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Get Ahead, Gain Influence, Get What You Want Office politics are an unavoidable fact of life in every workplace. To accomplish your personal and business goals, you must learn to successfully play the political game in your organization. Whether you are a new player or a seasoned veteran, Secrets to Winning at Office Politics can help you increase your personal power without compromising your integrity or taking advantage of others. This smart, practical guide shows you how to stop wasting energy on things you can't change and start taking steps to get what you want. Written by an organizational psychologist and corporate consultant, Marie G. McIntyre's Secrets to Winning at Office Politics uses real-life examples of political winners and losers to illustrate the behaviors that contribute to success or failure at work. You will be shown techniques for managing your boss more effectively, improving your influence skills, changing the way you are perceived, and dealing with difficult people. Using these proven strategies for political success, you will then be able to create a Political Game Plan that outlines the steps necessary to accomplish your own individual goals.
A fascinating exposé of office culture, in the style of the bestselling Affluenza, from popular psychologist Oliver James The modern working world is a dangerous place, where game-playing, duplicity and sheer malevolence are rife. Do talent and hard work count for nothing? Is politics everything? In this fascinating exposé, Oliver James reveals the murky underside of modern office life. With cutting-edge research and eye-opening interviews, he highlights the nasty practices that propel people to the top and shows how industries and cultures are fostering this behaviour. He then divulges strategies and techniques for not only surviving but thriving in these difficult environments. With the right mindset, you can distinguish and deal with toxic and overpromoted colleagues, charm your way through interviews and use office politics to your advantage. Office Politics will overthrow your perceptions of office life and set you on a new path to success. Oliver James trained and practised as a child clinical psychologist and, since 1988, has worked as a writer, journalist and television documentary producer and presenter. His books include Juvenile Violence in a Winner-Loser Culture, the bestselling They F*** You Up, Affluenza and Contented Dementia. He is a trustee of two children's charities: the National Family and Parenting Institute and Homestart.
21 Dirty Tricks at Work is about lies. The type of underhand, pernicious and downright Machiavellian scheming that goes on in business every day. An estimated £7.8bn is lost each year in the UK alone though unnecessary and counter-productive office politicking. But 21 Dirty Tricks at Work is also a book of hope. It exposes the classic manoeuvres and gives practical advice on dealing with them to the vast majority who just want to do a good day's work. 21 Dirty Tricks at Work provides you with all the information you need to spot negative tactics and self-interested strategies. It shows you how to spot the games frequently being played and how to come out with your credibility intact and your sanity preserved. So, if you are fed-up of being on the receiving end of constant backbiting and skulduggery from workmates, join hands with the authors and get Machiavelli on the run!
From It’s All Politics Like business in general, politics is not a spectator sport. You cannot afford to be apolitical at work if you have any aspirations for advancement. The only way to avoid politics is to avoid people—by finding an out-of-the-way corner where you can do your job. Of course, it’s the same job you’ll likely be doing for the rest of your career. In any job, when you reach a certain level of technical competence, politics is what makes all the difference with regard to success. At that point, it is indeed all politics. Everyday brilliant people take a backseat to their politically adept colleagues by failing to win crucial support for their ideas. Sometimes politics involves going around or bending rules, but more typically it’s about positioning your ideas in a favorable light, and knowing what to say, and how and when to say it.… Keep in mind that people benefit from perpetuating the image of politics as something you either know or you don’t. Ignore them. Political acumen is largely learned from observation. And then it’s a matter of practice, practice, practice. When a journalist suggested that golfing great Gary Player was very lucky, he replied: “It’s funny, but the more I practice, the luckier I get.” The same is true of politics. An indispensable guide to mastering the ins and outs of office politics—the single most important factor in getting ahead in your career As management professor and consultant Kathleen Reardon explains in her new book, It's All Politics, talent and hard work alone will not get you to the top. What separates the winners from the losers in corporate life is politics. As Reardon explains, the most talented and accomplished employees often take a backseat to their politically adept coworkers, losing ground in the race to get ahead—sometimes even losing their jobs. Why? Because they’ve failed to manage the important relationships with the people who can best reward their creativity and intelligence. To determine whether you need a crash course in Office Politics 101, ask yourself the following questions: Do I get credit for my ideas? Do I know how to deal with a difficult colleague? Do I get the plum assignments? Do I have a mentor? Do I say no gracefully and pick my battles wisely? Am I in the loop? Reardon has interviewed hundreds of employees, from successful veterans to aspiring hopefuls, examining why some people who work hard and effectively at their jobs fall behind, while those who are adept at “reading the office tea leaves” forge ahead. Being politically savvy doesn’t mean being unethical or devious. At heart, it’s about listening to and relating to others, and making choices that advance everyone’s goals. Like it or not, when it comes to work, it’s all politics. And politics is all about knowing what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to.
The Office Politics Handbook is for business executives, managers, consultants, lawyers, agents, editors, and anyone who wants to become more politically astute, more powerful, and more successful. This is not a book on political game playing; it is for people who hate power games but who know that politics takes place in every organization and want to make sure they wind up on top of the heap...not at the bottom of the barrel. This book will explain why people are political animals, and why they engage in power-seeking behavior. It will also discuss different instruments of power to help you understand the cultural and collective forces at work in human nature, and the occasionally aggressive characteristics of the political animal. The Office Politics Handbook will show you how to: Cultivate your political skill Exercise power beyond your place in the organizational chart Defend yourself against political attacks Know when to fight, when to retreat, and when to lead
Discusses the use of effective political techniques for surviving in the corporate world, offering proven strategies for gaining power and visibility and examples of courses of action and solutions for various office scenarios.
Every organization has its share of political drama: Personalities clash. Agendas compete. Turf wars erupt. But you need to work productively with your colleagues-even the challenging ones-for the good of your organization and your career. This guide will teach you how to: Build relationships with difficult people, gain allies and increase your sphere of influence, wrangle resources, move up without alienating your colleagues, avoid power games and petty rivalries, and claim credit when it's due.
Titles in Barron's Business Series are of special interest to newcomers to the corporate world, offering them practical advice on career advancement. The books are written by experienced business professionals and cover a wide range of business topics, from effective methods of communication with business colleagues to dealing with difficult people. Here are up-to-date tips on the moves every successful professional must make for advancement in the corporate world. Here too are 25 ‚“career blowers‚” to avoid at all costs. Readers will find tips on dealing with difficult bosses and less-than-enthusiastic colleagues, countering dirty politics from unscrupulous colleagues, and creating a general action plan for career success.
Discusses how to eliminate unethical behavior at the workplace, demonstrating how to master corporate politics ethically through an understanding of political styles and an application of strategies in such areas as networking and idea promotion.
Most people try to avoid office politics at all costs, seeing them as unpleasant, unfair, unethical and an unnecessary distraction from their 'real work'. If You Don't Do Politics, Politics Will Do You will open your eyes to the fundamentals you didn't know you need to know - the fundamentals no-one ever teaches you, including what office politics actually are and how being politically intelligent is the single biggest determinant of your personal and professional success. Drawing on her own experiences as an executive, together with insights from some of the leading business thinkers of our time, in this personal, practical and frank book, Niven Postma will show you it is possible to play politics without sacrificing your principles and teach you how to use politics to advance your career, benefit your team and build the organisation you are part of. "Niven Postma will help you to understand why workplace politics are inevitable and how you can navigate office politics in order to be both useful and successful." - Liz Wiseman, New York Times bestselling author of "Multipliers" and "Rookie Smarts"