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This book introduces the geological concept of the “windfield-source-basin system,” based on integrated modern and ancient sedimentology studies. It identifies wind field as a main sedimentation-controlling factor that combines with provenance and basin dynamics to determine the formation and distribution of depositional systems. Using the unary properties of facies, sedimentary models and the duality properties of source-to-sink approaches, the concept of a “wind-source-basin system” introduces the “sedimentary system trinity”: wind field, provenance and basin properties. “Wind-source-basin systems” provide more plausible genetic interpretations of depositional systems (including both continental and marine facies, and clastic and carbonate systems), as well as more comprehensive and precise predictions of depositional systems (hydrocarbon reservoirs) in unknown regions. Further, the book proposes a series of methods on paleowind field reconstruction, which fill the gaps in paleo-atmospheric field studies in paleoclimatology, and shows that allocating relationships among source-reservoir-cap in petroliferous basins are limited by the “wind-source-basin system”. This trinity system also provides a new perspective on petroleum geology assessment. The book appeals to all those engaged in sedimentology, petroleum geology and climatology studies.
Geophysical, geochemical and geotechnical methods were used to investigate the spatial and temporal aspects of sediment distribution, accumulation, post-depositional alterations, and seafloor response and recovery to major events in a temperate, paraglacial, turbid outwash fjord. The goals of this study are to generate a complete geological model and compare the results to the global distribution of fjords. The over arching theme of this study is that the ratio of the area of the watershed to the area of the receiving basin can provide a first order indicator of many factors including glacial mass; the timing of glacial retreat; sediment input, accumulation, and preservation; and other factors. Temporal observations reveal the change of this fjord from a glaciated basin to and estuarine environment. These observations become important when viewed in the context of global climate change and the continued loss of ice. Preserved strata provide a 2800 yr record of changing modes of sedimentation as the system evolved from a glaciated basin to a non-glaciated fjord revealing a detailed chronology of change between end-member systems which can be used to infer changes as glaciers retreat from other fjords. Short lived radio isotopes were used to investigate post-depositional alteration of modern sediments. Without an understanding of how biological and physical processes work to modify sedimentary fabric during preservation, changes seen in sediment and rock core data cannot be accurately resolved. Physical processes can cause erosion and lateral transport; winnowing and armoring; and instantaneous sedimentation, all of which may be preserved. Biological processes can modulate the preservation of strata by destroying sedimentary fabric and integrating signals. The final fundamental need is to investigate the seafloor response and recovery to these events. Massive earthquakes are frequent in the study area and cause perturbations to sediment input and preservation. By understanding how lakes and deltas modulate sediment discharge after the event; how shorelines are modified after the event; and where sediment is deposited we can determine the influence these changes have on the environment and on humans.
A user-friendly, thorough introduction to quantitative modelling of sedimentary basins, illustrated throughout with real-world examples, applications and test exercises.
In the extensive field of earth sciences, with its many subdisciplines, the trans fer of knowledge is primarily established via personal communication, during meetings, by reading journal articles, or by consulting books. Because more information is available than can be assimilated, it is necessary for the individual to search selectively. Books take more time from the inception of an idea until publication than any of the other means of communication men tioned. As a consequence, their function is somewhat different. Many good books are a compilation of up to date knowledge and serve as reference or instruction manuals. Some books are a collection of previously published papers dealing with a certain topic, while others may basically provide large sets of data or examples. The Frontiers in Sedimentary Geology series was established both for stu dents and practicing earth scientists who wish to either stay abreast of the most recent ideas or developments or to become familiar with an important topic in the field of sedimentary geology. The series attempts to deal with sub jects that are in the forefront of both scientific and economic interest. The treatment of a subject in an individual volume should be a combination of topi cal, regional, and interdisciplinary approaches. Although these three terms can be defined separately, in reality they should flow into each other. A topical treatment should relate to a major category of sedimentary geology.
A full understanding of the transport of sediment from terrestrial source to marine sink requires knowledge of dynamics in a multitude of intermediate environments with both fluvial and marine influences. Two of these environments, tidal flats and tidal rivers, are dramatically different in scale and setting but are unified by common sedimentary processes. This dissertation presents observations of flow and sediment transport on the tidal flats of Willapa Bay, Washington, USA; tidal channels along the tidal floodplain of the Amazon River, Brazil; and the mainstem of the tidal Mekong River, Vietnam. These three study sites are ideal locations to improve understanding of where, when, and how the annual worldwide total of 13 billion metric tons of sediment is delivered from land to ocean. The muddy tidal flats of southern Willapa Bay, Washington are tidally dominated and receive little direct freshwater input. Observations in channels of different size and their adjacent flats illustrate the hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of each morphological setting under a range of seasonal and meteorological conditions, including rain and wind events. Interaction between the morphology of the channel/flat complex and tidal water-level variations produces well-defined velocity pulses during both flooding and ebbing tides. These pulses represent about 27% of the total along-channel water transport and 35% of the suspended-sediment transport of the system. Wind alters the typical flow regime in channels and on the flat, increasing the over-flat ebb flow in this study location while decreasing the ebb-pulse intensity. Wind speed was positively correlated with background suspended-sediment concentration (SSC). Residual along-channel water transport in channels and on nearby flats was flood dominant under all seasonal conditions sampled. Sediment flux was flood dominant during winter and spring deployments. In contrast to channels incising the Willapa flats, the channels connecting the mainstem Amazon River to its tidal floodplain have considerably more fluvial influence. Water level, flow velocity, temperature, and SSC were measured in floodplain channels along the tidal Amazon River, Brazil. Eleven deployments were made at four locations during low, rising, high, and falling seasonal river level. These observations are the first of their kind on the Amazon. In nearly all cases, tidal channels import water with high SSC from the mainstem to the tidal floodplain on flood tides and export water with low SSC back to the mainstem on ebb tides. The importance of sediment resuspension in transferring sediment to the tidal floodplain decreases with distance from the mainstem river mouth. Overbank flow in strongly tidal regions is an important characteristic of the flow regime and is controlled both by the seasonal water level and tidal conditions. A synthesis of the observations indicates that tidal-floodplain channels are important conduits of water and sediment along the tidal river, and a measurable but small percentage of the total mainstem water and sediment discharge is exchanged with the tidal floodplain. Export of sediment from intertidal environments, such as tidal-floodplain channels, to the coastal ocean is strongly influenced by mainstem tidal-river dynamics. Flow velocity, salinity, and SSC were measured for 25 hours at three cross-sections in the tidal Song Hau distributary of the Mekong River, Vietnam. Estuarine conditions varied dramatically between high and low seasonal discharge periods. The system transitioned from a tidal river with an ephemerally present salt wedge during high flow to a partially mixed estuary during low flow. The changing freshwater input, sediment sources, and estuarine conditions resulted in sediment export during high flow and import during low flow. The Dinh An channel of the Song Hau distributary exported sediment to the coast at a rate of about 1 t/s during high flow and imported sediment in a spatially varying manner at approximately 0.3 t/s during low flow. These values scale to a yearly sediment discharge of 40 Mt/y for the entire Mekong River, about 65% less than a generally accepted estimate of 110 Mt/y. Fluvial advection of sediment was primarily responsible for the high-flow sediment export, while exchange-flow and tidal processes, including local resuspension, were principally responsible for the low-flow import. The resulting bed-sediment grain size was coarser and more variable during high flow and finer during low flow. The residual flow patterns supported the maintenance of mid-channel islands.
Geology of the China Seas represents the first English-language synthesis of the available research into the geology of the South and East China Seas. Among the marginal basins worldwide, these areas have been the focus of extensive research activities in the last three decades, and are now among the global hot spots in hydrocarbon explorations and scientific investigations. The region is experiencing rapid economic development with the offshore petroleum industry providing approximately one third of the domestic hydrocarbon production for mainland China. Gas hydrates have been successfully recovered from the China Seas for the first time. Over the years, many volumes on the geology of the China Seas have been published in Chinese. Although an increasing number of papers in English have appeared recently, the majority deal with local or regional paleo-environment and sedimentology, and are scattered in different journals. This book brings together this rich data in one resource, particularly that generated by Chinese marine geologists and petroleum geologists, and provides the very first synthesis of the geology off China. The first systematic summary of the geology of the China Seas Includes comprehensive coverage of the South China Sea and the East China Sea, including the Yellow Sea and Bohai Gulf Reviews hundreds of Chinese publications on marine and petroleum geology not currently accessible to the international community