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A strong case can be made that foreland basins are where the casual links between sedimentation and tectonic events were first recognized, as evidenced by the interpretations of geologists working in classic foreland areas. This Special Publication was derived from a Research Symposium entitled "Stratigraphic Sequences in Foreland Basins" held at the AAPG-SEPM joint annual meeting on June, 1992, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This volume provides a well-balanced perspective of current research on foreland basin stratigraphy and also serves as another element in the evolving framework that comprises our understanding of foreland basins. Given that so many of earth's resources are found in foreland basins and that foreland basin strata often provide the only preserved record of the tectonic events that led to basin development, the impetus for continued studies of foreland basin strata should remain for many generations of geologists to come.
Phanerozoic Global tectonic cycles (rifting of supercontinents, drifting and disassembly, closure and assembly) have a major impact of the development of the carbonate system. Volcanism during rifting affects global climate, leading to icehouse and greenhouse global climate conditions which affects marine abiotic carbonate mineralogy (aragonite seas during icehouse times, calcite seas during greenhouse times). During rifting and drifting stages, well-developed shelf margins and deep oceanic basins prevail, while during the assembly stage, shallow cratonic basins are characteristic. Ice house and greenhouse conditions impact the development of carbonate shelves. During icehouse conditions, high amplitude sea-level cycles favor development of rimmed shelves, thick fourth-order cycles, and deep karsting at sequence boundaries. Greenhouse conditions favor accretionary shelves with many thin parasequences and mild exposure surfaces. Biologic evolution also has a major impact on the carbonate system. The development of framework reefs is cyclical through the Phanerozoic as reef-building organisms evolve, leading to reef-free periods. The majority of carbonate sediments owe their mineralogy to the preferred mineralogy of the biota responsible for the sediments. As these groups evolve and become extinct, the sediment mineralogy mirrors these changes. A major carbonate database developed by Exxon/Mobil (termed the CATT hypothesis) has enormous potential as a tool to assist the exploration geoscientist in developing well-constrained conceptual geologic models and the development team to develop viable analogs for their reservoirs.
This volume also discusses the computer modelling of carbonate cycles and sequence analysis. This will prove an invaluable text for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students in the earth sciences in general and will also be of value to the professional researcher. Carbonate platforms contains contributions from an international authorship and the volume has been edited by one of the most respected names in the earth sciences. Areas covered include; early rifting deposition; examples from carbonate sequences of Sardinia (Cambrian) and Tuscany (Triassic-Jurassic), Italy; geometry and evolution of platform-margin bioclastic shoals, late Dinantian (Mississippian), Derbyshire, UK; cyclic sedimentation in cabonate and mixed carbonate/clastic environments; four simulation programs for a desktop computer; middle Triassic carbonate ramp systems in the Catalan Basis, N.E. Spain; facies, cycles, depositional sequencies and controls; stages in the evolution of late Triassic and Jurassic platform carbonates; western margin of the Subalpine basin, Ardech, France. The formation and drowning of isolated carbonate platforms; tectonic and ecologic control of the Northern Apennines; controls on Upper Jurassic carbonate build up development in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal; Hauterivian to Lower Aptian carbonate shelf sedimentation and sequence stratigraphy in the Jura and northern Subalpine chains (southeastern France and Swiss Jura); basement structural controls on Mesozoic carbonate facies in northeastern Mexico; the Aptian-Albian carbonate episode of the Basque-Cantabrian Basis (Northern Spain); general characteristics, controls and evolution; response of the Arabian carbonate platform margin slope to orogenic closing of an ocean basin, Cretaceous, Oman.
Combining field research of outcrop geology and investigating the recent formation of carbonate rocks in coastal environments the author gives an introduction in sequence stratigraphy. Using computer simulations the book focuses on four questions, regarding the geometry of carbonate wedges, sequences comparable with geotectonic cycles, their influence by geoidal pulses and the determination of these geoidal pulse distribution in geological time. Examples from the Alps and Florida show that ramps and divergent patterns, megabreccias, drowning of carbonate platforms etc. are results of global short-term sea level falls, interpreted as geoidal eustasy. This volume will be a fruitful supplement for the interpretation and understanding of sequence stratigraphic sections not only for scientists and students but also for researchers in the oil andgas industry.
This short course is in three parts. Part 1 examines in general terms how carbonate cycles are generated on carbonate platforms, types of carbonate cycles developed, stacking patterns, margin geometries, degree of disconformity development, and briefly overview any characteristic diagenetic effects. Part 2 examines cycles and one- and two-dimensional stacking patterns, high resolution stratigraphy, and reservoir geometry on Later Permian platforms in the Permian Basin of West Texas. Part 3 examines reservoirs formed in an ice-house world during the major Carboniferous glaciation of Gondwana, using the Middle Pennsylvanian carbonates of the Giant Aneth oil field, Paradox Basin, Utah.