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This book deals with many insightful,wise sensitive questions & answer with regard to Sanatan Dharma(hindu religion).Helpful for reader at any age. This book holds many things which is secret to present generation or in other words the present generations don't know about it.
Sometimes known as "Hinduism", or alternately as the Vedic tradition, the religion of Sanatana Dharma is the most ancient, continuously practiced spiritual tradition on earth. The term "Sanatana Dharma" is translated from the Sanskrit language to English as the "Eternal Natural Way". It is the religion of over one-billion of the world's current inhabitants. In this very accessible and easily readable new book, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, one of the world's greatest living authorities on the tradition of Sanatana Dharma, provides us with a brief, yet extremely authoritative, introduction to this remarkable spiritual path. Acharya explains the many contributions of Sanatana Dharma to the world, including being the original source of natural medicine, meditation, martial arts, philosophy, science, and sacred arts and culture. As Acharya demonstrates in this book, Sanatana Dharma is much more than just a religion. Sanatana Dharma is a divine civilization. Introduction to Sanatana Dharma explains the philosophical world-view and practices of this amazing spiritual tradition in an easy to follow and understand format, as well as reveals how Sanatana Dharma can help bring deep spiritual meaning and peace to our daily lives. If you are seeking philosophical answers to life's deepest mysteries, as well as a spiritual path that delivers joy, peace, contentment and purpose, Introduction to Sanatana Dharma is a must read for you.
HOW ACHIEVING VERY HIGH LEVELS OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE IS POSSIBLE AND HOW THIS CAN BE ACHIEVED? Has science grown to the level that it can control Nature? Or is Nature all powerful? Are horoscopes to be believed in? Do Gods exist in the present times and control the world? Are soul and reincarnation just concepts or reality? How do sins committed by us corrupt our intelligence? How are all the concepts in Sanatan Dharma inter related? What is the scientific basis of concepts in Sanatan Dharma? Find answers to all these questions. Also learn how an average person can improve his intelligence and wisdom by following certain basic concepts and practices in Hindu Religion. A step by step guide to expand your wisdom and attain highest levels of intelligence.
An ordinary monk discovers that he has mysteriously become the Chosen Initiate, one who is bestowed with superhuman powers. He is enrolled in the Aryavarts School of Yog – the Magical School – where he must now learn how to harness that divine force, which alone can render him a keeper and master of those ancient-powers. But those ancient powers are now hidden behind a mysterious Veil that runs across the Seven Worlds, separating all of humanity from a hidden kingdom that lies beyond. It now falls on the monk to go beyond the Veil, to secure the secret knowledge of the Seers, which alone can dispel the darkness of the coming Age of Chaos. Two other prentice monks join him in this supernatural adventure, which unfolds in incredible encounters with kings, sages, demons, giants, warriors and gods. Will the Chosen Initiate fulfill that great destiny, which will lift the Veil of Shakti, to reveal to him what lies beyond?
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Human civilisation is passing through one of the most difficult times in the history of mankind. The world is in stress. The situation worsens by the day. Sanatan Dharma: Vaidik Gateway to the Next Century attempts to offer a solution to all our problems. Hinduism is a way of life-with nature, in nature, by nature. Author Manoj Singh elaborates on the practical aspects of one of the oldest cultural civilisations, analysing how it's more relevant in today's troubled age. He narrates the evolution of Vaidik civilisation, elaborating on the basics of Vaidik Sanatan dharma. He discusses life in Hinduism, its culture, festivals, rituals, customs, yoga, Vedas and mantras, outlining a broad perspective of why and how these are significant. This comprehensive work touches upon all aspects of Sanatan life philosophy for spiritual enlightenment. A heritable past, which has been otherwise forgotten, is revealed here, hoping to make human journey viable in the present dynamic complexity. This is for anyone who desires to understand the real meaning of living rather than just existing.
The Vedic scriptures are a vast treasure-house of the most resplendent divine knowledge, which contains the key for bringing about a divine transformation in our lives. Intuitively, seekers worldwide perceive that the heritage of India, the land of spirituality, holds in its bosom the rarest of rare secrets that they all yearn to know. That is why an inherent curiosity exists for understanding the concepts of Hinduism, reading its scriptures, and visiting the country that is the spiritual leader of the world. However, without proper guidance, such endeavors to fathom the secrets of Hinduism, even with the best of intentions, do not meet with success. People get stumped with how to access the knowledge, comprehend its wide-spectrum of concepts, and utilize them meaningfully in their lives. That is why Hinduism is an enigma for most Westerners.
DHARMA and RELIGION are altogether different conceptions. Even as per the Oxford dictionary, ‘DHARMA’ means “eternal law of Universe” whereas ‘RELIGION’ means “a particular way of worship and faith.”All of these rules, laws etc. [pertaining to Dharma] have been observed, understood and realised by the people known as Hindu and hence Dharma is known as Hindu Dharma. However, these rules-laws etc. are applicable to every human being (Manav) all over the world (Vishwa), not confined only to Hindus. Hence, Hindu Dharma is Manav Dharma or Vishwa Dharma – the global ethics applicable to the entire humankind.If we look at the things which are considered as very sacred/pious in Hindu Dharma, it can be seen that each one of them possesses special qualities which are quite unique and useful for humankind.The Hindu Sanskriti has a special feature of wishing the well-being of ALL human beings (not just Hindus).
Sanskrit Non-Translatables is a path-breaking and audacious attempt at Sanskritizing the English language and enriching it with powerful Sanskrit words. It continues the original and innovative idea of nontranslatability of Sanskrit, first introduced in the book, Being Different. For English readers, this should be the starting point of the movement to resist the digestion of Sanskrit into English, by introducing loanwords into their English vocabulary without translation. The book presents a thorough mechanism of the process of digestion and examines the loss of adhikara for Sanskrit because of translating its core ideas into English. The movement launched by this book will resist this and stop the programs that seek to turn Sanskrit into a dead language by translating all its treasures to render it redundant. It discusses fifty-four non-translatables across various genres that are being commonly mistranslated. It empowers English speakers with the knowledge and arguments to introduce these Sanskrit words into their daily speech with confidence. Every lover of India’s sanskriti will benefit from the book and become a cultural ambassador propagating it through routine communications.
"Gods, Sages and Kings presents a remarkable accumulation of evidence pointing to the existence of a common spiritual culture in the ancient world from which present civilization may be more of a decline than an advance. The book is based upon new interpretation of the ancient Vedic teachings of India, and brings out many new insights from this unique source often neglected and misinterpreted in the West. In addition, it dicussses recent archaeological discoveries in India whose implications are now only beginning to emerge."--Publisher.