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This monograph represents a critical juncture in Thomas studies since it dispels the belief that the Gospel of Thomas originates from gnostic traditions. Rather, Jewish mystical and Hermetic origins are proposed and examined. Following this analysis, the anthropogony and soteriology of Thomas are discussed. The Thomasites taught that they were the elect children of the Father, originating from the Light. The human, however, became unworthy of these luminous beginnings and was separated from the divine when Adam sinned. Now he must purify himself by leading an encratite lifestyle. He is to ascend into heaven, seeking a visio dei which will transform him into his original immortal state and grant him citizenship in the Kingdom.
Do you struggle to have a consistent quiet time with God?Do you wonder how to know if you are hearing from God?Do you desire to know God's will for your life?Do you want to make a difference for the kingdom of God?Seek Him First has been written to show you exactly how you can seek God and find the direction you need for the journey. This book is for those who know God has a plan for their lives, but don't know how to make it a reality from day to day.¿Develop a consistent daily quiet time with God.¿Learn how to know when God is speaking to you and follow His plan for your life.¿Explore different strategies for Bible study.¿Discover ways to feed your soul and be satisfied.¿ Get on mission with the God of the universe and change your world.
FIND WHAT MATTERS MOST. BUILD YOUR LIFE AROUND IT. In an age of distraction, everyone is looking for something that gives purpose and perspective on life. Jesus says it's the kingdom of God. But the kingdom is not just another religious idea. Rather, God's loving reign brings clarity and coherence to all of life - identity, work, play, relationships, justice, character - in a way that is profound and practical. Seek First brings theology to the streets, giving a vision for the kingdom that will truly change your life. "Treat presents the message of the kingdom in a way that gives us a grander vision for life, whether in the workplace or on the basketball court." - CHRIS BROUSSARD, NBA analyst and sports broadcaster "Few books do as good a job as this one in showing us how giving up everything for Christ and his kingdom is the pathway to our greatest gain. Seek First is a gem!" - SCOTT SAULS, author and senior pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church "With insight and passion Treat reveals why we ought to reorient our lives and reprioritize our loves . . . practical and powerful." - MARIELLE WAKIM, editor, Los Angeles magazine "A prophetic and urgent note to the generations . . . a clearly written and much-needed book!" - KEVIN J. VANHOOZER, professor, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Gnosticism is a countercultural spirituality that forever changed the practice of Christianity. Before it emerged in the second century, passage to the afterlife required obedience to God and king. Gnosticism proposed that human beings were manifestations of the divine, unsettling the hierarchical foundations of the ancient world. Subversive and revolutionary, Gnostics taught that prayer and mediation could bring human beings into an ecstatic spiritual union with a transcendent deity. This mystical strain affected not just Christianity but many other religions, and it characterizes our understanding of the purpose and meaning of religion today. In The Gnostic New Age, April D. DeConick recovers this vibrant underground history to prove that Gnosticism was not suppressed or defeated by the Catholic Church long ago, nor was the movement a fabrication to justify the violent repression of alternative forms of Christianity. Gnosticism alleviated human suffering, soothing feelings of existential brokenness and alienation through the promise of renewal as God. DeConick begins in ancient Egypt and follows with the rise of Gnosticism in the Middle Ages, the advent of theosophy and other occult movements in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and contemporary New Age spiritual philosophies. As these theories find expression in science-fiction and fantasy films, DeConick sees evidence of Gnosticism's next incarnation. Her work emphasizes the universal, countercultural appeal of a movement that embodies much more than a simple challenge to religious authority.
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus teaches people and proclaims the kingdom of God. But that's not all. He also questions -- a lot. Jesus asks questions that challenge and unsettle. Questions that cut to the heart of human experience. Questions that -- like a plow plunging deeply into hard soil -- split life open. Distinguished theologian Michael Buckley in this book meditates on fourteen key personal questions that Jesus asks in the Gospel of John -- such questions as "What do you seek?" "Do you know what I have done to you?" "How can you believe?" "Do you take offense at this?" "Do you love me?" Readers will be challenged to new ways of thinking and living as they seek to follow Jesus.
Pastor Gregg Matte writes, "God's will is not the needle in the haystack discovered only by 'Navy SEALs for Jesus'; it is actually the hay in the haystack to be found by every believer." This is great news for any Christian who has ever wondered about finding and living in the will of God. Through an extensive, intimate examination of God's encounter with Moses in the burning bush, Finding God's Will invites readers to shift their understanding of God's will from an event to be experienced to a process to live; God's will is what happens when we seek him. Readers will discover how to be on the lookout for their own burning bushes, how to focus on pleasing "Thee not they," and how to expect God's power as they seek his will. They may also be surprised to find that, as they seek a deeper relationship with God, his direction and guidance become clear. A life centered in God's will is a promise offered to every believer and every Christian can learn how to receive that gift.
A collection of poems that extols the power and glory of God, our Creator. Seek and find Him, learn to understand Him by way of references to His Holy Word. Walk and talk with Him in nature and in everyday circumstances. Experience the wonders of His unconditional love and you will learn to love and serve Him in return. Your life will be transformed. Your life will be blessed and "the Peace of God" which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Jamaican by birth, the author is a trained teacher with a BA from UWI and a MS from CCSU. Taught for many years in elementary and high schools in Jamaica, participated in writing two geography text books and her own children's story book that are currently being used in Jamaican schools. Contributed children's devotions to the Home Altar and worked with mentally ill and homeless persons in Florida. She is a Stephen Minister and a member of the Sunshine Ministry of her church - Port Charlotte UMC. Her hobbies are gardening and writing.
Narrative gospels -- Sayings gospels -- Infancy gospels -- Fragmentary gospels -- Jewish Christian gospels -- Orphan sayings and other stories.
Shepherds gathered their flowing robes to hurry to Him; the Magi braved deserts and mountains to find Him; in the blazing noonday sun a defeated Samaritan woman came to Him; a skeptic exclaimed, "my Lord and my God" when he found Him. And today millions on every continent acknowledge with the Apostle Paul that He is "the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). Wise men still seek Him; and those who seek find more than they ever imagined. For in Jesus Christ, and Him alone, are to be found forgiveness, inward peace, joys in life today, the promises of life eternal. The Magi found Him as a young child with Mary His mother. We find Him today as the living Christ, clothed with glory and honor and seated at the right hand of His Father in heaven. He is there because He finished the work He came to do on earth. Of His coming the Bible says, "He was made in the likeness of men: and... He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him... that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow... and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" (Philippians 2:7-11). While it is true that wise men still seek Him, it is more wonderfully true that He still seeks us-whoever we may be. Now, today, from His place in the heavenlies comes His divine invitation: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with Me" (Revelation 3:20). If the President sent you an official invitation, you would surely accept. The Babe of Bethlehem who is now the Christ of Glory is inviting you today. The door is the door of your heart. May you know what it is to respond; and may all His spiritual blessings be yours this Christmas.
Rob becomes obsessed with searching the airwaves for his long-gone father, a radio announcer.