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God has proven Himself so effectively to everyone that HE says there is NO EXCUSE in not believing in Him. (Romans 1: 19 & 20) This book introduces INTERDEPENDENT EVIDENCE OF CREATION, and PROVES that theory. This book provides the PROOF you may be looking for of God's existence.
LifeWay Research shows that up to 78 percent of Christians do not regularly evangelize. This can change. This will change. 1X Evangelism introduces a church-wide strategy designed to help Christians reengage in personal evangelism. Most Christians believe evangelism should increase, yet more and more believers are disengaging from evangelism. Traditional church evangelism methods are no longer as effective. 1X Evangelism introduces a new approach: church-wide personal evangelism strategy. Unlike a program, 1X is a highly flexible strategy designed for small churches, yet adaptable to churches of any size. In 1X Evangelism, Dr. John Rothra uniquely combines church invitations, personal evangelism, and small groups into a church-wide personal evangelism strategy inspired by previous visionaries.
When we encounter suffering or tragedy, we wonder: Where is God? If God exists, then why doesn't he show himself? Tim Muehlhoff unpacks the doctrine of common grace and offers examples from contemporary culture to uncover how God is present and working in ordinary, everyday places. Discover how God cares for our troubled world as he gives you eyes to see.
When you feel stuck in your job or relationship . . . when all you worked for leaves you feeling empty inside . . . when fear of what is to come consumes sleepless nights . . . when love seems like an impossible choice to make . . . when the world is not large enough to contain your grief . . . when you struggle to forgive the unforgivable . . . there is one solution that brings true peace. See the world through God's eyes. Look through God's eyes and you see that you are being guided in every moment with infinite wisdom and inexhaustible love, that life is unfolding with indescribable beauty and grace, that Spirit is gently urging you to align your will with Divine Will and be a source of love, hope, and healing energy to all who cross your path. If you have more confusion than clarity about how to live your beliefs, the ancient wisdom permeating "Through God's Eyes" offers the hope and promise that you can escape from the prison of human perception, welcome peace, love, and joy as the dearest of friends, and become a more positive and powerful force for good in the world. "Through God's Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World" is unique in two fundamental ways. First, it is the only book that presents a vast array of spiritual principles in an elegant, engaging format that shows how all these concepts interact, how to weave them together into a cohesive worldview, and how to practically apply this spiritual wisdom to daily life. Second, its inventive format alternates illuminating comments with inspiring quotes that support, build upon, and flow into each other to convey penetrating insights into the meaning and purpose of life and the vastness of human potential. TESTIMONIALS "Through God's Eyes" is s a superb book, a truly enlightened piece of work that is an essential read for all people who are truly devoted to the care and refinement of their soul. Phil is a contemporary mystic, a man whose life is a living commitment to spiritual service. I am honored to know him. Caroline Myss, author of "Defy Gravity" Regardless of how you conceive the Absolute-as God, Goddess, Allah, Universe, or simply as a sense of cosmic beauty and order-your belief will be enriched by "Through God's Eyes." This fine book is a refreshing departure from the preachy ideology of religious dogmatism. It reveals the richness, complexity, and meaning of everyday life, warts and all. Larry Dossey, MD, author of "The Power of Premonitions" In "Through God's Eyes," Phil Bolsta has assembled a Dream Team of spiritual wisdom. The book gathers together remarkable luminaries from every tradition-and non-tradition as well-and creatively organizes them into topical categories, like panelists in separate meeting rooms at a large conference; only these wise ones are available to readers any time they are needed. And we all need them. As we make our way along the spiritual path, with all its perplexities, complexities, mysteries, and ambiguities, these trusted companions can provide reliable, timeless guidance. Philip Goldberg, author of "American Veda" At first glance, this monstrous 538-page book appears to be a collection of inspirational quotes from cultural icons as well as sages throughout the ages. However, as you read the book carefully, you will be pleasantly surprised to discover that it actually provides a detailed road map for your spiritual quest for a meaningful and harmonious life. Here lies the genius of Bolsta-he makes the profound look simple and his simple steps can lead to profound changes in individuals and society. Dr. Paul Wong, author of "The Human Quest for Meaning" One of the most important books I've ever read. An incredible compilation of spiritual wisdom and insight. It's the owner's manual God should give you when you're born. Robert Peterson, author of "Out of Body Experiences"
If I asked you to name all of the things you love, how long would it take you to name yourself? If you're anything like the vast majority of humanity, you most likely wouldn't make it onto your own list. In God's Eyes, will show you how to adjust your list to: Recover Your Identity Receive Your Inheritance Release Your Influence
Why is God's beauty often absent from our theology? Rarely do theologians take up the theme of God's beauty—even more rarely do they consider how God's beauty should shape the task of theology itself. But the psalmist says that the heart of the believer's desire is to behold the beauty of the Lord. In The Beauty of the Lord, Jonathan King restores aesthetics as not merely a valid lens for theological reflection, but an essential one. Jesus, our incarnate Redeemer, displays the Triune God's beauty in his actions and person, from creation to final consummation. How can and should theology better reflect this unveiled beauty? The Beauty of the Lord is a renewal of a truly aesthetic theology and a properly theological aesthetics.
Beauty is more than skin deep— it starts in the heart and works outward Exploring the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 31, Bible teacher Elizabeth George reveals how you can become a woman of true beauty—a woman who desires to honor God in all that she says and does. Beautiful in God's Eyes helps you make each day immensely meaningful as you delight in God and discover how to... experience instant progress toward personal goals manage daily life more effectively tap into unlimited energy apply biblical principles to enhance relationships move from the ordinary to the extraordinary You can experience a richer, more exciting spiritual walk as you embrace God's design for true beauty in your life.
Working as a camera surveillance tech for the director of the NSA, Evelyn stumbles on a mysterious NSA program code connected to a string of journalist and whistle-blower deaths before finding herself and her deaf son in the crosshairs of a sadistic bomber and her boss's enforcer. -- provided by publisher.
Do you long for something more in your relationship with God? The good news is that “something more” does not mean “doing more.” God is not waiting for you to get your spiritual life “right.” He wants to be with you right where you are. The real question is not “What does God want from you?” but “What does God want for you?” Sharon Jaynes understands what it’s like to have a “glory ache”—a longing to experience God’s presence on a daily basis. She also knows how easily working for God can get in the way of intimacy with God. And she’s discovered that we tend to make our faith journey much too hard. In A Sudden Glory, Sharon uses Scripture and story to help you erase the line between your “spiritual life” and your “daily life” as you enter the sanctuary of God’s presence even in the middle of your busy, messy day. Here you will find your eyes opened to moments of sudden glory in which the Creator assures you of His love as you live and move and have your being in Him. Here you will discover true freedom—the freedom of experiencing God in a deeper and more intimate way than ever before. Includes Bible study and discussion guide.