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For a closed oriented smooth 4-manifold X with $b^2_+(X)>0$, the Seiberg-Witten invariants are well-defined. Taubes' "SW=Gr" theorem asserts that if X carries a symplectic form then these invariants are equal to well-defined counts of pseudoholomorphic curves, Taubes' Gromov invariants. In the absence of a symplectic form there are still nontrivial closed self-dual 2-forms which vanish along a disjoint union of circles and are symplectic elsewhere. This thesis describes well-defined counts of pseudoholomorphic curves in the complement of the zero set of such near-symplectic 2-forms, and it is shown that they recover the Seiberg-Witten invariants (modulo 2). This is an extension of Taubes' "SW=Gr" theorem to non-symplectic 4-manifolds. The main results are the following. Given a suitable near-symplectic form w and tubular neighborhood N of its zero set, there are well-defined counts of pseudoholomorphic curves in a completion of the symplectic cobordism (X-N, w) which are asymptotic to certain Reeb orbits on the ends. They can be packaged together to form "near-symplectic" Gromov invariants as a map on the set of spin-c structures of X. They are furthermore equal to the Seiberg-Witten invariants with mod 2 coefficients, where w determines the "chamber" for defining the latter invariants when $b^2_+(X)=1$. In the final chapter, as a non sequitur, a new proof of the Fredholm index formula for punctured pseudoholomorphic curves is sketched. This generalizes Taubes' proof of the Riemann-Roch theorem for compact Riemann surfaces.
This book contains expository papers that give an up-to-date account of recent developments and open problems in the geometry and topology of manifolds, along with several research articles that present new results appearing in published form for the first time. The unifying theme is the problem of understanding manifolds in low dimensions, notably in dimensions three and four, and the techniques include algebraic topology, surgery theory, Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten gauge theory,Heegaard Floer homology, contact and symplectic geometry, and Gromov-Witten invariants. The articles collected for this volume were contributed by participants of the Conference "Geometry and Topology of Manifolds" held at McMaster University on May 14-18, 2004 and are representative of the manyexcellent talks delivered at the conference.
What a wonderful book! I strongly recommend this book to anyone, especially graduate students, interested in getting a sense of 4-manifolds. —MAA Reviews The book gives an excellent overview of 4-manifolds, with many figures and historical notes. Graduate students, nonexperts, and experts alike will enjoy browsing through it. — Robion C. Kirby, University of California, Berkeley This book offers a panorama of the topology of simply connected smooth manifolds of dimension four. Dimension four is unlike any other dimension; it is large enough to have room for wild things to happen, but small enough so that there is no room to undo the wildness. For example, only manifolds of dimension four can exhibit infinitely many distinct smooth structures. Indeed, their topology remains the least understood today. To put things in context, the book starts with a survey of higher dimensions and of topological 4-manifolds. In the second part, the main invariant of a 4-manifold—the intersection form—and its interaction with the topology of the manifold are investigated. In the third part, as an important source of examples, complex surfaces are reviewed. In the final fourth part of the book, gauge theory is presented; this differential-geometric method has brought to light how unwieldy smooth 4-manifolds truly are, and while bringing new insights, has raised more questions than answers. The structure of the book is modular, organized into a main track of about two hundred pages, augmented by extensive notes at the end of each chapter, where many extra details, proofs and developments are presented. To help the reader, the text is peppered with over 250 illustrations and has an extensive index.
In the series of volumes which together will constitute the "Handbook of Differential Geometry" we try to give a rather complete survey of the field of differential geometry. The different chapters will both deal with the basic material of differential geometry and with research results (old and recent).All chapters are written by experts in the area and contain a large bibliography. In this second volume a wide range of areas in the very broad field of differential geometry is discussed, as there are Riemannian geometry, Lorentzian geometry, Finsler geometry, symplectic geometry, contact geometry, complex geometry, Lagrange geometry and the geometry of foliations. Although this does not cover the whole of differential geometry, the reader will be provided with an overview of some its most important areas. . Written by experts and covering recent research. Extensive bibliography. Dealing with a diverse range of areas. Starting from the basics
Different Faces of Geometry - edited by the world renowned geometers S. Donaldson, Ya. Eliashberg, and M. Gromov - presents the current state, new results, original ideas and open questions from the following important topics in modern geometry: These apparently diverse topics have a common feature in that they are all areas of exciting current activity. The Editors have attracted an impressive array of leading specialists to author chapters for this volume: G. Mikhalkin (USA-Canada-Russia), V.D. Milman (Israel) and A.A. Giannopoulos (Greece), C. LeBrun (USA), Ko Honda (USA), P. Ozsvath (USA) and Z. Szabo (USA), C. Simpson (France), D. Joyce (UK) and P. Seidel (USA), and S. Bauer (Germany). One can distinguish various themes running through the different contributions. There is some emphasis on invariants defined by elliptic equations and their applications in low-dimensional topology, symplectic and contact geometry (Bauer, Seidel, Ozsvath and Szabo). These ideas enter, more tangentially, in the articles of Joyce, Honda and LeBrun.Here and elsewhere, as well as explaining the rapid advances that have been made, the articles convey a wonderful sense of the vast areas lying beyond our current understanding. Simpson's article emphasizes the need for interesting new constructions (in that case of Kahler and algebraic manifolds), a point which is also made by Bauer in the context of 4-manifolds and the 11/8 conjecture. LeBrun's article gives another perspective on 4-manifold theory, via Riemannian geometry, and the challenging open questions involving the geometry of even well-known 4-manifolds. There are also striking contrasts between the articles. The authors have taken different approaches: for example, the thoughtful essay of Simpson, the new research results of LeBrun and the thorough expositions with homework problems of Honda. One can also ponder the differences in the style of mathematics. In the articles of Honda, Giannopoulos and Milman, and Mikhalkin, the geometry is present in a very vivid and tangible way; combining respectively with topology, analysis and algebra.The papers of Bauer and Seidel, on the other hand, makes the point that algebraic and algebro-topological abstraction (triangulated categories, spectra) can play an important role in very unexpected ways in concrete geometric problems. - From the Preface by the Editors
The European Congress of Mathematics, held every four years, has established itself as a major international mathematical event. Following those in Paris, 1992, Budapest, 1996, and Barcelona, 2000, the Fourth European Congress of Mathematics took place in Stockholm, Sweden, June 27 to July 2, 2004, with 913 participants from 65 countries. Apart from seven plenary and thirty three invited lectures, there were six Science Lectures covering the most relevant aspects of mathematics in science and technology. Moreover, twelve projects of the EU Research Training Networks in Mathematics and Information Sciences, as well as Programmes from the European Science Foundation in Physical and Engineering Sciences, were presented. Ten EMS Prizes were awarded to young European mathematicians who have made a particular contribution to the progress of mathematics. Five of the prizewinners were independently chosen by the 4ECM Scientific Committee as plenary or invited speakers. The other five prizewinners gave their lectures in parallel sessions. Most of these contributions are now collected in this volume, providing a permanent record of so much that is best in mathematics today.
Mathematical gauge theory studies connections on principal bundles, or, more precisely, the solution spaces of certain partial differential equations for such connections. Historically, these equations have come from mathematical physics, and play an important role in the description of the electro-weak and strong nuclear forces. The use of gauge theory as a tool for studying topological properties of four-manifolds was pioneered by the fundamental work of Simon Donaldson in theearly 1980s, and was revolutionized by the introduction of the Seiberg-Witten equations in the mid-1990s. Since the birth of the subject, it has retained its close connection with symplectic topology. The analogy between these two fields of study was further underscored by Andreas Floer's constructionof an infinite-dimensional variant of Morse theory that applies in two a priori different contexts: either to define symplectic invariants for pairs of Lagrangian submanifolds of a symplectic manifold, or to define topological This volume is based on lecture courses and advanced seminars given at the 2004 Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School at the Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest, Hungary. Several of the authors have added a considerable amount of additional material tothat presented at the school, and the resulting volume provides a state-of-the-art introduction to current research, covering material from Heegaard Floer homology, contact geometry, smooth four-manifold topology, and symplectic four-manifolds. Information for our distributors: Titles in this seriesare copublished with the Clay Mathematics Institute (Cambridge, MA).
The recent introduction of the Seiberg-Witten invariants of smooth four-manifolds has revolutionized the study of those manifolds. The invariants are gauge-theoretic in nature and are close cousins of the much-studied SU(2)-invariants defined over fifteen years ago by Donaldson. On a practical level, the new invariants have proved to be more powerful and have led to a vast generalization of earlier results. This book is an introduction to the Seiberg-Witten invariants. The work begins with a review of the classical material on Spin c structures and their associated Dirac operators. Next comes a discussion of the Seiberg-Witten equations, which is set in the context of nonlinear elliptic operators on an appropriate infinite dimensional space of configurations. It is demonstrated that the space of solutions to these equations, called the Seiberg-Witten moduli space, is finite dimensional, and its dimension is then computed. In contrast to the SU(2)-case, the Seiberg-Witten moduli spaces are shown to be compact. The Seiberg-Witten invariant is then essentially the homology class in the space of configurations represented by the Seiberg-Witten moduli space. The last chapter gives a flavor for the applications of these new invariants by computing the invariants for most Kahler surfaces and then deriving some basic toological consequences for these surfaces.
The systole of a compact metric space $X$ is a metric invariant of $X$, defined as the least length of a noncontractible loop in $X$. When $X$ is a graph, the invariant is usually referred to as the girth, ever since the 1947 article by W. Tutte. The first nontrivial results for systoles of surfaces are the two classical inequalities of C. Loewner and P. Pu, relying on integral-geometric identities, in the case of the two-dimensional torus and real projective plane, respectively. Currently, systolic geometry is a rapidly developing field, which studies systolic invariants in their relation to other geometric invariants of a manifold. This book presents the systolic geometry of manifolds and polyhedra, starting with the two classical inequalities, and then proceeding to recent results, including a proof of M. Gromov's filling area conjecture in a hyperelliptic setting. It then presents Gromov's inequalities and their generalisations, as well as asymptotic phenomena for systoles of surfaces of large genus, revealing a link both to ergodic theory and to properties of congruence subgroups of arithmetic groups. The author includes results on the systolic manifestations of Massey products, as well as of the classical Lusternik-Schnirelmann category.