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Harrell exposes the difference between fallen angels and demons, the seven stages of spiritual growth, the seven mysteries of eternal success, the judgment seat of Christ pretest, the original creation and the restored earth, hidden identity of the dragon, keys that unlock spiritual enlightenment, and other topics in this work. (Practical Life)
5 Secrets of The Matrix is an essential handbook in every household where earthlings have reached the evolutionary level of curiosity. The book provides you with information on Life and the structure of The Great Matrix, The Universe itself; through which you are able to find your own place within. Helps understand the interrelations of events, thought, emotions and behaviour patterns. It is a book you can always come back to in order to find comfort or answer to your question. A Self-Healing book that gives you strength in despair and raises your consciousness to the level understanding and readiness for life's challenges.
THE DIVINE MATRIX Are the miracles that we see in the quantum world actually showing us our greatest possibilities rather than our scientific limits? Could the spontaneous healing of disease, an instant connection with everyone and everything, and even time travel, be our true heritage in the universe? There is a place where all things begin, the place of pure energy that simply ''is.'' In this quantum incubator for reality, everything is possible. In 1944, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying that this ''matrix'' is where the birth of stars, the DNA of life, and everything between originates. Recent discoveries reveal dramatic evidence that Planck's matrix - The Divine Matrix - is real. It is this missing link in our understanding that provides the container for the universe, the bridge between our imagination and our reality, and the mirror in our world for what we create in our beliefs. To unleash the power of this matrix in our lives, we must understand how it works and speak the language that it recognizes. For more than 20 years, Gregg Braden, a former senior aerospace computer systems designer, has searched for the understanding to do just that. From the remote monasteries of Egypt, Peru, and Tibet to the forgotten texts that were edited by the early Christian church, the secret of the Divine Matrix was left in the coded language of our most cherished traditions. It is verified in today's science. In this paradigm-shattering book, Gregg shares what he's found. Through 20 keys of conscious creation, we're shown how to translate the miracles of our imagination into what is real in our lives. With easy-to-understand science and real-life stories, Gregg shows us that we're limited only by our beliefs, and what we once believed is about to change!
World-renowned Buddhist scholar Herbert V. Guenther here offers the first comprehensive study of the rDzogs-chen or Ati tradition of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Matrix of Mystery explores man's ability to preserve as well as transmit essential insights into the structure of reality. Utilizing a key root Buddhist scripture, the Guhyagarbha ("Matrix of Mystery"), along with dozens of commentarial Tibetan textual sources, Guenther presents the most profound teachings of the Buddhist tradition, which represent the culmination of religious thought and practice in Tibet. In relating these teachings in modern scientific and humanistic perspectives, he demonstrates how, in many cases, the traditional religious and modern secular perspectives on the nature of reality interface. Professor Guenther discusses the mandala and the deities that reside therein; the organizing principles of body, speech, mind, quality, and action, the three bodies of the buddha (trikaya); the inseparability of prajna and skillful means; and the complex field of Buddhist iconography. Throughout, quotations from numerous Tibetan sources are used to illustrate various teachings. His book will appeal to any serious student of Tibetan Buddhism.
Between 1993 and 2000, a series of groundbreaking experiments revealed dramatic evidence of a web of energy that connects everything in our lives and our world—the Divine Matrix. From the healing of our bodies, to the success of our careers, relationships, and the peace between nations, this new evidence demonstrates that we each hold the power to speak directly to the force that links all of creation. What would it mean to discover that the power to create joy, to heal suffering, and bring peace to nations lives inside of you? How differently would you live if you knew how to use this power each day of your life? Join Gregg Braden on this extraordinary journey bridging science, spirituality and miracles through the language of The Divine Matrix.
'Spiritual Gold 2020' is unveiling the information needed to bring the evolutionary time-sensitive data to prepare us for a time such as this. Of course, we have all types of books with great information at our fingertips. Yet, with this book, on behalf of the Spiritual Unction of the Holy Spirit, we are going to UNVEIL a few Spiritual Truths. By doing so, it will revolutionize our lives in such a way that it will positively impact our LEGACY for generations to come, as well as those we come in contact with on a daily basis. The goal of 'Spiritual Gold 2020,' is to answer the 'WHY' questions as it relates to our Spiritual Matrix from within. In addition, we will also share specific Spiritual Instructions, Rules, and Principles designed to speak to the CORE of our being to AWAKEN it.Each chapter will create a systematic process on how to permeate your life with the 'Spiritual Gold' of your BIRTHRIGHT, propelling you into your Destiny Enriched Provision of your very own Matrix of Greatness. Listen, the 'Spiritual Gold' of your 'WHY' is within the pages of this book. Please do not wait any longer; it is designed to prepare you for the journey ahead while helping you reverse the negativity blocking you.
The authors rush headlong into "The Matrix," exploring the trilogy's intricate details, religious undertones, and eclectic philosophies.
A candid, often humorous look at how to find truth in music, movies, television, and other aspects of pop culture. Includes photos, artwork, and sidebars.
What if you could see the unlimited possibilities of your future? The Prophetic Matrix arrives at a pivotal point in history, establishing a new truth revolution that will guide you into your destiny. Enter The Prophetic Matrix and journey into the fast-paced world of a rising young rock star as he treks through a tour de force odyssey on a chase after fleeting stardom. The author communicates with a cyber-tech, pop culture perspective, connecting his extraordinary experiences to an illuminating discovery that dramatically alters his future forever. Jump aboard for a spectacular ride that promises to transform you from the inside out. As you embark upon this captivating adventure, you'll discover the keys that unlock the secret code to your destiny. Experience The Prophetic Matrix-it's out of this world!
The MATRIX OF WISDOM is all about God’s Ambiance residing in the soul of the individual. This volume is about unraveling the deep mysteries of God esoterically codified into the world’s sacred scriptures, literature, artworks, monuments and architecture in all times and climes via the ESOTERIC SCIENCE: i.e. the harmonious integration of the Seven Liberal Arts: Quadrivium (Four Mathematical Sciences) and the Trivium (Three Grammatical Arts) that are the foundations of the ancient Mystery Schools. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a 10 x 10 matrix that is the original source material that wrote the sacred scriptures in all religious cultures around the world. From the mystical depths of this 10 x 10 matrix China created the I Ching and the Tao te Ching, Buddhism created their Stupas, Hinduism and Christianity builds their temples, cathedrals and churches, numerous cultures around the world built their pyramids based upon it schematics and the Native American Indians knew of it, Astrology and the Game of Chess were developed from it, and Pythagoras developed his mathematical theorems from it, and Freemasonry is founded upon it and the city of Washington DC is built on its esoteric design and this latter is provided for in the United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 8; however, this matrix is never-ever discussed explicitly to the general public. Throughout this volume there will be a continuous tsunami of demonstrable evidence directly and indirectly challenging the status quo of academia and the orthodoxy of all religions around the world. The WORD OF GOD will be discussed mainly from the perspective of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, the secret teachings of the Roman Catholic Church’s literature, artwork, monuments and architecture and Freemasonry symbolism designed into the landscape of Washington DC. The MATRIX OF WISDOM (spiritual waters of creation: i.e. sum total or all knowledge) is inherent in the psyche of every human being. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a commentary or the MONAD, which is the soul’s raison d’être: i.e. God/Man Christ (Tao, Krishna, Buddha, Horus. etc.). When the soul comes into the world it splits into a two-part psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind and this knowledge is esoterically codified into the mythoi of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures; thus, the sacred scriptures of the world are all about explaining to the worthy initiate the dynamics of the soul and its psyche. The sacred scriptures are written first and foremost for the Born Again initiate; though, the average member of the laity has direct access to both its exoteric writings (REVEALED) and its secret esoteric teachings (COVERED). The inexplicable WORD OF GOD (HIDDEN): however, cannot be explained to another in the vernacular. The initiate can know of the ESOTERIC SCIENCE; however that does not avail him or her of the true understanding of the WORD OF GOD. Only God can communicate that unfathomable and inexplicable knowledge to the individual The ESOTERIC SCIENCE can somewhat prepare the worthy initiate for the spiritual Initiatic Visionary Experience, which is gifted only to those that are worthy and truly DESIRE to know the WORD OF GOD. The sacred scriptures around the world are written to explain the spiritual Initiatic Visionary Experience; furthermore, the sacred scriptures in their indigenous languages are the most scientific instruments on the face of the Earth; though, modernity will most likely dispute that fact ad nauseam.