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This title provides the fundamental bases for developing turbulence models on rational grounds. The main different methods of approach are considered, ranging from statistical modelling at various degrees of complexity to numerical simulations of turbulence. Each of these various methods has its own specific performances and limitations, which appear to be complementary rather than competitive. After a discussion of the basic concepts, mathematical tools and methods for closure, the book considers second order closure models. Emphasis is placed upon this approach because it embodies potentials for clarifying numerous problems in turbulent shear flows. Simpler, generally older models are then presented as simplified versions of the more general second order models. The influence of extra physical parameters is also considered. Finally, the book concludes by examining large Eddy numerical simulations methods. Given the book’s comprehensive coverage, those involved in the theoretical or practical study of turbulence problems in fluids will find this a useful and informative read.
In this volume, we present the lectures given during the 1984 OHOLO Conference, held in Zichron Yaacov, Israel. The Conference was organized by the Israel Institute for Biological Research, Department of Mathematics, which is involved in Environmental Risk Evaluation, and in Projects Estimating the Potential of Wind Energy. The lectures cover a broad spectrum of mathematical models, ranging from those that deal with the solution of atmospheric conservation equations, and to those models that yield empirical estimates based on real time measure ments and thus are unique to the locale where measured. The goal of the Conference was to allow scientists from various countries to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest, including the following: 1. Structure of the boundary layer - primarily models dealing in the understanding of the various processes of atmospheric energy transfer, and their influence on the size and composition of the boundary 1 ayer. 2. Advanced mathematical techniques for describing flow and diffusion - lectures on approximations and techniques for solving the diffu sion and transport equations. 3. Flow over complex terrain - research into various aspects of the problem - mathematical models, physical models, experimental results. 4. Models of pollution transport and deposition.
TUrbulence modeling encounters mixed evaluation concerning its impor tance. In engineering flow, the Reynolds number is often very high, and the direct numerical simulation (DNS) based on the resolution of all spatial scales in a flow is beyond the capability of a computer available at present and in the foreseeable near future. The spatial scale of energetic parts of a turbulent flow is much larger than the energy dissipative counterpart, and they have large influence on the transport processes of momentum, heat, matters, etc. The primary subject of turbulence modeling is the proper es timate of these transport processes on the basis of a bold approximation to the energy-dissipation one. In the engineering community, the turbulence modeling is highly evaluated as a mathematical tool indispensable for the analysis of real-world turbulent flow. In the physics community, attention is paid to the study of small-scale components of turbulent flow linked with the energy-dissipation process, and much less interest is shown in the foregoing transport processes in real-world flow. This research tendency is closely related to the general belief that universal properties of turbulence can be found in small-scale phenomena. Such a study has really contributed much to the construction of statistical theoretical approaches to turbulence. The estrangement between the physics community and the turbulence modeling is further enhanced by the fact that the latter is founded on a weak theoretical basis, compared with the study of small-scale turbulence.
Turbulence modeling both addresses a fundamental problem in physics, 'the last great unsolved problem of classical physics,' and has far-reaching importance in the solution of difficult practical problems from aeronautical engineering to dynamic meteorology. However, the growth of supercom puter facilities has recently caused an apparent shift in the focus of tur bulence research from modeling to direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES). This shift in emphasis comes at a time when claims are being made in the world around us that scientific analysis itself will shortly be transformed or replaced by a more powerful 'paradigm' based on massive computations and sophisticated visualization. Although this viewpoint has not lacked ar ticulate and influential advocates, these claims can at best only be judged premature. After all, as one computational researcher lamented, 'the com puter only does what I tell it to do, and not what I want it to do. ' In turbulence research, the initial speculation that computational meth ods would replace not only model-based computations but even experimen tal measurements, have not come close to fulfillment. It is becoming clear that computational methods and model development are equal partners in turbulence research: DNS and LES remain valuable tools for suggesting and validating models, while turbulence models continue to be the preferred tool for practical computations. We believed that a symposium which would reaffirm the practical and scientific importance of turbulence modeling was both necessary and timely.
Turbulence, mixing and the mutual interaction of turbulence and chemistry continue to remain perplexing and impregnable in the fron tiers of fluid mechanics. The past ten years have brought enormous advances in computers and computational techniques on the one hand and in measurements and data processing on the other. The impact of such capabilities has led to a revolution both in the understanding of the structure of turbulence as well as in the predictive methods for application in technology. The early ideas on turbulence being an array of complicated phenomena and having some form of reasonably strong coherent struc ture have become well substantiated in recent experimental work. We are still at the very beginning of understanding all of the aspects of such coherence and of the possibilities of incorporating such structure into the analytical models for even those cases where the thin shear layer approximation may be valid. Nevertheless a distinguished body of "eddy chasers" has come into existence. The structure of mixing layers which has been studied for some years in terms of correlations and spectral analysis is also getting better understood. Both probability concepts such as intermittency and conditional sampling as well as the concept of large scale structure and the associated strain seem to indicate possibilities of distinguishing and synthesizing 'engulfment' and molecular mixing.
Progress in the numerical simulation of turbulence has been rapid in the 1990s. New techniques both for the numerical approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations and for the subgrid-scale models used in large-eddy simulation have emerged and are being widely applied for both fundamental and applied engineering studies, along with novel ideas for the performance and use of simulation for compressible, chemically reacting and transitional flows. This collection of papers from the second ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, held in Grenoble in September 1996, presents the key research being undertaken in Europe and Japan on these topics. Describing in detail the ambitious use of DNS for fundamental studies and of LES for complex flows of potential and actual engineering importance, this volume will be of interest to all researchers active in the area.
obtained are still severely limited to low Reynolds numbers (about only one decade better than direct numerical simulations), and the interpretation of such calculations for complex, curved geometries is still unclear. It is evident that a lot of work (and a very significant increase in available computing power) is required before such methods can be adopted in daily's engineering practice. I hope to l"Cport on all these topics in a near future. The book is divided into six chapters, each· chapter in subchapters, sections and subsections. The first part is introduced by Chapter 1 which summarizes the equations of fluid mechanies, it is developed in C~apters 2 to 4 devoted to the construction of turbulence models. What has been called "engineering methods" is considered in Chapter 2 where the Reynolds averaged equations al"C established and the closure problem studied (§1-3). A first detailed study of homogeneous turbulent flows follows (§4). It includes a review of available experimental data and their modeling. The eddy viscosity concept is analyzed in §5 with the l"Csulting ~alar-transport equation models such as the famous K-e model. Reynolds stl"Css models (Chapter 4) require a preliminary consideration of two-point turbulence concepts which are developed in Chapter 3 devoted to homogeneous turbulence. We review the two-point moments of velocity fields and their spectral transforms (§ 1), their general dynamics (§2) with the particular case of homogeneous, isotropie turbulence (§3) whel"C the so-called Kolmogorov's assumptions are discussed at length.