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Study Sefer Chofetz Chaim in 128 daily segments, according to the schedule established by the venerable Manchester Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Yehudah Zev Segal, ztl. The Chofetz Chaim's influence continues to grow, as thousands upon thousands adopt his message that the tongue can be a priceless tool or a lethal weapon. And this volume will lead you through his classic work according to the order he set down. It is another vital gift to those who wish to guard their tongues, but want to know how. Whether as a study companion or standing on its own, this work is a superbly wrought guide of the laws of proper speech as the Chofetz Chaim himself set them down. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT: What you must say, what you shouldn't say A Halachic guide to getting and giving information for shidduchim. By Rabbi M. M. Lowy
SRS The concepts and laws of proper speech arranged for daily study. Based on his works, Sefer Chofetz Chaim and sefer Shmiras Haloshon includes Vignettes from the life of the Chofetz Chaim.
An invaluable guide to understanding the meaning of the commandment to 'love kindness.'
Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, one of the greatest gedolei Torah and poskim of our time, is a revered guide to thousands of people who seek his advice on Halachah and personal matters. Rabbi Moshe Finkelstein's book contains a selection of his periodic lectures to women, followed by question-and-answer sessions. In his Heart to Heart Talks, Rabbi Scheinberg deals with such topics as Woman's Special Gift, Forgiveness, Esther's Unique Virtues, and The Importance of Women. Rarely has such a genuine gadol been so accessible on such a variety of topics. Rabbi Scheinberg's deceptive simplicity masks profound ideas, making his talks meaningful for sage and layman; men, women, and children.
The classic work on repentance and religious conduct. For anyone seeking the true path to repentance and reconnection with G-d, this incisive guide is essential. With vowelized Hebrew and English translation. Pocket edition
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, famously stated that we must "live with the times," thereby experiencing the teachings of the Torah related to each week of the year. Similar to the zodiac, where every month has its own symbolism, every week of the Jewish calendar also has a unique meaning. Kahane and Wainer explain that the calendar is the master key to unlock the hidden rationale behind the formal structure of ancient sacred texts, as well as to understand basic mystical concepts. When comprehended within the context of the Jewish calendar, these works reveal the spiritual energy of each week, serving as a practical guide for self-analysis and development. During this annual journey, we will learn to live with greater harmony, happiness and gratitude by learning from the Kabbalah, from age-old Jewish ethical teachings, and even from animals. The objective is to make the reader be in touch with the spiritual powers of each week, thereby improving ones daily conduct and rediscovering the universal song within each one of us: the song of the soul.