis of the frequency and amplitude of shaking experienced during events that triggered eruptions as well as several events that did not trigger eruptions reveals that the triggering process is frequency dependent. The Lusi mud eruption in East Java, Indonesia provides an unprecedented opportunity to study a large mud eruption from start to end. An analysis of ground deformation during the first five years of Lusi's eruption indicates that progressive mobilization of mud occurred, supporting a new conceptual model for mud volcanism that is in some ways analogous to large caldera-forming silicic volcanic eruptions. Like mud volcanoes, geysers provide an opportunity to study an erupting system analogous to volcanoes. Ground deformation at Calistoga Geyser is cyclic and reflects the filling and draining of the geyser's plumbing system.