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Justin Imperiale is visited by a man from the giant eastern Empire of Khoten.The man has a problem and the Crown of Kho, the legendary crown of the Emperor of Khoten. Justin then prepares to visit Khoten and perhaps to rule Khoten. However, Justin still must beware of a fight with Arvion demi-god of the sky.Justin has any number of battles, military battles, unarmed combat battles and even sword battles. In addition to the battles, Justin visits the fourth dimensional universe, in a paranormal adventure.
Justin is in the process of conquering the nations in the South and East of Corin. The main problems are drug lords who control large rural areas. Justin figures out how to deal with the drug lords. The drug lords then start to force their drug flower farmers to take a poison pill that requires daily doses, or the farmer dies. Justin manages to solve that problem, with quite a bit of adventure. But, where did the poison pills come from? In addition to running his expanding number of Kingdoms, Justin still has to prepare to fight a rogue from dimension 4. The rogue is a denizen of dimension 4 and Justin must be prepared to fight the rogue in dimension 4. The problem is that operating in four dimensions is very difficult, as there are not even words in dimension 3 for things in dimension 4, However, Jason begins to develop a plan.
Justin Imperiale is running his Kingdoms. He has also found a way to create interstellar Gates that allow a person to walk from planet to planet. Suddenly, an enormous sea creature is sighted off of his Kingdom of The Islands. Justin has to figure a way to deal with the beast. Justin then figures a way to take revenge on those who dumped the sea beast in Corin. His Kingdom of Mesodania is attacked by revolutionaries, led by one who calls himself the True Prophet. Justin finds a way to fight back, with model airplanes. He then discovers that the Mesodanian revolutionaries were armed by the North Continent nation of Pors. Justin then figures a way to take revenge on those who armed the revolutionaries. Justin is then confronted by a young lady with paranormal powers. The incident leads him to realize that Arvion is still after him and leads to the discovery of spies. The nation of Ruthenia provides most of the natural gas, used to heat homes and generate electricity, in the Old World North Continent nations. Suddenly, Ruthenia wants to double the price of their natural gas. Justin figures a way to provide replacement natural gas, for his North Continent Kingdoms. However, if he can figure out how to supply the other North Continent nations, he can probably acquire several more North Continent Kingdoms, in return for solving the problem. Justin does find a source for natural gas, but lacks a way to get to the source. However, he thinks back to something that Arvion, his enemy, does and just maybe Justin can figure out how to do the same thing. Any solution will involve the understanding of higher dimensional spaces, above the three physical spaces, in which the people of Corin live. Along the way, Justin figures out how to set up a perfect prison. His solution is cheap and escape proof. However, he then has to deal with pipeline bandits. One night, Justin is again visited by a ghost, or at least a creature who lives in higher dimensional space. The ghost reviews some of what Justin has done and tells Justin that some of the powerful beings who live in higher dimensional space are mot too happy with him.
Dorset, to the immediate North of Averon, faces a problem, bankruptcy or become one of Justin Imperiale's Kingdoms. Justin is forced to fight a being from Zarel, a high gravity world. The challenge makes no sense, as the high gravity world mog can't get close enough to Justin to hurt him; unless the high gravity world mog uses paranormal skills. Justin then manages to set up a visit to an eastern nation called Shindhu. The visit is supposedly about trade and child labour. However, Justin seeks to steal a Lord Vorell scroll from Shindhu. He is then faced with two micro revolts in New World Kingdoms. The problem is off world interference almost certainly orchestrated by Arvion, demigod of the sky. The off worlders have set a trap that Justin avoids. Using ideas from the new Lord Vorell scroll, the mind of a would be assassin and a machine, intended to trap him, Justin builds a working interplanetary gate. He then has to fight a war in Mande. Justin fights a mind battle with a paranormal talent, almost certainly sent by Arvion. A maybe ghost, maybe God, visits Justin. The Nation of Dunvar is preparing to invade the Kingdoms of Bjornmark, Kjelmer and Nordveg. Justin manages to blackmail Dunvar politicians and delay the war. He then arranges for the assassination of the Leader of Dunvar and pushes the war further back. Finally Justin manages to elevate the President of Dunvar from figurehead to a position of power. University radicals invade Justin's Palace and are dealt with. He then prepares to set up a new Kingdom of Nordheim, in the North of the Old World.
Whi’ Boy starts out living in an abandoned factory building in South Central Los Angeles. He roams the alley ways or streets of the South Central, he then roams the highways that lead to Tia Juana and other places, to earn money. He carries a .357 magnum and a Bowie knife. However, the most dangerous weapon that he uses is his brain. To track Whi’ Boy, just follow the corpses. Whi Boy careens from an uneasy relationship with the LAPD, to preding on drug dealers, to partnering with drug dealers, against other drug dealers, to operating as a hit man, to consulting with a major importer of China white. It’s a wild ride, with peeks into the underworld.
A political group wants to kill Justin Imperiale. It would be simple for Justin to have them killed but he seeks a method that will teach a lesson about trying to kill the King of Averon. With things back under control, Justin then addresses trade problems. Yet another very pretty lady has arrived at the battlewagon that Interdicts Corin. Is the lady someone who can be useful to Justin or someone who will try to kill Justin? Justin then is able to add two more Kingdoms to his growing list. At one of the handover ceremonies, a paranormal talent tries to control Justin. The attempt fails, but gives Justin an idea. If Justin can flim flam a lot of people, he can get Corin declared an advanced civilization. Justin does obtain an interplanetary spacecraft and sets out to travel to the headquarters of the Galactic Federation. As Justin travels through the space keyhole that makes interplanetary flight practical, he realizes that he's traveling through a higher dimensional space. Justin struggles to understand exactly what a higher dimensional space is. Justin and crew do get to the headquarters of the Galactic Federation and they do get a hearing, after some adventure. He then faces trouble from the South Continent nation of Argentum. The trouble makes no sense, unless ...
A newsbreaking memoir that tackles head-on the toughest challenge in the world today. When a dying King Hussein shocked the world by picking his son rather than his brother, the longtime crown prince, to be the next king of Jordan, no one was more surprised than the young head of Special Operations, who discovered his life was in for a major upheaval. This is the inspirational story of a young prince who went to boarding school in America and military academy in Britain and grew up believing he would be a soldier. Back home, he hunted down terrorists and modernized Jordan's Special Forces. Then, suddenly, he found himself king. Together with his wife, Queen Rania, he transformed what it meant to be a monarch, going undercover to escape the bubble of the court while she became the Muslim world's most passionate advocate of women's rights. In this exceptionally candid memoir, King Abdullah tackles the single toughest issue he faces head-on- how to solve the Israeli-Palestinian standoff- and reveals himself to be an invaluable intermediary between America and the Arab world. He writes about the impact of the Iraq war on his neighborhood and how best to tackle Iran's nuclear ambitions. Why would a sitting head of state choose to write about the most explosive issues he faces? King Abdullah does so now because he believes we face a moment of truth: a last chance for peace in the Middle East. The prize is enormous, the cost of failure far greater than we dare imagine.
Justin Imperiale has begun to learn how to use more paranormal powers. He's using the information he gained when he defeated Gaiton. The latest thing is how to teleport himself from place to place.The South Continent Empire is near war with Tiwanaku, the country to the South of the present Empire.Tiwanaku is a country with a regular army, tanks, field artillery, heavily armed infantry and so forth. The situation seems likely to explode into war, but Justin has a plan.In the process of carrying out his plan, Justin encounters Annda, a woman he abandoned to a terrorist group. Annda and Justin have a mind war.After the mind war, Justin manages to obtain four neutron weapons that he can use to solve problems in Avuls. He then arms drone aircraft with the weapons and ships them to a seaport near Avuls.While the weapons are en-route, two space freighters and a warbird approach Corin. The ships contain refugees called Vorkal. The Vorkal have paranormal talents among them. Justin learns from the Vorkal paranormal; talents and also acquires a warbird.Justin needs to return to Mesodania, but decides to take the long way and he searches for and finds a talisman in the South continent.At a refueling stop, something is not right. So he flies to Ifrequeh, instead of directly back to Mesodania.In Ifrequeh, Justin discovers that a juju man called Dwarf is trying to take over his mine. To prevent a war, Justin is forced to fight a mind battle against the Dwarf.Justin then returns to Mesodania. He finds that war with Avuls threatens and Justin becomes the lone voice of reason amidst war hawks. The situation worsens and Justin secretly launches the drones that he's prepared and wipes out the leadership of Avuls. Voice of reason, Justin then leads an invasion of Avuls, 'just to provide needed leadership'.Several pretenders try to establish themselves as King of Avuls, but they run into Justin.Justin uses a combination of military power, religious endorsement and economic development to establish himself as King of Avuls.There are those who smuggle illegal drugs through Avuls. No one wants to actually stop the drug smuggling as the powers that be are profiting from the smuggling. That doesn't bother Justin, He just plans to steal the drugs.Justin then gets involved with a group in Mesodania who are selling silver objects. There is no commercial silver mining in Mesodania and Justin suspects that the silver is being mined via a gate, like the gate the the Glyon people use. He then explores the gate.There's a Temple of Vorell located near the city of Byzantion in the North Continent of the Old World. The Temple contains one of the scrolls Justin is seeking. The people in the area force the Priests out of the Temple and Justin plots to obtain the scroll.Justin still has his second chance and the adventure continues.
Justin Imperiale returns from Ifrequeh, after winning battles against Warlords there. He's managed to acquire a third scroll and he begins to try to acquire the knowledge contained in the scroll.Once again, He finds drug smugglers operating in his territory. Justin figures out a way to defeat them and also a way to obtain the high tech mini submarines that the drug smugglers were using. In addition, he raids the ship that's smuggling in the drugs and obtains a valuable cargo.The real source of the drug smuggling leads to the nation of Dunvar and also to the Dunvar based Union Mining operation. Trouble brews.With the drug smuggling problem solved, Justin then must travel back to the South Continent, where some of the eastern nations are enslaving the jungle people. Justin, a few Commandos, Tapu, the men of Glyon and a few politicians then travel to the plantations where the jungle people are held as slaves. Justin and the warriors then free at least most of the jungle people. Justin also tells the jungle people how they can remain free. There's a major problem, when one plantation tries to hold jungle people as hostages. Justin and the warriors then solve the problem and build the legend of the King of The Sky.Helgryn, one of Justin's Kingdoms then seizes a shipload of illegal drugs. The drugs were apparently owned by Union Mining and trouble with Dunvar looms.Colod, the country just to the North of the Empire decides to start a war. Colod has a powerful army and an air force. Colod was able to remain free of the ancient Empire, via force or arms, and war with Colod would appear to be a major problem for the Empire.Justin notes that the problems that the ancient Empire had with Colod were due to the use of conventional tactics by the ancient Empire. Justin decides to use unconventional tactics and launches a pre-emptive strike. The pre-emptive strike works, to a degree. However, there are many problems remaining.The situation in Colod is still being resolved when it's reported that Dunvar has forced the nation of Ariby to allow only Dunvar to sell the oil of Ariby to the world.Justin then begins to seize tanker ships containing the oil that Dunvar is attempting to sell. The process that Justin uses is legal, but Dunvar wants a full hearing before the Association of Nations. The request for a hearing is an obvious attempt to tie up Justin's time.Justin figures that the Dunvar request for a hearing is to keep him from Ariby. Justin flies to Ariby and finds major problems there. The solution to the problems is simple, all Justin has to do is to fight and win a duel against a demi-god.