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Introduction The universal pseudo-quotient for a family of subvarieties Normal bundles of quadrics in $X$ Morphisms from quadrics to Grassmannians Pointwise uniform vector bundles on non-singular quadrics Theory of extensions of families over Hilbert schemes Existence of algebraic quotient--proof of Theorem 0.3 Appendix. Deformations of vector bundles on infinitesimally rigid projective varieties with null global $i$-forms References.
Introduction The universal pseudo-quotient for a family of subvarieties Normal bundles of quadrics in $X$ Morphisms from quadrics to Grassmannians Pointwise uniform vector bundles on non-singular quadrics Theory of extensions of families over Hilbert schemes Existence of algebraic quotient--proof of Theorem 0.3 Appendix. Deformations of vector bundles on infinitesimally rigid projective varieties with null global $i$-forms References
Includes a paper that provides necessary and sufficient conditions on a couple of Banach lattices of measurable functions $(X_{0}, X_{1})$ which ensure that, for all weight functions $w_{0}$ and $w_{1}$, the couple of weighted lattices $(X_{0, w_{0}}, X_{1, w_{1}})$ is a Calderon-Mityagin cou
Studies the evolution of the large finite spatial systems in size-dependent time scales and compare them with the behavior of the infinite systems, which amounts to establishing the so-called finite system scheme. This title introduces the concept of a continuum limit in the hierarchical mean field limit.
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The property of maximal $L_p$-regularity for parabolic evolution equations is investigated via the concept of $\mathcal R$-sectorial operators and operator-valued Fourier multipliers. As application, we consider the $L_q$-realization of an elliptic boundary value problem of order $2m$ with operator-valued coefficients subject to general boundary conditions. We show that there is maximal $L_p$-$L_q$-regularity for the solution of the associated Cauchy problem provided the top order coefficients are bounded and uniformly continuous.
Includes a paper that studies bifurcations of stationary and time-periodic solutions to reaction-diffusion systems. This title develops a center-manifold and normal form theory for radial dynamics which allows for a complete description of radially symmetric patterns.
A memoir that studies positive definite functions on convex subsets of finite- or infinite-dimensional vector spaces. It studies representations of convex cones by positive operators on Hilbert spaces. It also studies the interplay between positive definite functions and representations of convex cones.
An $n$-dimensional $\mu$-component boundary link is a codimension $2$ embedding of spheres $L=\sqcup_{\mu}S DEGREESn \subset S DEGREES{n+2}$ such that there exist $\mu$ disjoint oriented embedded $(n+1)$-manifolds which span the components of $L$. This title proceeds to compute the isomorphism class of $C_{
Computes the 2-primary $v_1$-periodic homotopy groups of the special orthogonal groups $SO(n)$; the method is to calculate the Bendersky-Thompson spectral sequence, a $K_*$-based unstable homotopy spectral sequence, of $\operatorname{Spin}(n)$.