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The Malaysian economy is at a crossroads amid global and regional shifts in geopolitics. Malaysia is in a prime position to benefit from the renewed appetite for investment into the region. If Malaysia gets its priorities right, this could be the beginning of the country's next economic takeoff.An updated collection of Chin Tong's writings on economics, society and governance over the years, this book provides policy suggestions to catapult Malaysia's development to the league of high-income nations amid ongoing geopolitical trends. Central to his thesis is the need for Malaysia to create a middle-class society, in which the economic structure supports the creation of dignified jobs with decent pay for all Malaysians.Chin Tong is no stranger to the centrality of jobs in the pursuit of a good life, having grown up selling lottery tickets alongside his mother and waiting tables as a teenager to make ends meet for his working-class family. His eventual experience as a Member of Parliament for over a decade and a Deputy Minister in two different administrations further confirmed his beliefs that good jobs are the crucial missing component in Malaysia's growth engine.In this book, Chin Tong takes us on a whirlwind tour of Malaysia's socio-economic history, what went wrong after the first growth miracle of 1988-1997 and how to make things right this time around. Ultimately, the book tells the story of how to fulfil Chin Tong's undying wish for a Malaysia where everyone has a chance to live a good life with a good job under a responsible and kind state.
The Malaysian economy is at a crossroads amid global and regional shifts in geopolitics. Malaysia is in a prime position to benefit from the renewed appetite for investment into the region. If Malaysia gets its priorities right, this could be the beginning of the country's next economic takeoff.An updated collection of Chin Tong's writings on economics, society and governance over the years, this book provides policy suggestions to catapult Malaysia's development to the league of high-income nations amid ongoing geopolitical trends. Central to his thesis is the need for Malaysia to create a middle-class society, in which the economic structure supports the creation of dignified jobs with decent pay for all Malaysians.Chin Tong is no stranger to the centrality of jobs in the pursuit of a good life, having grown up selling lottery tickets alongside his mother and waiting tables as a teenager to make ends meet for his working-class family. His eventual experience as a Member of Parliament for over a decade and a Deputy Minister in two different administrations further confirmed his beliefs that good jobs are the crucial missing component in Malaysia's growth engine.In this book, Chin Tong takes us on a whirlwind tour of Malaysia's socio-economic history, what went wrong after the first growth miracle of 1988-1997 and how to make things right this time around. Ultimately, the book tells the story of how to fulfil Chin Tong's undying wish for a Malaysia where everyone has a chance to live a good life with a good job under a responsible and kind state.
Malaysia was once on the cusp of becoming one of the ‘Asian Tigers’ as a result of the impressively high growth rates recorded in the early 1990s. From 1990 until 1997, the growth rate was above 9 percent per annum on average. This performance came to an end when the economy was struck by the 1997/98 Asian Financial Crisis, the worst economic crisis Malaysia has ever experienced since independence. Things eventually worsened with the onslaught of the 2008/09 Global Financial Crisis, which dragged the Malaysian economy yet into another round of a recession with the growth rate contracting at 1.5 percent in 2009. On hindsight, these two events, which have had a substantial impact on the state of the Malaysian economy, pointed to several urgent calls for economic reforms, such as the need to address structural weaknesses of the economy and to have a growth target which is both sustainable as well as inclusive. When Datuk Seri Najib Razak became the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia from April 2009 until May 2018, it was clear that a new approach to economic development for Malaysia had to be crafted. Towards this end, he introduced the National Transformation Policy (NTP), so that the economy can be transformed into one that is of high-income and developed status by the year 2020. He also set a new vision for Malaysia, also known as the 2050 National Transformation, or TN50, which is meant to chart a new course for Malaysia to move into the second half of the 21st century. How successful is this transformational agenda? What are the other issues and challenges which need to be addressed? What important lessons can we learn from this transformational journey? This book is an attempt to address these specific questions by assessing Najib’s economic plans, policies, programmes and vision which evolved during the nine years of his term as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
This book attempts to understand economic developments in Malaysia in the early and mid-Eighties, focusing on growth, balance of payments, fiscal and debt trends. They are all seen against global trends, earlier developments in the Malaysian economy and other changes in Malaysian society.
The Malaysian economy is developing fast within the context of increasing globalization. The book analyses in depth Malaysia's policies aimed at promoting international trade, economic growth and social welfare. It also studies Malaysia's position in the Southeast Asia region and in a global context. This analysis forms the basis for the formulation of an alternative development strategy, whose aim is producing a caring civil society and enhancing the general welfare of the population while developing the economy.
This book attempts to understand Najibnomics-economic policies advocated by the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, since he helmed office on April 3, 2009. Najibnomics refers to a new approach to Malaysia’s economic development which is typified by three main characteristics: knowledge, innovation and freedom. It is a set of strategies, programmes and measures meant to transform Malaysia into a high-income and developed nation by the year 2020. This book analyses Najibnomics in action, or rather attempts to problematise Najibnomics at the level of its implementation. Through Najibnomics, the Malaysian government strives to keep the momentum of a sustainable growth trajectory, to enhance the well-being of the rakyat (people) and ensure the country gets out of the “middle-income trap” to become a high-income and developed economy by the year 2020.
Thought-leaders contributing to this volume include Piyush Gupta, Laurence Liew, Lee Tzu Yang, Geh Min, and more!This volume comprises essays by Singapore thought-leaders republished from various issues of the annual journal of the National University of Singapore Society called Commentary.The chapters have been curated to provide historical review of Singapore's journey in economic, ecological and social development. Centred around the theme of sustainability, together, they provide a rich account of how the issues of environmental management and human resource development were pursued in tandem with strategic industrial policy from the early days of independence.They also convey how the current plans to take the country into the age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 of digitisation and artificial intelligence, to continue to be the hub of hubs in the new economy, cannot and must not be at the expense of ecological health and a strong sense of stakeholdership among Singaporeans. The issues about immigration in the face of demographic decline, the choices in the sources of energy to power the economy in a carbon-constrained world, and the competition that a small state must continue to respond to as new growth sectors reshape the global economy are tackled by the eminent thought-leaders who contributed the chapters.While this is not new material, the reader will be surprised by how the debates about the policy choices and the expressions regarding what is important for Singapore and Singaporeans to achieve true and enduring national wealth remain fresh in this highly accessible edited book.
These volumes comprise of essays by Singapore thought-leaders republished from various issues of the annual journal of the National University of Singapore Society called Commentary.
The book contains selected papers presented at two international Euro-Asia research conferences held in Nantes and Poitiers, France, in 1994 and 1995. These papers are among the most recent empirical works concerned with the analysis of economic transformation and business strategy in the Asia-Pacific region. Various themes are addressed ranging from an assessment of the environment to more specific issues, e.g. business and marketing strategies of firms operating in this region. Countries given particular attention include: China, Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan and Vietnam. The book represents a comprehensive and up-to-date appraisal of the effects of economic transformation and business strategy of firms operating in one of the world's most dynamic regions.
"This innovative book accumulates the various, and often conflicting, growth theories, which enable a greater understanding of growth processes in the developing world. It will be of interest to students of development studies, Asia studies and public policy, as well as to research scholars and practitioners, including government officials and policymakers."--BOOK JACKET.